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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. You more into Deep House/House I presume based on the songs and artists you named?

    Yeah a wide variety is good tho. When just chilling on the middle of the lack, deep house is perfect, but when wake surfing and wake boarding something more fast paced is good.

    Aoki & Tiesto - Tornado

    Dimitri Vegas - Body Talk

    Porter Robinson - Lionhearted (arty Remix)

    Dada Life - Kick out the epic

    Mord Fustang - Taito

    When we go out were out all day and I need a large playlist so were not constantly repeating songs.

  2. A limited NTC. It makes no dif anyways. If Canucks decide to move on with Lack and Markstrom they can put Miller in as the backup and he will ask for a trade. His career has a limited number of years left. If Benning was willing to ask vets to waive their NTC I suspect he would do the same with Miller. IMO it is more about what the market will offer for the 3 tenders that might decide who goes.

    Do Canucks really want 6 Mill sitting as a back up. We'd likely have 10 mill locked up in goalies that season. Plus what team is going to want to take on a 6 million goalie that has been sitting on the bench. Not to many FLA deals out their. He'd probably just retire.

    Really what incentive is there for Lack to resign, A promise that he'd get more games. Sure the guy may love playing here but he's also wasting valuable contract years away. He's already 27 and has been only making just over 1.1 mill a year over the last two season. The guy probably has 6-8 more season left he's going to want to cash in on his next deal. A 60 game season with good numbers helps his agents negotiating power. splitting this season 30/50 with miller doesn't really help his case. If canucks can't trade miller this season. Lack is probably asking to be moved.

  3. The other issue that people seem to forget is that Miller has a NTC clause. He’s made it known that he only wants to go to a California team. The opportunity to trade him next season may likely be even worse of a market for Miller. There is a good chance that SJ will have already shored up their goalie opening this season and next offseason may have no need for a goalie. That basically leaves canucks with zero chance of being able to move Miller.

    With Lack being a UFA, you could be sure that he’d be willing to see what is out there for him on the open market. He’d likely get a better offer, dollar wise, but he’d also likely get offered a full time starting role by another team. Something Canucks can’t promise him, not with 6 million already locked up in Miller (who they are stuck with).

    It’s always been Miller or Lack on the move, and this summer is the only opening to get it done. It really comes down to two thing.

    How much value does Lack have if he is dealt? If it’s something that has value coming back and can help the canucks long term, then Lack is gone

    Or Does SJ have any interest in aqcuring Miller (even with some cap retained). If the answer is no, then Lack is gone.

    Realistically I see mgmt playing it safe and making the safe/easy moves, and that likely means Lack is gone.

    • Upvote 1
  4. The team Markstrom has in front of him now is way better than Lacks teams in the A

    The team Schneider had in front of him at the NHL level was way better than the team Lack had. Schneider got traded for a 9th overall pick.

    I'd just hope that before making such a gamble Trader Jim would give Jacob a series of NHL starts against stronger competition to truly prove his top-level potential, since betting on AHL stardom could lead to us having our own Justin Pogge (successful in lower levels but unable to cut it in the big leagues) and trading Lack too early could leave us without a capable NHL backup to bail Ryan out on his off nights. Jacob still needs to prove he's really capable, after 50 games of experience, instead of having the job handed to him when he's dominated in a top developmental league, since NHL players are ultimately much better than AHL guys. Case in point, his first start last season, when he let three of the four shots he faced go in against San Jose, should at least raise some eyebrows about his ability to play in the NHL.

    Another thing, since NHL teams often play back-to-back's there's quite the likelihood that he'd have to take on a tough team behind his own tired team from time to time, and you can't always expect the starter to come in and bail you out like he did in San Jose. What's more, what would we do if Lack gets injured (presuming Miller's traded) and Jacob has to come in, but he gets shellacked? Who will step in and stop the bleeding then, if he's not ready?

    Ultimately, until I see an NHL-level Ben Bishop in Markstrom I wouldn't be sold solely on his potential to reach that elite level. Call me conservative but until that time I hope we keep Lack, since he's really not much older than Jacob but we at least know what we've got.

    The thing about goalies is it's all mental. The skill set is there we just need to build his confidence at the NHL level. you don't do that by throwing him in games like the SJ game. You do it by starting him off in games like the ARZ game. We don't need him to take over next year. With Millers contract we have two years to groom him. Ease him in, and watch him become a top NHL goalie.

    I understand why WD put Markstrom in against the Sharks, Lack just played two stinkers the 2 games prior, but it was not a good move to give him his first NHL start against a desperate hockey club. The time when we need him to do that will come just not yet.

  5. Never going to make it in the NHL. Career AHL'er :bigblush:

    Markstrom will be better than Lack in the NHL, he’s already better than him, in term of development , than when Lack was at Markstrom’s age.

  6. Could facilitate a trade by taking on a "bad" contract.

    Cap space to sign McQuaid, Ehrhoff and the UFA/RFA's we'd like to retain while leaving room to make other moves.

    Perhaps there'll be an even worse market next summer for goalies. Benning's foreseen that and wants to get while the getting's good, before Miller's got any less value, before he has other major knee injuries etc.

    Well obviously one goalie has to move but if I’m I the trade miller camp, cap space really isn’t what I’m basing my case for. (which most do)

    If I’m in the trade miller camped it’s because:

    -I want Lack to take a step forward in his development, Splitting 30/50 games with Miller does him no good and puts up in the same position next off season.

    -The return we could get, could be in a package, could be a late pick?

    Cap space doesn’t really intrigue me simply because the UFA market isn’t that strong this season and nothing really “Long term” to get excited about compared to next off season, Next off season we have potential 14+ cap space being opened up from players hitting UFA status so cap space really isn’t a concern to me this year.

    We could potential take back bad contract, (say like lecavalier) but honestly something like that is a long shot.

    P.s I’ve been enjoying these in-depth hockey discussions , makes my work day go by so much faster.

    If they have the cap space I absolutely see JB in the mix for Green. He's exactly what this team is missing on the back end

    I would like that, just see other teams with bigger pockets willing to pay over the top for him. He's going to hit the jackpot this season being the only big name UFA

  7. Id want a 2nd. But honestly a 7th would be fine just for the cap dump

    I see this all the time but what is this obsession with the need for of cap space. To me there are far better reason to wanting Miller moved than cap space. If canucks got rid of Miller and free’d up his 6 million cap hit, what do we really expect the canucks do with it? Only UFA I see is Green, but I don’t really see canucks going that direction as much as I would like to. So really, what’s so important about it that we need that cap this season?

  8. So Benning was willing to use his own judgement. The AHL is full of smallish, soft, high-skill fowards who were great as Juniors but could not make the transition to the NHL level. With the comments Burke made about Baetschi most GMs probably thought Baertschi was in that category.

    Burke also said some not so great public comments on Kadri as well. Funny that the season Burke gets fired Kadri makes the team and puts up 44 points in 48 games.

  9. I truly believe that Markstrom is going to be a good, potentially great NHL goalie.

    Lets look back at Lack, Lack didn’t get his first NHL game until he was 25 years and 10 month old. Prior to that he had zero NHL experience but yet due to Schneider being traded Lack was deemed the canucks back up, again with zero NHL experience.

    Strangely enough if Markstrom would be named the canucks back up this October, he too would be exactly 25 years and 10 month old. The only difference is he has played some NHL games.

    For all we know if Lack was brought up into the NHL prior to that (oct,6.2013) date, his NHL stats would have been just as inconsistent as Markstrom’s, or they could have been better. We don’t know, so it’s not really fair to compare any NHL stats for either goalie prior that date. So let’s stick to what we do know and compare and that AHL stats prior to that date.

    So comparing each other at the same age ranges in the same leagues,

    Lack from 22-25, played 112 games and posted a record of 2.32 GAA and a .916 SV%, his best year was his first year in the league where he posted 2.26 GAA and a .926 SV%, not bad,

    Markstrom from the same age range of 22-25 has played 94 games in those games he’s posted a 2.31 GAA and a .917 SV%. His best year is this current season where he’s posted a 1.88 GAA and .934 SV% which also happens to be the second best goalie stats in the entire AHL this year. If there ever was a time to be deemed NHL back up ready it would have to be after posting the types of stats he did this year.

    Over the last two years we’ve all seen Lack develop and turn into what we all believe is a starting number one goalie. He is now 27 years old and ready to be a #1. Millers contract just so happens to be for another “2” years. In two years Markstrom will also happen to be 27, with 2 fulltime years of NHL experience potentially ready to take over the number 1 role.

    Now I’m not saying all goalies develop at the same path and age range but if 2 years ago Lack was giving an opportunity to run with an NHL spot and he developed into a solid NHL goalie. Than is it really that hard to see Markstrom, a goalie who’s posted better AHL numbers and who’s spent a good chunk of his career playing alongside Lack, follow suit.

    My personal opinion is to trade Lack before the draft. The value for him is base of the market need for a goalie with the criteria of Lack. Proven enough to show he can take a team in to the playoffs as a #1, Young enough to grow with an early twenties core. The good news it there are teams that need a goalie with this criteria, the other good news is they have multiple picks within the first 1-33. Could one of these be leveraged to solve their goalie issues for the next 5-7 years? I would think so.

    That leaves Canucks with Markstrom backing up Miller. Miller plays out the final two years of his contract, makes Benning look good by honouring the team. Markstrom gets a good mentor and canucks get a first round pick. A win for now and the future.

    • Upvote 2
  10. Schnieder show all the signs of being an All-star goalie even if he had a good team infront of him. Lack looks like an average goalie IMO. He has some glaring holes what need to be adressed before he can be the number 1 guy.

    Also if lack gets you a first you should trade him. His value isn't going to be much higher than it is now.

    I agree, and honestly there are quite a few teams that have multiple top 35 picks that I would consider moving him for if they'd be open to it.

    Buffalo has (2nd overall, 21st overall and 31st overall)

    Edmonton has (1st overall, 16th overall, 33rd overall)

    Philly has (7th overall, 26th overall) *Mason locked up for two more years. You never know with this franchise and goalies though

    Arizona has (3rd overall, 24th overall, and 32nd overall) *Smith is locked up long term, ARZ is likely not too interest.

    Carolina has (5th and 35th overall) *rumour that Ward could be moved, therefor could be looking for a younger netminder

    Lacks only real competition for UFA goalies on the market is Ramo, Neimi, and Dubnyk (which I see being resign in MIN so you can cross him off),

    Other than that there are a few back up that teams might consider to go after for cheaper (Darling, Lehner, Vasilevskiy, Gibson), but Lack IMO is likely a hot commodity. Young enough to grow with a young core (EDM & BUF) and proven enough to handle the pressure and take a team into the post season, and cheap enough that teams can take him on to replace an experienced vet (Cam Ward).

    If Cory can get you a 9th (at the time was thought to be the deepest draft since 2003) and we possibly took less value due to Gillis insisting on trade him out of division + team and cap issues. Then I can see Lack who's got relatively similar AHL stats and slightly worse NHL stats (while playing on a far worse roster) potentially picking up one of those extra first round picks. Buffalo's 21st overall or at worst possibly the oilers 33rd. Question is, do we trade Lack for a 33rd overall pick when Markstrom may be able to fetch us a 55th?

  11. Yeah the GM is kind of in a rough spot. You have 2 seats and 3 people.

    One you brought in for big money with experience. One that if you moved might make you look bad.

    Then you have Eddie the fan favorurite and trading him would be ill advised as Benning would have half the fan base calling for his head.

    Then you have Markstrom a super talented youngster who may be great or may simply be an ahler who wont get you much of anything.

    Kind of a pickle. Will see what happens

    Depends on the return I guess. If the price is right I'd be open to move anyone on this team.

    And he started to show signs of fatigure in the playoffs. which is still a reason to be cautious with the amount of games he plays. Next year I see it being a 50/30 split. With Miller geting 50 games

    I have to ask. What would giving Lack another 30 split games accomplish. We'd still be in the exact same position we are now with him. (We know he can play at the NHL level and that he's able to carry the team down the stretch) The only doubt we can have in Lack still, is if he can handle the mental pressure and fatigue of being a number one goalie. And honestly there's only one way to find that out. It's a risk that most teams make, sometimes it goes good, (Crawford in CHI, Anderson in ANA, Bishop in TB, Howard in DET, Schneider in NJ, and Holtby in WSH) and sometimes is doesn't turn out how you want it too, at least right off the bat.(Kuemper in MIN, Scrivens in EDM)

    Lack is 27, he's play 82 NHL games and in high pressure situations. Schneider was 27 when he got traded prior to that trade he'd played a total of 98 NHL games. Considering the teams each goalie had in front of them, Lacks stats are not bad at all. The guy deserves to be given the opportunity to be the full time starter now. Not in 2 years when Millers contract is up.

    Does the guy really want to be take a step back in his development and play the least amount of games in a season he's played to date. Especially in a contract year where he'd be looking to cash in on. What kind of contract does he get after next season if plays a split 30 games. Compare that to if he plays 60 and post decent numbers.

    JB needs to be, (and I'm sure he is) seeing the market value for ALL three goalies. If Miller gets a decent enough offer, we take it and role with Lack and Markstrom, If Lack gets us an offer that lands us another first round pick, we take that and role with Miller and Markstrom.

  12. I never got why people questioned his hockey iq until I watched him this tournament.

    He seemed to be lost more then any other player in both zones and his vision is pretty average. He really needs to work on his passing also, barely any of them were crisp or tape to tape.

    I'm still obviously excited about him though and think he will definitely be a top 6 player.

    I think he will peak at 50-60 points and be a physical force in the NHL. Will probably be one of the best hitters in the NHL once he fills out.

    It really makes a difference with how much ice time you get. When you are only out there 2-3 shifts a period it's really hard to get your head into the game and keep up with the play. When your out there ever other shift, getting PP time it changes the way you play and think each game. Just wait till next year and see how much more of an impact he will have on the team, it will change the way he plays.

    I also, really wouldn't be making point predictions for any player based on what watched in this tournament. 4-6 games doesn't do much to justice to what a player can do in 82 games for the next 15 years.

  13. Why is it his fault when the D-man gets caught?

    Bad play by the whole unit. I think you need to re-watch it.

    You think I need to re-watch it?

    Just watched that poor back-check by Virtanen again and no doubt he needed to stay with that goal scorer as the d-man back had to take the puck carrier.

    Sloppy back check. I love ya Jake but come on man, this is for all the marbles.

    We may not see Virt for the rest of the night. No back check

    He needed to get back on that play. now 5-3

    I stand firm on my opinion...

    • Upvote 3
  14. Why is it his fault when the D-man gets caught?

    Bad play by the whole unit. I think you need to re-watch it.

    That's what happens when your last man back. You cover the open man, he stopped skating at the center dot. Listen i'm not calling him a plug with no talent, it was just his man and he stood there and watched him. Even if he doesn't think he's going to catch him you skate and atl east put pressure on him.

    • Upvote 2
  15. He made a clean hit and got called.

    Two D-men back, and it's Virtanen's fault?

    Stop with the overly critical analysis of this guy. Enough.

    are you kidding. It was a two on one and he was the last forward back.

    I like the kid, but he should have been skating hard back to take the man instead he glided back. It's clear as day.

    • Upvote 3
  16. This statement has been proven to be false so many times it's not even funny.

    The number of players successful on a line with the Sedins compared to the number of players who have played on a line with them is pretty low.

    Trent Klatt

    Jason King

    Anson Carter

    Markus Naslund

    Mikael Samuelsson

    Alex Burrows

    Taylor Pyatt

    Radim Vrbata

    Todd Bertuzzi

    Jannick Hansen

    Jon Bernier

    Mason Raymond

    Jan Bulis

    (Bold are the ones with any real success)

    I think it really depends on how you look at success. Many of those players did have success with the twins. Just because it didn't last multiple years doesn't mean they didn't have successful stints with the twins. After all now that Burrows is off that line were not going to write off his previous success because it didn't last forever.

    King was in the rookie of the year talk the first half of the season he played with the twins (hit a bad stretch after, but he did have success)

    Bertuzzi also had success, he was put on the third line with them, Shortly after he was moved up to the first line to play to create the WCE.

    Klatt also had success with the twins and place 2nd line with them. Never forget him scoring that OT winner against the wild.

    Adveson was really clicking with twins before he had that career ending knee injury

    Linden played with them at the end of the year and in the 2007 playoffs, where they put up good numbers.

    Kassian we saw have success with the twins

    Kesler last year was put on the twins line up until christmas and the team hit the injury bug. They were having a great year together.

    So again it's what you define as success. Burrows kind of success? only burrows can really say that.

  17. Myself I think your off and I'd say no, were in a rebuild despite how well we've played this year and he's not hurting us with his cap space because we will and should be adding younger players over the next few years. His work ethic is going to be of great value as an influence to our young players. Keeping him is the best option for the team batman.

    Respectfully disagree, Keeping him reduces the opportunity of adding youth. Benning just bought out a 4.25 contract for the reasoning of it being too high of a cap hit to not performing at a top 6 role...Matthias, Higgins, and dorsett are great examples of worth ethic and they come at a half that cost. If burr's contract was over next year sure.. but we have him until 2017 where then we lose him for nothing as his value would be worth nothing. I feel at least now he has a bit of value, come deadline i'm sure there would be a few bidders. You said it yourself were rebuilding so why do we have overaged players not playing to their value.

    What is the teams goal this year?

    Go all the way win a cup?

    Make playoffs?

    Get youth added into the line up?

    Obtain picks?

    If this team isn't going to go all in come deadline and remain status quo then why are we holding on to players like Burrows, Hansen and one of hammer/bieska. If we can make the post season without them plus pick up youth/picks for offloading them. add in removing their cap hit, is that not a win / win for this organization. That cap space saved becomes very important in the offseason to re-up players like tanev, matthias and potentially go after a UFA and those picks become important for the future.

    Ultimately what is the teams underlying goal this year?

  18. The whole team has been in a bit hole they need to crawl out of. If you feel bur is the problem we will have to start calling you batman. His cap hit is too high... Thanks MG, but he's the hart and soul of the team and more then not drives the line. I acutely think nino is in a bit of a funk and throwing the line off more then burr.

    As I said burrows has been the worst player on the team. Re watch the TO game burrows alone is the reason the team lost, his 3 costly mistakes cost the team 3 goals. But It's not just the last 5 games but the last 3 years. Does he really deserve a value of 4.5 million for next 3 years. And do we think he can regain old form and hold it for the remainder of his contract. Doesn't matter if MG signed it, could that not be spent better else where? If a team were to offer us a pick at the trade dead line and it's a team that burrows would like waive to, is it not something we consider?

  19. Burrows where are you?

    Last 5 games he's been the worst Canuck. Not just bad, by far the worst Canuck on the ice. He's easily cost the most goal. The TO game, he cost 3 goals all on his own. I hope it is just something on his mind or an injury is effecting him, I hope he plays better, the better he plays this year the higher trade value he has, but chris Higgins who's been getting paid only 2.5 million had consistently been better than burrows for the last 3 seasons (including this year). If Higgins is worth 2.5 does burrows really deserve his 4.5 for another 3 years. Burrows was resigned to that cap hit when he was putting up 50+ points and a +(25). Even if somehow he can regain his old form, can he ever be worth his value in the top 6. Would we be better off spending the 4.5 million cap hit else where?

    We haven't seen him play like a true top 6 forward for a long time, do we still hold on to that dream and hope that he can once again become it and then maintain it for another 3 years?

  20. I watched the game last night.

    Markstrom's positioning is solid, always in a position to make an easy save; when the play invariably breaks down and he has to scramble, his athleticism shines, enabling him to make some very reactionary and acrobatic saves.

    The Canucks management were right to shoo him into the AHL after an un-televised, pre-season performance because had management/scouts from around the league seen his progression they would have undoubtedly plucked him off waivers.

    It's my belief that Lack is trade bait, and will be showcased this year up until the trade deadline and moved in a package to get some young blueline depth that is NHL ready, or young T6 depth, recalling Markstrom. Markstrom will then serve under Miller until either a) he is traded in the last year of his contract, or B) leaves via free-agency leaving Markstrom to take over.

    When this happens, Markstrom will be 27/28 and just entering his prime as a goaltender.

    Demko is a good 8-9 years from entering his prime as a goaltender, so Markstrom fills that gap nicely.

    I can see this happening as well. Lack right now has a higher value and the more we showcase him the more we will get. I'm not sure if we wait until Trade Deadline. A team that starts to struggle defensively or a team that has a goalie go down with injury might start the bidding.

    Either way I don't think the return for Lack is huge, but he could become an attractive asset in a package deal

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