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Posts posted by coastal.view

  1. 1 minute ago, The Lock said:

    I think I'm just getting frustrated. I was on facebook earlier and amazed how many people think this whole thing is a conspiracy and fear mongering. So when someone tells my I'm fear mongering in all of this, I'm already frustrated enough to take it personal.

    i am not being stupid about this

    i say continue with all safety recommendations

    i appreciate your annoyance with other online sources

    i am serious in my posting

    so read my posts from that perspective


    (it seems gurn does, anyone else?)

  2. 2 minutes ago, The Lock said:

    So you're going to walk and exercise for 12 hours a day or are you going to be at home for most of that?


    What's your point?

    why are you personalizing this?

    i work

    i exercise

    i eat

    i sleep


    is that ok?

  3. 1 minute ago, The Lock said:

    It's called being in a profession where she can't be in isolation. Just like a health worker. She's kind of important at the moment.

    i'm simply saying listen to her


    she says go out and exercise


    she also clearly laid out the plan to get this virus under control

    to flatten the curve

    i do not wish to engage in symmantics with you over the word control

    we no longer have an uncontrolled outbreak

    it is being tracked with testing

    cluster outbreaks are aggressively responded to and contained

    authorities are doing a very good job

    and have developed sophisticated methods to deal with the virus


    so the plan has worked


  4. 3 minutes ago, Me_ said:

    Flattening the curve doesn’t necessarily mean less dead; it means easing the strain on our medical system. 

    Flattening the curve lengthens the curve.


    Self-isolation and social distancing causes less dead.


    Real simple Bud.



    that is your narrative

    dr. henry clearly says go out and walk and exercise



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  5. 4 minutes ago, Me_ said:

    I wouldn’t spit on anything right now...


    Going out is safe yes. If you can be down wind, away from cyclists, runners, and the others who may be within 30 feet of you. Sure.


    I’ll listen to what everyone else with authority on the matter is also saying; not just one Doctor.


    If a doctor tells you you have cancer, that’s it? You don’t look for another opinion? And a third?


    If a doctor tells you to go out and ten others tell you not to, are you still going to go out?

    you do understand dr henry

    is the spokesperson for the medical profession

    for the bc center for disease control

    you pretend she is acting in isolation

    why do you need to engage in this manner of misinformation?


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  6. 7 minutes ago, The Lock said:

    Except it isn't. We don't actually know how many people have it. We just know there are less known cases per day at the moment, which is great, but that's far from controlled.


    Perhaps that's the mistake you're making?

    not sure if you are clear on what the mandate or goal was

    it was to flatten the curve of the pandemic out break

    to get on top of things and track infections

    this is all in place


    there is no plan or illusion that these steps we will stop infections

    but the steps that have been taken have done what they were intended to do


    a vaccine will be helpful

    and will get us back to normal

    i have not been advocating going back to normal presently

    there is no guarantee that a vaccine will be easily developed

    this virus is sars2, they still have not developed a vaccine for sars

    the vaccine narrative might be a bit optimistic


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  7. Just now, Me_ said:

    You are right.

    However, this is very early in the game and flouting protocol is nothing short of criminal in many instances.


    Now you got some ideas on how to get out of this, please be my guess in spreading the goods and helping out. 

    Or even copyright or patent the thing and start it up. 

    But seriously, advocating going out is the stupidest thing anyone could do right now.

    you are spit balling

    going out is safe

    walk and get exercise

    it is good for your health


  8. 1 minute ago, The Lock said:

    It's not fear mongering. It's protecting people. I know I'll most likely survive this pandemic. However, if I get this virus, my parents could be dead. That's the reality of the situation.


    In this case, famous last words mean people you love will die. I'm not saying that to cause fear. I'm saying that's what WILL happen if this virus is not kept in check. Is that what you want?


    Anyway, I'm not going to hold your hand in all of this. You clearly don't understand the situation we're in and I feel that even if I gave you 30 articles on this subject, you'd still be in some form of denial. Stay safe dude. I know this likely isn't what you want and you're likely frustrated with this whole thing, but stay safe. Err on the side of caution because it's the people who think this whole thing is "fear mongering" who will ultimately kill more people unfortunately. 

    don't be patronizing

    it is stupid


    i have elderly parents who i do not presently see

    your emotional nonsense does not help


    i follow the bc authorities updates

    i don't need 30 articles from the internet to confuse things

    not sure why you think mass information not properly distilled is helpful


    the reality is the virus is controlled and tracked

    so we have accomplished the initial necessary step

    let's take the next one





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  9. Just now, Me_ said:

    I don’t really care about Dr. Henry.




    Everyone else says stay home. 


    so you are the authority

    you issued the memo?


    seriously people

    do what is safe

    but don't cower in what was needed to make things safe

    learn from it

    continue to apply

    and let's get more sophisticated about how to more clearly limit activity going forward

    a complete shut down is not sustainable

    and will in fact incite non compliance

    it has to make sense to be effective

    • Cheers 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, Me_ said:

    “And stay home if/when they have ailment”


    Have you not been watching the news lately?




    Not “stay home if/ when you’re sick”


    We’re more than 6 months into a world pandemic and you’re still arguing against Global, National & Provincial protocol?


    Your necessities should include:

    Groceries once a week, alone.


    ...........and that’s about it.


    Get with the god damn program bud.


    not true

    dr henry repeatedly tells people to get out

    get exercise

    do you even watch her updates?

    i do daily


    you have your own agenda i think



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  11. 1 minute ago, stawns said:

    I feel, from your posts, that you are naive to the truth of human behaviour

    completely untrue


    you are naive to what we have just seen happen

    the entire population effectively

    followed recommendations

    and the virus outbreak was managed to be controlled

    that is reality


    not sure what else you need to see




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  12. Just now, The Lock said:

    The realism that if we ease up now, we end up back in isolation in the summer. What you are implying what you want will prolong this disease and the isolation.

    based on what?

    you are fear mongering


    practice the safety recommendations

    i'm not saying go back entirely to how things were before

    i just want to start slowly to more options for people

    isolation has its own costs

    • Upvote 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, The Lock said:

    It's great that you feel safe. A lot of other people don't. Let's not wreck this for those people. Let's also get rid of this virus so that we don't end up with months more of isolation.


    Isolate now and get out of this sooner. Do you want to be back in isolation in the summer? I know I don't.

    you fail to answer what other realism needs to be factored in


    i get that some people feel afraid no matter what

    fear levels do not determine what is safe


    i strongly advocated adhering to all restrictions and recommendations

    they worked

    so great, they worked

    so let's get on with things


    if we see there is more then a minor set back

    we can always readjust

    and be a little more restrictive

    but i doubt that will happen

    people will maintain safe practices they have learned

    we are not stupid

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  14. 28 minutes ago, The Lock said:

    Except much of the minority who normally wouldn't follow them WILL follow them with incentive, such as law. While the law doesn't work on everybody evidently, it does work on a lot of people who would otherwise break the law. We need to minimize exposure to the virus and if measures are needed to do that then do them.


    The people who are willing to be in isolation are likely willing to do this until we're ready to come out of it. What we have now is the harsh reality until we are certain we wouldn't just let the corona spread from coming out of isolation. I think what you consider to be "realistic" will just kill more people, honestly.

    i think you over react

    which makes me wonder if you really know how the virus actually is transmitted


    people need to maintain distancing

    cover their coughing or wear a mask

    wash hands regularly and effectively

    and stay home if/when they have any ailment


    not sure what other realism you think needs to be factored in

    i have listed the safety recommendation

    anything and anyone that can follow these can again become a safe activity

    so for the majority of us that can do that

    we will not be infected by the stupid minority who refuse


    i feel safe enough now

    and wish to get on with things

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  15. On 4/11/2020 at 11:19 PM, canuktravella said:

    schaller was a waste of 2 mill in cap and did nothing    benning signs a bunch lemons  every few yrs ( schaller, eriksson, gagner, benn, sutter) all under achieving on their contracts  id take goldy at 700k any day over these bums 

    he'll be free soon

    go ahead and sign him



  16. 36 minutes ago, SilentSam said:

    I’ve obviously got nothing better to do but dig up what seems to be a “Dead Horse”..

    but here goes..

    Most other players that would have been eligible for a cap recapture penalty conveniently went on long-term injured reserve for the final years of their contracts, avoiding the penalty.

    If you read Roberto Luongo’s open letter to his fans, it certainly seems like that could have been an option for him.

    “Since I had my hip surgery a couple of years ago, I've been showing up two hours before every practice and three hours before every game to work out my hip,” said Luongo in his letter. “Even at night, whether it was the night before a game or even a night off, there I was rolling out, doing strengthening exercises. My entire life revolved around recovery, strengthening and making sure I was ready to go the next day.”

    ...  I’m not a lawyer,  but should the NHLPA not have made sure that Luongo went on LTIR ?

    Dosent Luongo’s actions weaken the CBA for other players?   
    Even Tallon stated before RL retired that it was hard watching his goaltender prepare and play in such pain.




    so you think luongo should not be permitted to retire?



  17. 4 hours ago, wildcam said:

    Every city will have the same issues..

    Every country is going deeper in debt with Covid -19...Every country was in serious debt even before Covid 19..

    False economy for over 20 years, they just keep printing money?

    Just keep safe and try and stay positive..

    Talk about bright future of the Vancouver Canucks...


    not sure why this is as big a deal as being made out

    in my experience property tax debt is simply secured by charging the property

    and the city eventually does get paid

    making this a secured debt

    (have you ever been involved in a conveyance where property tax was not an adjustment issue?)


    so this is really a cash flow issue

    and taking steps to finance this flow solves insolvency issues

    what am i missing here?
    all businesses deal with these sorts of issues regularly

    and banks are easily on board when there are ebbs in cash flow

    particularly where the ebb portion in the flow is converted to secured debt

    • Upvote 1
  18. 13 hours ago, Dustbin said:

    In my first post I emphasized the fact that I want us to spend billions on protecting the vulnerable (instead of unemployment benefits). Sweden should have done more in this regard.


    We will see what their numbers are in a month. They are going down fast already, but I do think this is an anomaly. It's too soon I would think. 


    Hopefully they wont get spooked into a lockdown. I think UK caved at just the wrong time. Short term pain perhaps. Sweden will tell the tale I guess.

    no need to focus on sweden

    the netherlands is the real test case

    and are getting hammered

    sweden has had a bit more of a controlled approach from the beginning

    netherlands simply did monitoring without intervention

    uk was also on the netherlands approach and then bailed with boris was shown death number projections

    netherlands is a smallish country - 17 million people - approaching 3,000 deaths

    canada is about 2x the population size, so would be tracking close to 6,000 instead of 717, if they followed netherlands approach

  19. 14 hours ago, The Lock said:

    Except it's the small number of people that often ruin things for everyone. Laws are literally made so that the small number of people will comply with them. Video games are changed due to a small number of people exploiting them.


    In this case, it's the "small number of people" killing other people through transmitting the disease. It doesn't matter how many or how few there are. The fact that there are people not complying puts everyone else at risk. Period.


    Like I said before, I would love to have your faith in humanity, but I kind of think it would be better suited to being a positive mindset believing we'll get through this rather than ignoring what people are doing in prolonging this disease. Again, the numbers don't matter here. The very fact that they're risking our lives over their ignorance of all of this is what angers me in the end. I have no sympathy for those people at all if they aren't willing to sympathize with everyone else.


    except you for overlooking

    that we got to where we are because the vast majority did as recommended

    so not sure why you still wish to focus on the minority

    you want rules for the minority who won't follow them anyway


    i'd rather see more realistic rules for everyone

    with some enforcement for those who breach



  20. 6 hours ago, The Lock said:

    I'd love to be able to believe every human being will do the right thing. I really do.


    However, when in human history has it happened where at least some people didn't do what they should have done? I just don't think you're being realistic at all with your statement and believe me when I say, I'm an idealist. I want what's best for the world but when I see non-essential stores packed with people still, that goes entirely against what you are saying is happening.


    Also, keep in mind the cases are KNOWN cases. Multiply that number by at least 3 or 4 times (if not more) if you want a realistic answer since you also have people with little to no symptoms or people who just stayed home with covid without being tested.


    Also, I want to point out that, if you want a better outcome, you plan for the worst. If you ignore what could happen you make things worse.

    well i think in our society

    the freedom of the majority is not curtailed by a minority of bad apples


    i think their failures to comply are overstated mostly anyway

    it is a small number of people

    and no matter what they have or have not done

    the current stricter regime was not followed by them

    and they did not really impact the outbreak

    so not sure why we want to continue to constrain the rest of us to this degree

    when the non compliant ones were not complying before

    not sure what logic is being used here


    the vast majority of people will continue to comply \

    and be careful

    and follow recommendations

    impose tougher penalties on those who do not

    but don't take that issue out on the majority of us


  21. 6 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:

    I haven't been in here in awhile...can you provide a source for this?  I'd guess this is extremely low and doesn't represent the "real" number.  This is scary to spread numbers as fact when, in fact, no one really knows.  It will give some a false sense of security and a free pass to let up on things.


    Some of us have done a good job...while the others flit around out there, toying with this thing like it's a Press Your Luck game show.  It's infuriating to me because it's my family's health and well being that they're potentially playing with.  They're not just foolishly taking a chance on their own behalf, but this stuff spreads and their stubborn ignorance puts others at risk.  


    look at the initial post i made that started this ongoing discussion

    it's pretty straight forward

    nothing odd about how that number was reached

  22. 6 hours ago, Kanukfanatic said:

    Thank goodness we have actual health professionals who will make the decision when to re open business's and not some internet poster that can't even type proper sentences.


    you are so deeply bothered

    i'm sure there are more important issues

    then the format of my posting

  23. 6 minutes ago, stawns said:

    Then you are tragically naive about human beings.  I know several people who were sick, whether it was covid or not, who went out to grocery stores, regardless of warnings and advice.  I'm not one of them, I've been isolated since mid March when my symptoms started.

    and you are becoming extreme

    to the point of being silly


    you think we should also deal with crime in this fashion

    make everyone stay at home

    because of the risk of a few people wanting to engage in crime?


    the idea is to achieve a reasonable balance

    get the virus under control so it can be managed

    use extreme measures to achieve that

    when that is achieved

    modify and relax some of the measures


    i don't think i'm being extreme in saying we have done a good job

    and a review of the extreme measures needs to happen in the near future


    my initial post

    simply wanted to point out

    the real numbers we are actually dealing with

    outside of the known clusters

    is about 200 across the province presently



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