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Everything posted by SamJamIam

  1. American O6 team vs Canadian O6 team. Unsurprising Protip: if you want to see which team the refs are favouring, see in which teams' defensive zone they repeatedly stand right on the puck during board battles. That's who they want to win.
  2. How about you do spread conjecture but label it like this: <<<<<<<<<<<<<BELOW: CONJECTURE, NOT FACT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Place conjecture here <<<<<<<<<<<<<ABOVE: CONJECTURE, NOT FACT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  3. Reading before posting. You should try it.
  4. Impossible like Shinkaruk dropping to 24th? I wouldn't be surprised (but I would be insanely happy) if one of the top 5 drop. That said, I think there is room to argue that after the top 3, there is actually a tier of quite a few good players. Despite the reputation for this draft of not being "deep", I think it's just the opposite. The top end talent isn't there but the number of really good prospects is quite high. Thus, I'd be very happy with Nylander if none of the consensus top 5 drop.
  5. If you actually go back and look at overagers who have done well in junior but failed to translate that production to the next level, you see the trend is size. Those who failed to make the jump tended to be 5'9" or shorter and/or extremely lightweight but offensive instincts aren't the problem. Dane Fox doesn't have that problem, making him part of a select group that break the curse of the overager. I'm not saying he's JT or Stamkos, but he has a MUCH bigger chance to be an impact in the Canucks lineup than many are anticipating.
  6. Nash has been a disappearing act all this year. He's been extraordinarily ineffective under AV. I suspect some players really do well under the star treatment at small markets like Columbus, but as soon as they aren't the second coming to their team, they fall off a cliff.
  7. Jake Virtanen 71 45 26 71 100 23 Playoffs 6 1 3 4 4 -2 Nikolaj Ehlers 63 49 55 104 51 65 Playoffs 16 11 17 28 18 3 If you want scoring, why would you pick Virtanen over Ehlers then? That makes no sense. Not to mention Jake got worse in the playoffs while Ehlers got even better. Then there's the difference in +/- which is staggering and the fact that Ehlers played 8 fewer games.
  8. Virtanen's lack of hockey IQ is plain to see. If our organization doesn't notice that, we've got bigger problems than the wasted draft pick.
  9. I take it that's why you favour him over Ehlers? As far as taking Perlini over Virtanen and Ritchie, I agree wholeheartedly. Also, does this list mean the "top 5" is now the "top 6" and whoever is left for us is who we take? Could be Nylander, Draisaitl, Dal Colle or Bennett. If that is the case, would you take Perlini over whoever is left of those guys?
  10. Doesn't like the Habs but also doesn't like Virtanen... I'm not sure if I should shake your hand or sock you in the mouth
  11. Agreed. Virtanen over Ehlers is something I just can't fathom.
  12. 6th North American skater =/= 6th overall. And the latest ISS rankings still put him at 10th. He's falling mate. His assists are really all you need to look at to know something is up. Low hockey IQ.
  13. He was pointing out that "1st overall pick at 6th" is a downright retarded thing to write. Clearly it still has not dawned on you.
  14. I mean "Which scouting agency?" You know, an organization that knows something rather than a poster on CDC.
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