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Everything posted by morgo

  1. So the non-vaccinated aren't "actual people?" Wow... Way to reveal your (complete lack of) character you psychopath. How very compassionate of you. You certainly have the moral high-ground in this argument. Tell me more about what a terrible person I am . I love my restaurant-less, movie-less, bar-less, gym-less lifestyle. I don't drink alcohol (poison), I save a ton of money by not eating out and have zero interest in hitting a gym when I can exercise outdoors in nature for free. Pretty much all new movies are garbage like your sanctimonious posts anyways... Says the double-vaccinated person still $&!#ting bricks over Covid . So does watching mainstream media every day and night apparently...
  2. I'm upset? This is hilarious . Read my post again. I said I'm surprised you aren't wishing death on me.
  3. Oh no! Another person telling me what I have to put in my body, to appease them, is calling me selfish . Whatever will I do .
  4. I'm surprised. Isn't wishing death on people who didn't submit to the jab the M.O. of you kool-aid drinkers? Say BOZO some more. It really makes you sound intelligent and eloquent .
  5. The people who haven't gotten it aren't getting it. That is their right under both the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Nuremberg Code so enjoy living the way you have been for the past two years forever. You're arbitrary goalpost will never be reached. Enjoy living in fear, lining up for endless boosters and going into lock-down over and over again. I'm sorry, I thought the vaccine was supposed to make you immune from Covid19. Another word for Vaccination is immunization. Now that there's (substantial) evidence that it isn't doing what the medical authorities said it would, you want to backtrack and say "well, none of them are in the ICU (yet) so that must mean the vaccine works." Great argument . Without a source, this statement is meaningless. I know someone who works in the ICU in Calgary and she says there are plenty of double-jabbed people in there taking up beds. The stats are right there... If you have any information that debunks them, have at it. That really hurts coming from someone can't spell misinformed.
  6. Can't address a single point a person on the other side of a debate made? Just attack them personally and call them a selfish, privileged, entitled, facebook doctor . If the vaccine has a 20% success rate on the 100% double-vaccinated Flames roster, what difference do you think the "Facebook Doctors" getting it is going to make? Not my bodily-autonomy for a virus with a 99% survival rate... My solution is simple; accept that Covid is here to stay, live with it and move on with our lives. Alcohol kills far more people every year, should we ban that? I think Alf would have a stroke .
  7. Thanks . When do you think you're getting the freedoms you lost over the past two years back? After the fourth booster? Or is seven the magic number . Legitimately curious. Your father's food ration card has nothing to do with a Vaccine Passport... It didn't force him to submit to an experimental drug, that hasn't passed clinical trials (3 years standard for any vaccine) that very clearly isn't working. 100% of the Flames are double-jabbed yet 80% of the team is in Covid protocol... Rogers Arena has had a proof of vaccination program implemented since the start of the season yet they need to reduce capacity by 50%... Why? If you guys seriously haven't figured out that these vaccinations are doing nothing to slow the spread of this thing, I'm sad for you. I could post much more evidence than just those two examples but I'm sure it would be lost on most of you anyways.
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