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Posts posted by falcon45ca

  1. 1. Prunella Scales

    2. Leon Spinks

    3. Tom Smith

    4. Henry Kissinger

    5. Murray Walker

    6. Bob Dole

    7. Prince Phillip

    8. Rush Limbaugh

    9. Cloris Leachman

    10. Desmond Tutu

    11. Cicely Tyson

    12. Dick Van Duke

    13. Larry Storch

    14. Harry Belafonte 

    15. Angela Lansbury

    16. Bob Barker

    17. Mel Brooks

    18. Betty White

    19. Tony Bennett

    20. Eva Marie Saint


  2. 2 hours ago, Petey_BOI said:

    hot dogs aren't so bad, a little fatty is all. when butcheing plants cut their meat they package up for us to eat, they have waste trimmings. rather than just throw out human grade meat they make the hot dog.



    here's a picture of the meat before its turned into that delicious tube.


    really fatty!!!! if you buy a hot dog you should really be buying the lower fat content, but also watch out that they don't introduce fillers, or a abundance of salt  to make up for the flavor loss. I am always mindful when buying cured meats like hot dogs,lunch meats and bacon, I try to avoid sodium nitrite because it has been proven to effect how the brain  functions and has been linked to diabetes and heart disease.

    basically any other preservative is better than sodium nitrite.  (much different than  sodium nitrate)


    stop buying hotdogs with 20% fat and contain preservatives(sodium nitrites) that cause cancer, diabetes and heart disease.




    Aren't you supposed to be taking time away from CDC, and focusing on yourself?



    Go find your truth Peter BOI...be free.

    • Haha 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, naslund.is.king said:

    virt sign up for our discord

    Our community needs you for games

    This way if you dont sign into cdc atleast you'll get notifications for our games 

    CdC needs regulars like you man 

    He hasn't played a game in 7 years.







    Signed up for, sure, but played? Nope

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  4. 5 hours ago, PhillipBlunt said:

    So these protestors want to protest climate change by closing down a bridge which will cause hundreds of cars to idle and then take longer routes to their destinations.

    This will definitely increase the exhaust in the air for Vancouver today. So well thought out, creating more pollution by protesting pollution. 

    It's called reverse psychology 

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  5. spacer.png


    '21 Vegas Golden Knights



    Arvidsson - Vatrano - Bailey

    Drouin - Hughes - Dadanov

    Thompson - Sturm - Kolesar

    Amadio - Shore - Barre-Boulet


    Murphy - Holl

    Butcher - Foote

    Chatfield - Mahura





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  6. 2 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

    One of these little suckers built a nest on a wind chime outside my front door. Everytime I go outside she takes flight and scares the bejesus out of me. That being said I've put up a number of hummingbird feeders around the yard and I'm going to do my best to make sure she's successful. 

    You're gonna have to hold off on any home reno projects or yard work...$&!#, I don't even know if you should wash the dishes for the next 4 months

    • Haha 1
  7. 52 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

    Yah the ole sniff o less hey?  well first you want to bleed the diseased orifice by attaching leeches to the site as well as each nipple and any Apthous you may have, and since it’s you I would guess there is a lot. Next you want to ensure the sores on your labia are given plenty of ointment as we don’t want them to abscess and lead to necrosis. Well you probably don’t at any rate I don’t really care either way. Have your gyno inspect your cervix and if they notice dyskaryosis of the cervical cells tell them to preform and ECC and to give you a copy of the biopsy results. Tell them that you want a 10,000,000 unit injection of Benzathine Penicillin directly into your puborectalis. Don’t worry if they have to do many many many injections, it will start to hurt a little less after the 20th injection or when you pass out. Now you should be cured and you should consider not spreading your legs for any dude that offers you a crack rock. Hope that helps.

    Get a  2nd opinion @BoKnows

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  8. 10 hours ago, janisahockeynut said:

    You don't think your Pharmacist could not monitor? I mean if you have extended medical, your Pharacist and your extended Medical won'y let you order early, even 10 days ealy, so I don't think you can use that reason.


    Also, I am not saying all meds, or all exams, or tests, but if you are willing to pay out of pocket, why not allow us the choice. I am an adult. I can make good choices, I have raised 2 kids.............


    It is like the Doctors are protecting themselves...... again I don't need to see a doctor to get medication advise, a pharmacist can do that, and does in many countries........

    Famous last words right here

  9. 1 hour ago, janisahockeynut said:

    Now, this issue has been nagging at me, for alot longer than just covid. Who, but our selves, is an expert on ourselves. What I mean, is normally, we do the original diagnostic on ourselves, by saying, I don't feel good, or I think something is broken, etc. Then we check ourselves in to see a doctor. Then the medical system say, we will take over and you do not know anything. Now, that is true to some extent, and I have no problem with following the doctors orders, or being exrayed at the doctors request..............no problem with all that.




    I do have a problem, when a Diabetic has to see a doctor for a new prescription, when the old one is working well and I have been stable for years. It bothers me, when I need to go get a new order for an asthma medicine, I have been taking for years. I am the one who reports there is a problem, so does it not reason, that I can say, everything is ok?


    Fast tract to the Covid anti-body test, where I need to get a doctor to order it, even though I have to pay for it. Come on, it is a simple test, which I instigate. I don't mind paying doctors for their expertise, but we need to rid the system of the needless costs.......why see a doctor, when you don't think you need his advise? In Mexico, you don't need to see him for everything, why here?


    Just wondering what you think.............

    People should not be their own doctors, nor in charge of evaluating their health for the purpose of refilling prescription drugs.



    Your doctor does this because A: medical conditions, even lifelong one's, can change and need to be reevaluated, or newer medications become available that are more effective, and B: it can help manage a patient from abusing their medications.


    Long term meds like ventolin for asthma usually get like 6 refills before you have to revisit the Doc. It’s not unreasonable to have to see your Doc periodically to keep your prescription meds going.

  10. 2 hours ago, Aladeen said:

    Naw boi, if any man were to look upon it they would realize instantly that that is what a man is supposed to look like. It would shatter your world to realize what you thought was a penis between your legs, what had been giving you pleasure your whole life, what perhaps you may even have previously been proud of, was in reality just a slightly engorged clitoris. It would destroy your very thought of reality, the shame would overwhelm you and burn up your flesh, blood, and bone from the inside out. In the final moments you would beg for your miserable façade of a life to come to a swift end. Mercifully it would. Your consciousness would become so devoid of any sort of concrete rationale belief that it would deprive you of any sort of afterlife. What some religions call hell is the prison you would create for yourself for all eternity to come. The warping and destroying of your fragile ego would leave only the ID of your mind to create a fantasy realm where nothing exists only the sweet release of dark emptiness until every last star in the universe were to burn out.  


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