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Posts posted by RomanP

  1. 4 minutes ago, IjustNEEDaTROYgamble said:

    Yeah there is, both are good players that are being traded for money reasons and Vancouver needs to take advantage of this pure and simple. You don’t get better in this league by passing on players of OEL skill and experience and the team trading him is only asking a fraction of the assumed asking price just a year or two ago. You can deal with his contract farther down the road when the Canucks have a whole lot more cap room in a few years, but if you walk away from Markstrom and Tanev and trade Virtanen then you can add OEL and resign Toffoli and still go after a backup goalie with cap room left over.

    Are you serious? Canucks have 2 big ticket players to sign next off-season. Think about the price tag on Hughes if you suddenly have 8.5 mil OEL on roster. Some people don't see beyond the player's name... Also, how will they "deal" with OEL contract in a few years when he has a NMC? Same way they are dealing with Ericsson contract?

    • Haha 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, IjustNEEDaTROYgamble said:

    All the same people saying trading for OEL is a bad idea are the same that said J.T. Miller was a horrible trade. There is a reason those people are trying to make up deals on message boards like this and not in an actual NHL front office, everyone thinks they are George Costanza getting the assistant to the GM job. 

    That's a bunch of bs. There's absolutely no correlation between Miller trade and OEL. It's not the player in this case, it's the length and value of his contract.

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  3. 10 hours ago, oldnews said:

    that was 11 years ago.

    a bit has happened since then.

    Like what? Him only having one season in NHL where he was a “+” player? He’s not worth $8.5 million for 7 more years. I can give you a list of many players his age with much better stats and much cheaper contracts.

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  4. How is this topic still going? This discussion should have been closed once we all looked at his remaining contract - 7 years @8.5 mil for a 29 year old who never lived up to the hefty expectations. He’s being paid based on his draft ranking, nothing else. Didn’t we have enough headache with Louie overinflated contract?

    • Wat 5
  5. 4 minutes ago, Pink Sock said:

    You are clueless when it comes to value. You have to be trolling because every trade proposal you make is god awful. 

    No GM is taking spare parts for a top tier talent.

    Would you trade Hughes for Greenway, Stalock, Eriksson Ek, Kunin and Hunt? Of course not. 

    Well, with the trades that he's proposing, he just might lol

    • Haha 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, mikkim said:

    In other words what you are saying is you still didn't read the post

    No, I read the post. Hence why I keep on asking. And it seems like I'm not alone...

  7. 16 minutes ago, mikkim said:

    Read the whole post I made where you found that article and it should be pretty clear why I brought it up.

    There are many more irrelevant articles in the CBA, you should have brought all of them and then say "it doesn't apply here"...

  8. 2 hours ago, mikkim said:

    Did you read the title of that section: Waivers and loans of players to minor league clubs, Tryamkin will not be going through waivers and he has not been loaned to any club. That is why I said this whole article has nothing to do with Tryamkins situation

    So, why bring up this article in the first place if it doesn't apply here? Just to keep the conversation going without any real substance?

  9. On 3/1/2020 at 11:37 PM, mikkim said:

    What you say is true, he will become a UFA, Unrestricted Free Agent in 2-3 years, not sure on the date,  but by my understanding Nikita Tryamkin currently is a group 2 free agent, an RFA and according to the article 11.4 of the CBA it states, (this is directly from the current CBA) "Signing Deadline for Group 2 Free Agent. An SPC (Standard Player Contract) for a Group 2 Free Agent will be rejected and will be null and void ab initio (i.e., the Player's Free Agency and contractual status shall revert to the status he held prior to signing his SPC), if it is not signed and filed with Central Registry by 5:00 p.m. New York time on December 1 in the then current NHL Season." I know that @aliboy  brings up again and again this article https://www.pensionplanpuppets.com/and-now-you-know/2019/1/9/18174522/so-you-heard-a-rumour-about-the-toronto-maple-leafs-signing-a-european-ufa which refers to Article 13 which is titled WAIVERS AND LOANS OF PLAYERS TO MINOR LEAGUE CLUBS and quotes this paragraph "13.23 In the event a professional or former professional Player plays in a league outside North America after the start of the NHL Regular Season, other than on Loan from his Club, he may thereafter play in the NHL during that Playing Season (including Playoffs) only if he has first either cleared or been obtained via Waivers. For the balance of the Playing Season, any such Player who has been obtained via Waivers may be Traded or Loaned only after again clearing Waivers or through Waiver claim. This section shall not apply to a Player on the Reserve List or Restricted Free Agent List of an NHL Club with whom the Player is signing an NHL SPC or is party to an existing SPC with such NHL Club" 

    The problem is Tyamkin is not going through waivers and he is not on loan to a minor league club or any club for that matter so this part of the CBA does not affect him. I am not a lawyer by any means, maybe one of our resident lawyers might be able to interpret this better than me but that is how I read the CBA, believe me I would love to have Nikita Tryamkin back for the playoff push but this is how I read the CBA

    Just curious why you are talking about the waivers. Did you miss the part of your own quote that I highlighted above?

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  10. 5 hours ago, janisahockeynut said:

     remember way back...aka 1972


    there was Central Red Army and Moscow Dynamo


    was/is Central Red Army  the same CSKA?

    Absolutely correct, Central Red Army = CSKA. Dynamo, on the other hand, was historically a club affiliated with a Ministry of Interior (aka Police). They also had options of mobilizing youth to military service. Quite a competition lol. I had a friend who did his “military service” by playing volleyball for Dynamo Moscow.

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