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WHL rocks

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Everything posted by WHL rocks

  1. It's when the ball starts to move not where the ball is. Player loses control the moment the ball starts to move even while in his arms.
  2. I thought he was down. But on replay looks like Pats ball. YES!!
  3. Yes, good stop D. Give up a FG no prob. Just don't be giving up TD's
  4. Why do they help out Tom Brady? Is it his good looks? Or maybe the refs have a thing for his model wife? Curious why that would be.
  5. Brady's a champ. Took a pretty good hit there, good thing he didn't get hurt.
  6. Kassian great hockey IQ? Don't' think any educated hockey fan said that. Actually it was the opposite of that. Kas couldn't figure out where to be on the ice, that's why he was in the doghouse of every coach on Vancouver. That and his off ice issues but he was given opportunities but just couldn't process the game at a high level. But generally power forwards and Dmen take longer to develop. Virtanen will be fine in 3 or 4 years if he's developed properly. It's a proces.
  7. Don't even get me started. lol. I've expressed my feelings about some of their "talent". Pratt is probably the most annoying for me, he's just a blowhard who looks for attention and he's lazy. Bro Jake doesn't know much about sports but he's much better than when he started. He keeps it light at 6AM. I don't mind him because of the time slot. I just switch to 1410 when 1040 is talking about anything other than hockey. 1410 has a great lineup and top end shows. Mike and Mike are good in the morning, Rome starts after that, then you get Dan Patrick ank Rich Eisen. By then my day is done and it's time to go home. I do enjoy Moj and Taylor. Barry Mac's descent, he's knowledgable on baseball and Moj on football. The show is better with all 3 of them on. BMac's battled some demons recently so I like to see he's doing well and working. I pretty much go back and forth all day.
  8. It doesn't make anyone look bad, not the least bit. It's how things work, part of Jim Benning's job is to make sure Canucks prospects are in the best position possible to develop properly and succeed. It's normal that he would be involved. He wouldn't be doing his job if he wasn't involved. Lot's of things make "us" look bad but we still do them because it's part of the process but this isn't one of them. JB set Jan 10 as his decision making deadline on sending JV to juniors. Jan 10 is also WHL trade deadline day. That right there tells you he want's to get JV on a contender so he can make a deep playoff run and be one of the top, go to guys on that team.
  9. Makes sense to bring JV back to the Canucks for a while before making a decision on sending him to juniors. He probably feels pretty down right now after the tourney he had, so wouldn't be productive to send him straight down. Let him earn another NHL paycheck, get to play some NHL games and be around his teammates in an NHL locker room. Wouldn't be surprised to learn if JB's been on the phone talking to likes of Kelowna or Everett in an attempt to facilitate a trade out of Calgary. The Jan 10 date to make a decision on JV for rest of the year is the same day as WHL trade deadline. I think a trade will be facilitated and JV will go down. It's the best thing for everyone involved including the HItmen, Canucks,JV and Canucks fans because JV will be a better player due to this.
  10. Kid needs to go to the minors and ripen. He's not ready. Doesn't mean he's a bust, doesn't mean he's gonna suck, doesn't mean people who say this hate him, doesn't mean we are negative. It only means one thing... Kids not ready. He needs further development. And in the long run it's better for him and the team.
  11. PVR set. Thanks for the heads up.
  12. hahaha, yes Sir I am. And also old enough not to get sucked into a back and forth by you. I will say you make some points and I don't entirely disagree with your argument, just your delivery is a bit rough, not quite ready for the big leagues yet. You may end up a career minor leaguer if you don't adjust your game. btw: It's a bit cold for a beer, so I went ahead with a double Scotch, a little water, no ice. just right.
  13. Says the guy who's done nothing but rage in his 30 odd posts on this board and started an argument in every one of those posts. I won't even mention all the CAP LOCKS!! ARRRRGGHHHH I DON'T RAGE,,, NOOOOO I DON'T IT'S ALL OF YOU...... Lol, carry on. I'm about to crack open a beer.....
  14. Welcome to CDC. You'll notice most of us are here because we enjoy the game and discussing the team. Most people here aren't looking for arguments or to put down other people's opinion. Relax and do some reading. Get to know some of the regular posters and then make up your mind on who has hockey knowledge and who doesn't. You're jumping the gun a bit. There are guys who've been on here for many years, give it some time and get to know them a bit, at least a couple of months before calling others out.
  15. Excellent post. I was listening to 1040 earlier, looks like Weisbrod just showed up at the WJC's and he spoke of Virt being a north south player and that being the reason he's not top line player at the tourney etc. He also said 19 year old could lose his confidence quickly... It was a short clip I heard but to me it seems like Canucks mgmt is a bit concerned with Virtanen's play. That's the feeling I got. They should just send him to juniors after that tourney and let him over ripen before bringing him back upto the NHL next year.
  16. Your English is easier to understand than many people on CDC who's native tongue is English. On Tryamkin, I've always felt he'll be a stay at home, shut down D at the NHL level. If he makes the NHL it won't be for his offensive skills. Give me couple of goals and 10 Assists per year, but play big , physical , sound defensive game and I'll be happy.
  17. I'd like to see the NY Jets get in. They just belong and NFL playoffs are better for it. Just like if Leafs are in NHL playoffs. Brings even more hype when the biggest city in the US is involved in NFL playoffs. Same goes for hockey and Leafs. Also that Vikings Pac game is probably the one to watch like Jagermeister said. Go Pats
  18. Personally I couldn't care less. It doesn't take this report for me to think he did any PED's. I think there are very few NFL players who don't, I mean maybe a handful in the entire NFL. I go by the premise that they're all on it and I couldn't care less. It's a very physical sport and taking things that help you recover and perform better is part of the sport. Just like practicing or taking protein etc. etc. I don't expect Manning's reputation to be torn down by this. Looks like the media is behind him and this won't go any further.
  19. It's not about the NFL doing something to Manning, It's about damage to his legacy. He'd be crazy to sue. That's just public relations getting to work. Suing Al Jazeera is probably the stupidest thing he could do because if it gets to court the truth would get out. And that's not what Manning wants. He'll just deny all this and say it's nonsense. Mannings already hired former White House press sec. Ari Fleischer to handle the public relations. It's not just about Manning, there are many athletes named. You should watch the documentary if you have time. Also the documentary claims Manning's wife was prescribed and shipped the HGH, Manning does not deny that fact. Doesn't take a genius to put things in perspective. Ashley Manning gave birth to twins in 2011, would anyone believe she was on HGH while pregnant or nursing? Only an incredibly naive person would.
  20. It's not about putting in the work Rocket. You just can't compete with someone who's on this stuff. It's just a huge difference. I can tell you from experience with having pro athletes as friends and training at high level that it's not about just training at that level. These products can take an average guy and make him pro. I'd bet 75% of all pro athletes are on or have been on PEDs at some point in their life. That's a conservative number IMO. Manning never denied that his wife Ashley was shipped HGH from this clinic during said time period. He says that's private and between her and her doctors. I'd be shocked if Manning didn't take HGH or other PED's during his career prior to this injury. I'd be more shocked to learn he didn't over the fact that he did take these products. It's not just about recovering from injury, this stuff just makes you a beast. Most athletes do PEDs at a younger age, well before they get injured. Especially in the NFL, it's completely normal for these guys to be on PEDs. I know a couple of guys from GVRD who made a NFL and CFL teams, and they've told me that the team trainers would provide this stuff to them. Same thing with junior hockey players in Canada. THis stuff is widely prevalent among athletes. Heck go to your local gym and most gym rats are on this stuff.
  21. In other news Peyton Manning's wife was shipped HGH during his injury in 2011. A secret recording of a clinic worker confirms it but the clinic worker recanted when he realized he'd been secretly recorded. Manning calls it lies but does not refuse the fact the his wife was shipped HGH. He says that's her thing not his. Yeah right. She's getting shipped HGH and doing it, but he's not. lol at anyone who's naive enough to believe that crap.
  22. I watched the game live, originally I thought the same thing as you. But after the game Slater told the media he asked his coaches over and over it they really wanted to kick off and was told yes. The confusion was over field direction not if he wanted to receive or kick. THe team which wins the coin toss only gets to pick if they want to kick or receive, other team picks field direction. That's what the confusion esd about.
  23. THat was on purpose. Belichick said after the game that he wanted to play D to start OT. Could be that he did it cus he knew by then that Steelers had lost and this would help keep them out of the playoffs. If true, I love it. Go Pats.
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