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Everything posted by CanadianLoonie

  1. https://ybitcoin.com/articles/bitcoin-as-an-investment/
  2. As recently as 2 weeks ago, trade volumes from Chinese exchanges accounted for near 90% of all transactions worldwide...during the last 10 business days it has been the volume growth in US exchanges that have coincided with the surge in price, pulling the ratio of Chinese volume down to around...75%. That's 14:37 GMT... At 14:37 PST the rate has fallen back to the $380s US so the mini-parabolic move has run it's course...as long at the $310ish area holds as support then I am satisfied as the $300 US mark has been a strong resistance level for the past year.
  3. Bitcoin bears who were short got killed on an epic scale today...
  4. So it is forced against people's will. This model of robbery will be broken once the government loses its monopoly control of the monetary system and the issuance of currency. The government won't be able to take what it cannot control.
  5. Meaning, if it wasn't for forced taxation (your "duty"), you would not willingly and voluntarily choose to fund "public" services and invest in the government's fiscal decisions.
  6. 1.) I thought you love to fully pay taxes. 2.) You don't want to really invest in public infrastructure, schools, hospitals, and other social programs with your after-tax dollars AKA you are not putting your money where your mouth is. You just want other people to do so, but it's not a good investment for you.
  7. I don't think he took economics in school... If you want to play if safe, why don't you buy government bonds? After all, you like the government so much why don't you support it with your savings in addition to your taxes?
  8. I think the key word is of the sentence is "every"...
  9. Just saw on my facebook feed that Belgium is mulling over the idea of a 33% "speculation" tax on investments bought and sold within 6 months... http://www.telegraaf.nl/dft/nieuws_dft/24605860/__Beroering_om_Belgische_beleggingstaks__.html (Dutch-language only)
  10. Yes, just why are they saving in US dollars instead of being proud Argentines by holding it in ARS? And about that real estate, are transactions generally paid for in cash or with a mortgage? And when they do exchange between ARS and foreign currencies, do they use the government-mandated rate or the dolar blue rate?
  11. And do they hold the majority of their wealth at home in Argentina denominated in ARS?
  12. Cleary you haven't been to Argentina or Venezuela over the last decade...
  13. You know, the amount of all newly-counterfeited printed dollars units over time do not necessarily have to be reflected in the price of gold...
  14. What do you expect when they operate within an echo chamber? Because I am expecting more than a recession.
  15. In the markets, you can either be a contrarian or you can be a victim because the crowd is usually wrong.
  16. You just don't want to admit that it was the market manipulative actions of government officials that lead to the bubble in that country...
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