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Everything posted by saucypass

  1. Yeah honestly, I think it's the team as a whole that is sucking the life out of players here. I think it might just be the structure due to the overall quality of players.
  2. All good! Yep, which is what the post you originally quoted from me was basically trying to say, which I then elaborated on even further with this following post similar to what you've just said.
  3. Maybe you should read the other posts before you come in with your passive aggressiveness. The question was asked from Alf to me in a hypothetical situation, no need to be upset. The question is phrased under the assumption (and a perfectly reasonable one) that JB fanned on this pick and whether it'll play a big factor into JB getting fired should he be in the near future.
  4. And the reason he was given that many chances to draft the right players was because his team was playing well, hence my initial comment. It was his response and lack of a plan to make up for this deficiency after the team was trending downwards that cost him his job. Also I don't think the Jake pick alone will cost him his job (but if he does get fired this pick will be looked at) as he will have other drafts to make up for it. But yes, I agree with what you're saying
  5. Nope. If he gets fired it won't be because he fanned on a pick (albeit a high profile pick). When it comes to firing a GM it's typically because of how the team itself is doing and the direction of where the GM is steering the ship.
  6. Maybe if they wanted to lose their job lol.
  7. Easiest way to put it, would you trade a 6th overall pick for Jannik Hansen? Would any GM?
  8. It's true. His projection was based purely on taking it to the next level. Otherwise he wouldn't even be in discussion for the top 10.
  9. I second what @DeNiro said in response to this. If you took the scout's rankings, the 3 forwards that went after him were projected to go after him by a ratio of 9:3 (Ehlers and Nylander) and 8:4 (Ritchie). Some scouts had Jake outside the top ten and I believe one of them didn't even have him in the first round.
  10. And at this point Edmonton and Toronto might as well...
  11. I really don't think he will or should (and that's not a bad thing). He should continue to develop his game and see how it translates against bigger and faster players in the AHL should he leave Northeastern.
  12. Aw man, don't even tease me with getting Hiscshier. It would be too good to be true.
  13. I've seen him play and still do. I got to see him play in BU and at NU. I'm not sure if he's planning to turn pro or not, but I honestly don't think it would be a bad idea for Gaudette to stay another year. (Also fun fact, the Finnish Flash's son, Eetu, is going to be playing here next year.) He's a good defensive center who is playing with Dylan Sikura and Aston-Reese. He's a defensive center who can both pass and shoot. From what I've seen he plays a pretty good north-south game even being able to generate rushes off the PK. He plays on both the PP and PK unit and is trusted with a lot of minutes. He's a pretty gritty center that does the dirty work, but plays smart at the same time. In the past his footspeed hasn't been particularly impressive, but it's been improving as of late and can continue to do so in my opinion. Those who have seen him play early on will notice that although he's not particularly slow, sometimes he doesn't have the footspeed to go all the way and beat defenders wide. However, it should be noted that he has made a conscious effort to work on that over the summer with a trainer. His shot was also something he tried to improve and is now clearly paying off. This is why you'll see that this season he's been trying to jump on pucks more quickly, as well as generating more rushes and getting off a shot as fast as he can. Which is why you'll see that his game starts to resemble Mike Richards/Kesler's. His cycle game is underrated but you can see it's there when his team has a chance to set up. Don't worry about his two-way game, it's probably the strongest part of his game in my opinion. His numbers aren't inflated, he does genuinely generate opportunities, but he plays with two other players that are really good in their own regard and they all seem to compliment each other really well. By "the real deal" you mean a bonafide top 6 forward, then I would suggest you lighten up on your expectations for the kid. Will he become a top 6 forward someday? Quite possibly. However, I would strongly advise everybody to keep their expectations low (Third line/bottom-six) and be pleasantly surprised if he exceeds those expectations.
  14. Great to hear. Hope it translates. Can someone remind me if it was the Canucks that wanted him to gain weight or slim down? Either way I'm glad he's making progress to becoming the player he can be.
  15. Yamamato would be my pick if he could grow another inch or two.
  16. Harper is pretty good and is only a freshman. He's got real soft hands but not quite shifty as his line partner Keller. Fabbro I wasn't overly impressed for a high 1st round draft pick, but I'm projecting he knock my socks off next season.
  17. Not to most people I'm sure. I agree, though it would've been nice to see both of our very own Gaudette and Boeser to hit top 5 in scoring in the NCAA. If both returns next year along with Lockwood, the Canucks could possibly have the best overall prospects in the entire NCAA. Though I think Nashville would give us a run for our money with Harper and Fabbro.
  18. Well there we go, hopefully we'll see him tear it up again (not the wrists).
  19. He definitely has the grit for it. But I like how he sees the ice as a center too
  20. Usually I'd have Monahan over Bo. But after watching how poorly Monahan performed without Gauedreau and his sudden resurgence when Gaudreau came back, something tells me the dip was not a coincidence.
  21. Seems like his footspeed is not as much of a concern to say the least... very different from the beginning of the year. Definitely good for his North-South type of game.
  22. Kind of a weird arbitrary question followed by an arbitrary thought... does anyone have a hunch/guess as to whether Jake is going to be one of those players who has a long healthy career (assuming he gets there)? Something tells me if he is, he might turn out to be pretty good.
  23. Trying to stay positive, trying to stay positive, trying to stay positive, trying to stay positive... Think of positive things like Neely, Doan, Kreider, slow starters, power forwards, long development, 6th overall pick being trash because it holds the same value as a solid third liner, 15 goal scorers, top 10 picks outside the top 5 means nothing, attitudes change, people change, STAY POSITIVE. ...and that's the story of how a CDC'er got institutionalized on a prospect thread. But anyways, at least he was trusted with OT time I guess. Was he gassed or something?
  24. I don't know if I would pencil Gaudette into your top 6. I'd say 3rd line, and then be pleasantly surprised if he exceeds those expectations.
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