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Posts posted by ForsbergTheGreat

  1. Yes. My point is that those team needs aren't more picks. It's current NHL players. One's with size, leadership and/or two way/defensive play.

    That's why I don't see them making a play for NYI's 5th.

    Your missing the point.

    Theres not a lot of options the oilers can do this summer that makes the Oil a true contender next season. No matter what they do they need their D to develop. So no matter what they are going to have to go out and pick up an UFA. and still make another trade, RJ and Vbrata would be too really good options.

    The Oil also have some really good d prospects that are still 2-4 years out. They need these D prospects to turn out to become a contender. So pick up the prospects for their future, a number 3 overall, and a 5th overall. And pick up RJ and Vbrata to become a better team than they currently are, to make a playoff push over the next 2-4 years.

    Then when Drastitl, Dal Colle, and there D prospects are ready to step in a become Nhl impact players. They can take over for the vet they brought in. The first line with have playoff experience and the fans will have something to cheer for, and will a be a much stronger team.

    Same reason for If canucks trade Kesler, expect us to go out and sign a Vet 2nd line center. There will need to be a stop gap to keep the team competitive while we develop Horvat and Guance if they don't seem quite ready this summer. Once they look NHL ready good bye vet hello stronger younger team.

    Basically is wouldn't be smart for oil to go all next year, Keep developing their picks (especially their D), pick up some stop gap vets and start to build a playoff team.

  2. Do they want to/can they afford to wait another 2-4 years though...?

    I'm thinking some folks get fired before then and fan base gets pretty grumbly or worse, disinterested.

    Not really but having Yak in their line up doesn't get them better. They need to move him to fill team needs.

    Canucks don't make the final in 94 with bure type players alone. They needed Linden and Courtnall types. Oilers don't have that.

    So they might as well start building for that and in the mean time start icing a more effective playoff pushing line up (trading for RJ and signing a vet like vrbrata) because the top 6 they have now are all extremely skilled but they are all the same player and will never be a winning line up.

    Nothing they can do makes them a cup contender next year, not with the current top 6. So either trade someone now and build to be a contender in 3-4 years or be content with where they are at now finishing bottom 5 every year.

    And realistically Oilers D prospects are still 2-4 years away before becoming effect NHLers

  3. Yeah....maybe....

    Eh....I don't know.....there seems to be something inherently wrong with a pro athlete, and a light one at that, not being able to do a chin up, I can do a few reps and I sit at computer all day.

    When I think about someone that weak playing a 200ft. game from center ice, I find myself wondering if he would ever be able to win a puck battle.

    These days most NHL'ers are incredibly strong, benching their own weight through several reps and squatting the weight of a small car.

    He's also not an NHLer yet. I'm sure what ever team drafts him will set him up with a personal training and by the time he puts on a jersey in the NHL he will be fine.

    Think of how weak the "great one" was when he was 18. Strength doesn't correlate into being an effective, smart, hockey player.

  4. Having no veteran leadership, no defense and questionable goaltending also doesn't do that :P

    I'd imagine the Oil would be in the same boat as the Isles. They want/need current NHL players, not future ones.

    You keep replying before I finish my edits. haha.

    Hall -Nuge -Eberle

    Perron- RJ -Vrbata

    is just as good as a top 6 as what oilers are icing right now. It would likely even be more effective having that veteran leadership.

    In 2-4 years

    Hall- Nuge -Eberle

    Perron -Leon- Dal colle/Ritchie

    Also looks really good.

  5. And who's giving up their current 1st line W for a pick that has nothing more than promise to fill the exact same role?

    Again, don't undervalue a legit, capable, proven and developed NHL'er. The NYI want to get better now.

    I mentioned this early but I see Oil making that move. It would be a great opportunity to get bigger in the top 6 and draft Leon and Dal Colle.

    Oilers want to win now too...But having small a top 6 like they have now doesn't do that. Is saves them from having to spend 6 million in cap next year for his contract and if they could sign one or two vet UFAs Legwand, Jokinen, stempniak, Vrbata or even a long shot Callahan their team would get much better. Theres even talk of trading Gagner for RJ which would help this team not have to force there new picks into the league and produce right away.

  6. The one thing with Tanev is he's a righty, and of the group of Isles D you named, only Hamonic shoots right handed. Everyone else is on the left.

    Sure, they can make do with guys playing their off side, but why when you can have a steady and capable defender play on his proper side?

    Canucks don't seem to care to much about that. Sure it's something to think about but not worth moving a top 5 pick.

    We traded a young NHL starter for a top 9 pick. Tanev is strong defensively be he's got a long way to go to become a top 2 pairing D and not worth a top 5 pick.

    Not going to knock tanev, he's played great. but he's hasn't really been asked to play a huge role in anchoring our D. he has at times with injuries but thats not whats been asked of him. We still got 4 big D ahead of him with that kind of pressure on their shoulders. He can go out get 6 goals and 17 points and everyone is happy with him. A young alex elder thrived in the low pressure role, same with Dion. but once they were counted on being the go to player and having to produce, they cracked and their games fell apart. Not saying that happens to Tanev just he has a ways to go to really have value in this league.

  7. But they do need a second pairing D and they also need a good 3rd line two-way forward (Hansen). I've said as much that we'd need to add to that but the 10th AND Schroder seems overpayment IMO. Don't undervalue what bonafide, young NHL'ers are worth though.

    FWIW, Schroeder was Nicklas Bo Hunter's idea, not mine. He might take some of the sting off not picking an offensive forward at 5 for themselves but otherwise I tend to agree his value here is limited. I was just running with his proposal.

    Yeah thats fine, my point is, you don't trade one of your top tradable assets for spare parts. You fix your first problem first and that would be a first and second line winger.

    Tanev wouldn't be that much of an upgrade over there current young D Visnovsky, Hamonic, Donovan, de haan and Reinhart who had an excellent run this last year.

    Clutterbuck and Martin make Hansen not that big of a trading piece for NYI either.

    I realistically see them keeping that pick and drafting Dal Colle who fits that teams needs perfectly. Or if they do move it, it's for immediate help on the first line. I really feel a deal with the Oil and sending Yak.

    Vanek did say he really enjoy playing with the Islander and would consider going back there. If MIN says no to him, he could resign there.

    Vanek Tavares Grabner

    Yakupov NIelsen Okposo

    Martin Bailey Clutterbuck

    that top nine isn't too bad. Strome could still slide into the line up as well.

    • Upvote 1
  8. They get two good, young players that can play now and are cheap (plus maybe say our 3rd). They want to improve now, not in 2+ years.

    Theres more on the market than Tanev, Schroeder or hansen. Islanders don't trade that pick without a big return.

    Griff comes into the line up next year and they need a first line LW and a second line winger more than they need a second pairing D.

    Schroeder has little to zero value to them as well. Tavares, Frans, Bailey, Brock, Strome are all down the middle

  9. I do. Islanders will take Nylander.

    Ehlers, Nylander are the best prospects of those four. Then Ritchie and then Virt.

    I would have drafted Ehlers but it turns out I (as well as many of us) were wrong about the reports of Nylanders attitude and fitness. Since his showing at the combine, I now take Nylander but he wont be there.

    Dal Colle , Daisraitl or (hopefully not) Bennett will be left over at #6. I am more than happy with the first two.

    You might not like Bennett but other teams do. Conroy was just on fan960 talking about how if Bennett dropped to 4th they would be ecstatic, they like him a lot.

    And as mentioned Garth Snow (the GM of NYI) was just on NHL radio yesterday talking up Dal Colle. He all, but said that Dal Colle is who they will pick. They also asked him how much of a difference the combine is for him, and his answer was “it didn’t”.

    On top of that. NYI don’t really need another center and if they were interested in small skilled forward they would be smart to try and use it to grab one of the Oilers players. Yak has a higher ceiling and is already producing at the NHL. Something to help their team out next year, not 2-4 years down the road.

    I don’t see NYI taking Nylander.

    EDM doesn’t pick another small skilled forward and Nylander doesn’t go top two. That leaves him at 6. Only way he sneaks up to top 5 is if BUF takes Bennett at 2, EDM then can pick up Reinhart at 3. Flames take Dal Colle at 4 (which is unlikely because they also talked up Leon) ….Then NYI would possibly take Nylander at 5.

    Unless that happens or another team enters the top 5 with a trade, Nylander doesn’t go top 5. Which leaves him perfect picking for canucks.

    • Upvote 1
  10. It’s really going to come down to what Florida does with their pick. If they do trade it, and to who, can really change which player falls to us. Also who does buffalo want, Reinhart or Bennett?

    The way I see the order falling is

    Ekblad goes first overall. If FLA keeps this pick. Ekblad is who they take. Last year they passed over Jones for to draft Barkov, this year I see them picking the D. Even if FLA does trade this pick I don’t see teams trading to get the first overall to draft anyone else.

    Reinhart goes to buffalo. He’s clearly the second best prospect available, as of right now BUF doesn’t have a true #1 center (although they have a lot of young players down the middle) and Reinhart can be that guy. A case could be made for BUF taking Bennett and that would put a wrinkle in the chain.

    Edmonton drafts Draisaitl. If the Oilers don’t move up to grab that first overall, EDM will draft Draisaitl. A big strong center is exactly what this team needs and the city been raving about him for the last 3 weeks. Can’t see them picking anyone else….Unless Reinhart is still around. Bennett is too similar to the players they already have in their lineup and isn’t even a clear cut better player than Draisaitl.

    Calgary drafts Bennett. Non-stop talk in Calgary is hoping for this to happen, and it likely will. Calgary wants more future offence. Does his no pull ups correlate in to Burke truculence? Likely not, but he is clearly the BPA at this point and Calgary would be happy to snag him. Unless Burke does something off the board and drafts Virtanen who they loved in the interviewing process.

    NYI draft Dal Colle

    Garth snow was on NHL radio yesterday talking about him and how he looks like a good pick. He didn’t say 100% since he doesn’t know which players get picked before him but he said if he’s available at 5 he’s a guy they will take a long hard look at.

    Canucks draft Nylander, I don’t see Nylander going in the top 5. The only team that would have interest in him would be FLA and they don’t take him first overall. NYI possible could use him, but I think they take Dal Colle before they take Nylander.

    Vancouver is left with three options possibly 4. Ehlers, Ritchie, Nylander, Virtanen. I think Nylander is the best option for Vancouver. It just depends on what Benning and Linden want. Are they going to take the BPA, or are they going to take a player to fit the teams future style. Looking at past draft history, when Benning was drafting early in the first round he took high skill players (Seguin, Kessel) and drafted big and gritty players in the later rounds. Do we see this continue?

  11. I dont believe you. Its not your style to pinpoint such a prediction. Your MO is to be as vague as possible so when all the smoke clears you can claim you were on the right side all along, whichever way that wind is blowing that day.

    Show us the post where you state for a fact that Nylander is the guy we should take. Not 'might' take, or 'in the running' or some vague statement.

    I have stated consistently that we should take Ehlers, then Nylander then Ritchie. I have written it over and over. Show us you post from 2 months ago.

    Let me see if I can find one where I stated this:

    I want Nylander, I can see the case why Linden would draft a player like Ritchie or Virtanen. They are different types of players. Your not going to see me try to convince other people that Nylander would be as effective as those two in that aspect of the game.

    Rather than try to convince everyone that Ehlers is this top end all around player. Tops in every aspect of the game, that is strong on the puck and will win all these physical battles just stick to his actual strengths. He's fast, has hands and has decent vision.

    I wonder who trevor has his eye on. Is he hoping a top 5 drops and then picks that player. I would love to somehow see canucks scouting list.

    My personal opinion hasn't changed much

    Top five is someone falls then

    If we want to go with high end skill Nylander is my guy.

    If we want a more rounded player Virtanen seems like a sold pick aswell


    **After all that. Assuming he none of the top 5 players fall I think he will draft skill. We don’t need a player to come in and make an impact right away. We still have the Sedin’s locked up for 4 more years. I may be bias but, Nylander is who he will pick. He has top end skill and can learn a lot about being a pro from two great leaders who also are from Sweden. He has the potential to become this team’s future top center, he might not be Captain material but we’ve stocked up heart and sole players with Gaunce, Horvat, and Cassels.

    I would love to see a future line of

    Jensen Nylander Kassian

    Ehlers and Nylander don't seem like an option after that interview.

    Was really hoping for Nylander.

    Oh well they know better than I do.

    • Upvote 1

    One thing you fail to recognize is that (while I agree those teams have more to offer), do those teams want more youth?

    NO! people keep saying oh give up Yak for another pick! Why would Edmonton do that? they have a player who has shown he can score in the NHL , sure some issues with coaching but you don't trade that for a 'maybe'.

    In addition, do you think Edmonton or FLA dont need to win now? Edmonton has been losing for what 10 years? You think fans are happy with more promises of next year we'll put it all together? Dude they are throwing jerseys on the ice.

    Moreover, losing begets losing. You have a team full of young guns who are learning to 'lose' not learning to win. One/two more years of that, you bust that group.

    They need VETS!! a team is a mix of youth and veteran leadership, a pick does nothing for them now. They need 3-4 vets who can still play and help out their top six by adding some grit, leadership and a calming influence. They actually need guys like Edler, Burrows, Hansen and Higgins.

    As for FLA, new ownership, no one in the seats, FLA draws fans by winning. Go look at their 2014/15 roster on Capgeek and tell me another pick is going to help them draw.

    They didn't grab Lou only to leave him by himself. They also need players to help round out their young core.

    Isles as well

    Edmonton/Isles/Fla all have the same issues, a lack of vets and alot of young talent acquired from high draft picks, but they can't win. Can't win, can't draw, can't draw, can't make money - this is a business bud

    Alot of people have this vancouver fan bias (obviously bc we've had 10 years of a great team), so we are ok with a couple of bad years to restock.

    Other teams who have had 10 years of BAD teams are not so patient anymore and are bleeding money...the fans don't care, so you need to start putting a competitive team on the ice to draw them back....how? add in the vets they need.

    Edm/FLA/Isles are perfect trading partners for us if they have their business hats on.

    EDM is losing because they don't have a complete team. They have too many of the exact same player. They might have 1 player in their top 6 that weighs over 200lbs. You can't win like that. Sure they drafted the BPA but it's always said, draft him now and then decide what to do with him later. Well later can allow you to draft a player that helps those team needs. The need to get bigger in the top 6. A top six of pure skill is not enough. You need kassian, Burrows and Kesler types. By keeping Yak that doesn't make EDM any better that last year.

    Edler hansen higgins, don't make a team much better, or a playoff team. Unless were moving Kes to one of those teams, were terrible trading partners expecially for a top 5 pick.

    FLA/EDM/BUF/NYI/WPG all want to win now, but not at the expense of moving youth for older declining vets. Infact they are all perfect trading partners for each other. Young already NHL proven players getting traded for other NHL proven players.

  13. Not if you listen to people on this forum sadly....

    The desperate need to be competitive as opposed to more draft picks has no bearing apparently in trade proposals. Real World issues have no meaning when it comes to proposals it seems....

    You're dead right though. Fla and NYI have both stated very clearly they'd be open to moving if the right deal is available. They've both stated they'll spend to the cap and desire to be int he playoffs now.

    FLA has a need for solid bottom 6 players and PK capable guys as well as D prospects both RH and LH

    NYI has a solid need for a top 6 winger, a bullish 2 way center for their bottom 6 2 RH D men and a solid top 4 LH D man.

    Both teams need a solid back up.

    There are deals to be made but according to some on these forums Vancouver has NOTHING that facilitates these deals....

    I personally believe other teams have much more intriguing assets if those picks are on the market.

    Edler who has a NTC and can determine where he wants to go (if he's asked to waive) Edler along with hansen have become the 2014 version of Ballard, Raymond and first.

    Canucks offer edler, Flames offer Giordano or Wideman

    Canucks offer higgins/hansen Oilers offer Yakupov or Gagner

    Other teams have better options than us. I think the Oilers should be the ones to pry that pick out of long island. Draft Reinhart/Leon at 3, then Ritchie/ Dal Colle at 5. Immediate size in the top 6 Eventually one of those top four were going to be moved why not now.

  14. Even if it meant getting Strome and Bennet or Dal Colle with the Islanders' pick?

    Yakupov could play the left side for them, that's true, but they don't need yet another center and it doesn't help them with their goaltending or having Hamonic as their only right handed D.

    Is a better package out there for the Islanders? Maybe, but I'm not sure many teams would give that up for a 5th overall in the draft that might get forgotten between two very good drafts.

    They have Halak for four years, goaltending should be fine.

    But say a deal of Yak for 2014 5th overall +

    NYI will still have strome to use as trade bait for a D if needed. Griffin looks ready to step up this year as well. or they can get a UFA signing. I don't think Tanev fits the immediate impact that they need right now.

  15. The Isles have their pick on the market as well, and what's better for them: another prospect or something that can help fill holes for them right now? I've got a proposal around that: [Proposal] Vancouver and New York Islanders

    If the NYI move their pick, it’s for more immediate help than what you offered. They already lost their 2015 pick, they are going to want to get a player to help them make the push for playoffs next season and I don’t see Tanev being that player.

    All you really offered was a prospect swap.

    Strome and their 2014 5th overal could attract some major players. EDM, CGY, would jump at the chance for another top 5 pick. Edm has more to offer. Jet's and Kane might be interested as well

    Imagine EDM trading a deal around Yak or Gagner, then drafting Draisaitl and Ritchie. Major size bump to their second line

    Future top 6 of

    Hall Nudge Eberle

    Perron Draisaitl Ritchie

  16. Coaches have shelf live. Some have longer shelf live than others. AV needed to go from Vancouver not because he’s a bad coach but because the locker had tuned him out the last year. It happen to every coach, every coach is going to get fired at some point.

    On the flip side we should be happy for AV, he was a big part of this team and didn’t ask to be let go. A big difference between canucks and flames fans. Flames fire Sutter and then the whole city cheers him on to win a cup in LA. As soon as a former canucks leaves Vancouver the city turns on him and doesn’t wish them to have any personal success. Not everyone does but a good majority, It’s kind of a joke really.

    I for one hope he wins that cup.

    • Upvote 1
  17. I saw that too. Its not correct. They didnt interview them today. They plan to interview them tomorrow or Friday. Today they interviewed the ones you mentioned. Its a 4 day long interview.

    Edit; It was from yesterday. They ignored Ritchie Ehlers and Nyander to concentrate on Virtanen and especially Fleury. Dont know who they interviewed today but its extremely hard to believe they wont interview Ehlers and Ritchie . Even if they dont want Nylander they might want to spend 10min with him just in case.

    Yeah I wouldn't put too much stock into that. Obviously they are going to interview almost every player. That would be a terrible job not to do all your homework before you make your decision. There's plenty time left to do interviews as the physical part doesn't start till saturday.

    Nylander has 25 interviews set up (http://www.nhl.com/ice/news.htm?id=720939) this week and considering NYR and OTT don't have first round picks I'd expect canucks to be one of those 25 teams that is scheduled to interview. Same could be said with Ehlers and Ritchie.

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