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Posts posted by AppleJack

  1. He really is, can do it all for $1.5M a year. :wub:

    I know right, and he's so solid out there.. I also really like Stanton and it annoys me to pieces when people want to trade Tanev cause we have Stanton now um why can't we just have both of them...... seriously the guys are studs... we are so deep D..

    and as I write this WTF Stanton....what a dumb penalty oh wells hopefully it won't cost us.

    Weise is having another really good game. He's like EVERYWHERE.


  2. I want E.Kane on this team as much as everyone else does but sending Kesler over to Winnipeg won't do us any good and pretty much makes no sense.. We need help scoring so why would we send Kesler whose pretty much our best player to Winnipeg? I also don't see see why we can't trade one of our prospects alongside HIggy or Hansen and perhaps add Kass to sweeten the deal? Even add draft pics if the jet fans aren't happy with that..

    • Upvote 1
  3. He's only played 4 1/2 minutes, don't think he played much at all in the 2nd

    That explains why I didn't recall him playing since I missed the 1st. I am not sure how I feel about him not getting ice time, on one hand I don't see him getting better if he's only getting 4 1/2 mins through 2 but if he's playing badly I don't want him out there maybe they should send him down? Sighs. I really was routing for him, I want him to do good. He has so much potential but I am not seeing any improvement at all this season.

  4. Yeah I suppose that makes sense just they tend to rush players back and it makes me wonder... I hope burrows heals up fast and is back out there he really is important to the team. I know some people are ragging on him for not scoring any goals and I agree that sucks but he also does a lot for this team, we would have possibily lost that game if he hadn't saved that goal! So get better soon Burrows.

  5. I can't believe the canucks medical staff didn't realize he was actually pretty seriously injured during the game. Correct me if I am wrong but if a player gets hurt during a game do the staff not have to clear them to play? He left the ice why did they let him back into the game without checking it out. If this was the first time something like this happened I would totally give the medical team the benifit of the doubt but as we are all aware this isnt...

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