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Everything posted by RomanP

  1. Here's the thing - pure skill is not everything in team sport. Character is just as important. Now, I'm not passing any judgement yet on Hughes' character, but the fact that he's being quite after what his brother said is not adding him any points in that area.
  2. Do you know if they have scrimmage tomorrow also?
  3. Why would you make up $&!# like this? “Locker room cancer”? WTF? He’s one of the nicest kids I’ve ever met.
  4. Did anyone talk to Klimovich during practice? His English is not at Podz level yet.
  5. I just passed this to Danila's father in Belarus - he's very pleased :-)
  6. Can’t confirm the weight, but I know my height quite well. Have been 6’2” for the last 36 years. And Danila and I are the same height :-)
  7. Regarding Podkolzin’s height - if there were no weird angles on his picture with Klimovich and if they are indeed same height, then he’s definitely 6’2”, because that is verified height of Danila :-)
  8. Please point to anything in my posts that say he would get 5-9 mil back home. If you find it - I'll be the first to apologize. I was making completely different point, which clearly you missed.
  9. Ok, whatever you say. It's always funny how people who never stepped one foot in Russia, put North American standards on everything that happens there. Keep living in your imaginary world, buddy.
  10. I never said they were giving him 9 mil. Remember that 9 mil is only about 5-6 mil after taxes with US cost of living. No matter how expensive Moscow is, cost of living in Russia is much-much lower than in North America. Add to it being around family and friends, getting paid salary without taxes (official tax rate in Russia is 13%). In addition, I wouldn't put much into KHL cap. This is not NHL and cap there is only for the paper. Every team is owned by an oligarch, who looks at the team as his toy, not a money making business. There's a lot of "under the carpet" payments and other ways of making it worth player's time.
  11. Now I understand the reason Guerin bought out Parise and Sutter earlier this year - that was a training exercise before buying out Kaprizov in 2-3 years from now :-). On a serious note - I don't think it's the same situation. First, Kaprizov had a concrete high level, tax free offer in his home country. That was a real threat for the Wild, who put all the eggs in one KK basket after the huge buyouts. KK held all the aces in this negotiation and him leaving and playing in KHL was a real threat. I highly doubt Pettersson wants to go play in KHL. While playing anywhere in Europe is a possibility for him, it will only hurt his career, since his ultimate goal is to play in NHL. Kaprizov would be happy to go back to KHL for good - and that's the main difference.
  12. I actually disagree on the "backing himself into the corner". I think $16 mil for these 2 players at this stage of their career and development is more than generous. Had he left more money available, the agents wouldn't let him save any of it for other players, they would have tried to squeeze every single dollar. This way, here's the offer, take it or leave it, there's no more money available under the cap and we can only negotiate on the term.
  13. Chances of Danila staying in Abbotsford are pretty good. I have some additional info, but can’t say what it is at the moment. Promise to say what it was once the decision on his playing location is made :-)
  14. https://www.nhl.com/canucks/news/details-announced-for-vancouver-canucks-training-camp-presented-by-td/c-326225862 - the tickets available are only for the training camp.
  15. Wow, it looks like Edler and Markstrom are back on the Canucks roster lol
  16. Just got tickets for the Saturday session. Let's hope Danila is still in at that time :-)
  17. You mean, all 3 replies there? Lol, clown… Posting in both places and cross links between his own posts… You might need counselling for attention deficit.
  18. One of the beautiful features of English language is called “punctuation”. It allows you to separate parts of text to better express your point of view. It also allows the readers to better understand what you are trying to say. Parts of text between two dots is called “a sentence”. Having an entire paragraph represent a single sentence… well, this is just dumb…
  19. In that case I fully agree.
  20. Put yourself in his shoes. 18 year old kid, doesn’t speak English, without his family, half way across the globe. Also, it was his very first interview ever.
  21. I don’t think they can afford me lol
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