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Posts posted by falcon45ca

  1. 19 hours ago, Gyllenhaal said:

    jeez, I come in here to read about your guys progress and your arguing about milk...

    Anyways, I've been weight training for the past five months. I've gone from 130lbs to 140lbs (I'm 6'), yea I know I'm really skinny but my body has a really high metabolism so its hard to gain weight. But I've been using protein powders for the past month and a half and they have worked really well. I used a mass gainer for the first month and I gained 5lbs, but then I switched to a whey protein and it hasn't done anything for me so I'm gonna go back to the mass gainer.

    My routine is basically all compound exercises using dumbbells, I want to start using the bar but it's too intimidating and I go to the gym alone so I have no one to spot me, but i have a friend who has been working out for years so once I start school I'll ask him if he can help me out.

    Mass gainers are going to work well at getting you heavier, they have tons of calories but those calories are typically garbage, sugar primarily. If you can get those extra calories form whole foods, do it. It's very, very, very unlikely you gained 5 lbs of muscle in one month from using mass gainers, probably .5-1 lb of muscle & the rest fat. Enjoy your newbie gains! They're the sweetest plum. 


    Get under & over the bar. It's a great feeling, & as long as you're not ego lifting it's safe without a spotter. I've never used a spotter in the gym, & frankly I feel spotters are for people trying to lift way too heavy. If you can't do 6-8 clean, full range of motion lifts without a spotter, it's too  much weight.

    • Upvote 2
  2. 51 minutes ago, LuckyLuciano said:

    Been getting acne on my shoulders! :(

    i read somewhere strength training/protein shakes can cause acne to increase.

    any tips other than shower asap and looser fitting clothes?

    Make sure you're  washing your bedding (pillow cases, sheets, blankets) once a week.

  3. 3 hours ago, nucklehead said:

    One time I got on a bus when it was 1.25. I only had 1.05 but it was all nickels and dimes so I made sure I was in in the middle of the line up then I just dumped them all in and ran to the back of the bus.

    I've notified the local authorities.

  4. 10 hours ago, key2thecup said:

    Is 10 reps and 4 sets considered a good amount per exercise?

    Take it to failure, by which I mean you can not do a clean, full range of motion rep. If you do 10 reps for 4 sets, but the weight isn't challenging you at the end of each set, it won't do diddly muscle building wise.


    Full range of motion, each rep should take about 4 seconds to complete (1 second up, 3 seconds going down) & if you're able to do 10-12 & feel like you could do 3-4 more, bump up the weight.  Don't ego lift: if you can't do the weight clean & with a full range, it's too heavy. 

  5. On October 26, 2015 at 11:26:33 PM, riffraff said:

    I love running....and swimming now.


    i started committing to consistent runs just over two years ago.  I was doing great until I got to just over 15k runs and started getting pain in the back of my hip...I couldn't shake it so I started swimming a few times per week last fall....id do shorter runs 6-8km on the treadmill during (Saskatoon winters) but immediately follow with a quick front crawl 1.5km swim..


    I find it really tough to break the 15km though - running that is.  I'm a carpenter and I'll work 10-12 hour days  anywhere from 25-35 days in a row then a couple weeks off . I'm 39 and basically I think I'm just not getting enough calories or rest to get into longer distances.  My cardio is totally fine. I'm carrying a 190lb body weight too so that's not helping. I can't afford to get much lighter as I need the strength/weight/leverage for work especially in winter when it gets stupid cold.  Once it gets to about -15 to -20 I run inside.

    Swimming has proven to be a great low resistance workout as well for me. I've noticed range of motion and posture improvements as a result.


    ive never raced or competed.  I suppose some sort of amateur half triathlon would be cool.  And I would love to do a half marathon at least but I'm sure that I will have to take my time  adjusting to 15-20+km and somehow reduce my work schedule (ya right!)


    but it if I don't race no biggie.  I just enjoy zoning out with my tunes and trails (when I'm home).

    Good luck.


    and you'll enjoy this:



    The first person who ran a marathon died immediately after it's completion, which to my mind says a lot about how good marathons are for you. I've done a few amateur 5K runs, and done a couple 10K's for training purposes, but I find I get bored & also get little pains here & there, knees, shins, etc. after like 8K.


    I really enjoying biking, I never get any of those pains, can go for hours & it's awesome how much of the city you can get to see while riding around. (Saskatoon here also!)


    Just recently got back into the weight room after rehabbing  a shoulder injury the last 6 months, didn't lose much size but a lot of strength & endurance.  

  6. While I'm not 100% up to date on Ant-Man, I do believe that Scott Lang becomes Ant-Man when Pym retires. I've only read a few of the comics and Lang was Ant-Man in them.

    Where they veer off into there own thing is having Yellowjacket as the villian. I thought he was another incarnation of the Ant-Man suit, and a good guy.

    I don't mind when they switch the scripts around if it makes the movies better, but too many Marvel villians lately are just mirror copies of the heroes. They need to get away from this and start bringing in some unique bad guys with different powers and abilities or it's going to get stale real quick.

    Bingo! It is perfectly acceptable for Scott Lang to become the first Ant-Man in the MCU, they've already set a precedent for making small little tweaks that still remain faithful to the source materials.

  7. I thought he was more serious then calm.

    I thought so perhaps as well, but after re-watching some of his interviews...the cool way he (almost) casually flirted with the reporter gal as he walked away with his mic still attached? Seeing some of his interactions at the prospect camp? Especially compared to Virtanen's "mic'd up" segment...Virt really seemed kinda childish, the way he kept repeating his 'Subes, stay on yer feet' & laughed at his own joke? I don't know, he just came off as disingenuous.

    I'm reading way, way, WAAAY too much into Virtanen, but I'm damn sure that Boeser is a born star, the guy just oozes confidence...his brother married or engaged to an NFL cheerleader? Clearly there is some elegance stored in his luscious, suave locks, & lord knows that ALWAYS translates to NHL greatness...Jagr anyone? Anyone?

    Damn Jagr is sexy.

  8. I think having an NHL body will make the transition easier and can play almost anywhere in the line up unlike shink, it's pretty common for a 6th overall pick to play in NHL in his 2nd year after the draft. Personally I think he will surprise a lot of people after a hard summer of training. If he continues to get faster and stronger he could be scary even at the NHL level.

    That's true, Jake definitely has size on his side. Time will tell, hopefully he has a real strong summer in the gym...it would be pretty sweet if some of the Canucks top prospects can actually earn a roster spot next season.

  9. Will definitely get 9 games next year, will have to really impress to make the team for the whole year but not out of the question.

    I'm skeptical he'll crack the Canucks roster next season, unless injuries force his call-up. I think he needs at least a full year at the AHL level, it's a big jump to go from the CHL to the NHL...Shink hasn't done it & he's performed better at the CHL level than Virtanen.

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