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AV's Coin

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  1. Is this topic going over to the new site? I need to follow it more. some smart people here.
  2. How big is this forum compared to other NhL teams? and compared to other North American teams? I vaguely recall reading in an article it was the biggest in the NHL that was part of the main teams website.
  3. WHere is the best alternative right now? can canucks army (OR SOMEONE) create a forum or something. Throw some adds on it make some money (IS IT POSSIBLE?) , direct people to their web page etc.
  4. so much for canucks supporting community
  5. so that confirms there was a deal in hand to move down two spots but Canucks didnt want to lose their guy in Willander. I would have taken that risk but it depends on how they rated the remaining players left in case willander was gone. Not many centers in that area (only Yager) and only one other right hand D (Pellika). Buffalo would have moved up - can we assume they were after Benson? They dont really need a d-man after Dahlin and Powers. After Arizona took a defenseman early would they have taken Willander at 12? Dont think so in my opinion. I think Willander would have been available at 13.
  6. Lots of good players left. Trade down a few spots for a second or Garland
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