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Posts posted by RomanP

  1. Just now, PhillipBlunt said:

    Fair enough.

    Well, that's not what my post was responding to. It was responding to your assumption or "sense" that people don't like Weisbrod because he's Jewish. If you'd like those who don't like Weisbrod or his work to explain their reasoning, I'd suggest you get on asking them those questions. 

    I asked on another reply.

  2. On 5/18/2021 at 6:26 PM, Laoag said:

    more money than if fans don't show up at the arena and don't buy merchandise? 

    that's for both NHL and AHL teams by the way...

    You are overestimating the buying power of the idiots that are loudly against Benning and Aquilini. Just because someone here yells "I'm long time season ticket holder and will cancel my season tickets now!" doesn't make it a fact.

  3. On 5/18/2021 at 5:50 PM, CRAZY_4_NAZZY said:

    I dont mind Jim Benning....its the slick and gross John Weisbrod that I dislike. Undermined Linden, undermined Brackett, a big part in having Laurence Gilman fired and seems to have the ownership's ear. As you heard from multiple tweets so far, that it was Weisbrod's influence to shrink down the management team.


    A guy with that much power is dangerous. Frankly, Benning isn't our enemy here, its Weisbrod, absolute snake.

    And you know all that how? Did you work closely with all of them? Do you realize that your bubbling is nothing more than unsubstantiated rumours?

  4. 21 hours ago, Harold27k said:

    because Benning and Green let it out during the covid stoppage he was the 1st guy to be into covid quarantine. And maybe was the scapegoat as to majority of team getting sick? 

     Why else do you take Matthew Highmore in return who has zero goals in 30 games this yr?

    But lets add this list Beagle/Rouselle/Vessy/Micalief/Boyd/Highmore/Sutter/Hawrluk as wonderul failed Benning additions whose combined goal total doesnt equate 1/3rd likely that of Tyler Toffoli whom he refused to resign and likely main reason why the habs are going to the post season instead of us.

     And another key reason why the pp percentage stinks and why in the absence of Elias we really needed the scoring expoits of Toffoli


        But at least we get to take a look at Gadovich as he may turn out to be better used than Mackewan when Green has fairly healthy lineup.    Just can not stand another season of Beagle and Anton Rouselle    and revolving waiver wire guys named above  if we are going to improve the bottom half of ineffective forward group next yr.


       Wish some deep pocket investor would come and buy Aqulini out,and clean house of Benning/Green

    So, based on your understanding of hockey, the only players you need on a team are the ones that score goals? Ok, move on, nothing to see in this yet another stupid thread...

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  5. 2 hours ago, AriGold said:

    I disagree with that part, he's a notoriously dirty player it's just not actively talked about or goes unnoticed.


    Some examples below..







    So, in 15 years of being a physical large defenceman in the NHL, you found only these 5 situations and you call him "dirty"? Looking at the first 2 clips - do you know what they remind me of? Moore hit on Naslund. Remember how many specialists were screaming at that time that Naslund put himself in vulnerable position by reaching out and had his head low? Well, that's the same for Hertl and Clifford. So, you haven't really proven that Edler is "dirty", you are just a typical "throw $&!# to the wall and see what sticks" type of a person.

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  6. 2 hours ago, debluvscanucks said:


    I wouldn't read too much into it. The current national team roster for these 2 friendly games against Belarus is missing players from the 3 teams that are still in the playoffs (CSKA, AK Bars and Avangard Omsk). The playoffs will be over by the World Championship and plenty of the spots on the National Team will be taken by the players from these 3 teams. I can guarantee there will not be 13 SKA players in the World Championship roster :-). Also, don't forget Russian NHL players that will be done with the season before May 21st.

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  7. On 3/30/2021 at 10:49 PM, DarkIndianRises said:

    [proposal] Horvat + Miller + 1st and Rathbone for Jack Eichel, and what 2022-2023 would look like

    Pure hypothetical, let’s say the above takes place.    After next season, when all of Eriksson, Beagle, and Roussel are off the books, our core would look like the following:













    -2 young Franchise centers

    -2 elite dmen (one young)

    -1 elite young goalie


    If you are a UFA looking to join “the next big thing,” would YOU say no to the above based on the core pieces in tact?

    Dude, stick to EA NHL trades...

  8. 10 minutes ago, FaninMex said:

    Don't be that guy. There are so many from all over. My first language is English but I lived for 7 years in Mexico and now live in a Slavic country. I flip through 3 languages and I know my spelling and structures are terrible at times because of it.

    Dude, English is my 4th language (after Ukrainian, Russian and Hebrew). Just saying... I would never just correct someone in a regular conversation. In this case was someone trying to be a smart ass.

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  9. My suggestion is to keep this thread for all the "fans" who specialize on one thing - bashing our coaches. It can be a sanctuary of the "couch coaches" who pretend to know it all better than anyone. Oh, and one more thing - this is a team of professionals, not high school team. The coach should not be "preparing" them for a game mentally. They are being paid handsomely to prepare themselves.

    • Haha 1
  10. 53 minutes ago, sockeye said:

    Looking at NHL.com, we have the second most shots against per game (33.4 shots against/game) of all the teams in the league.  Second only to Chicago.  Unless we can reverse that trend, we will never be a true Cup contender.  We need one or two more good defensive defencemen and better defensive play from the forwards before we take the next step.  Last season was just an aberration (we were lucky we advanced as far as we did). 

    How about looking beyond the top 2 spots on that list? Not that far behind (#5 spot) is Winnipeg Jets with 31.7 shots against/game, who is one of the top two teams in our division and currently 8th overall in the league standings. This year's Cinderella story, Florida Panthers (2nd overall in league standings) is in 9th place with 31.1. Just pointing out that any stat can be turned around to support whichever narrative you need.

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