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Vinny in Vancouver

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  1. Don't look now, but Petey's about to eclipse his season-high for points. How is that even possible given how badly he played most of the first half of the season???

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -AJ-


      The realist in me will point out that he's played more games than ever before, allowing him more opportunities to pick up points. His points per game of 0.86 is still quite a bit lower than his first two seasons.


      The optimist in me will point out that over his second half of 38 games, he has 46 points, which is 1.21 points per game, significantly above his best years and would put him on pace for 99 points over 82 games.


      @JM_ The crazy thing is, as insane as his 17.4% shooting percentage is, it's lower than his current career average of 17.6%. He's just an incredible shooter.

    3. Vinny in Vancouver

      Vinny in Vancouver

      @-AJ-For a while there, he was actually playing on the third line as well.


    4. Devron


      Yup and you know what. He’s a better player for it. I very certain he’ll have 80-90 points next season 

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