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Everything posted by saucypass

  1. You missed my main point which is the fact that he didn't have to do it in public. You said it in your later posts too that society is too sensitive these days. Knowing our local media, I'm appalled this hasn't been blown out of proportion, are you? I'm sure it was some old fashioned ribbing too, as I have also experienced it during my days playing hockey. I just found it unprofessional especially considering Sutter is a vet who plays a completely different role from a 21 year old who is completely new to the team. I'm sure you understand what I'm trying to get at right?
  2. Kind of a jerk move to do that on public radio. Then to say that he's got no grit or balls? Kind of unnecessary from a vet to a 21 year old.
  3. I still think another year of junior would've been good for him. Personally, from watching his Hitmen games, it would've been really nice to see him try to expand his game outside of coasting by the blueline and simply cut to the outside and shooting it while muscling off defenders 30 lbs. lighter than him. I think he's got great tools, and if he tried expanding his repetoire in junior, it'd open up his perspective perspective on the game so that he can continue buIlding on what works and what doesn't work for him at the pro level. Would definitely be nice next year if the Canucks or the Comets could sign an AHL playmaking star who could feed Virtanen. But at the same time I hope he'll still work on learning how to drive the line as well.
  4. What I was thinking as well. It's not relative to what the player has achieved thus far, but rather the developmental progression.
  5. Wouldn't mind to see Dahlen play in the SHL next year as it would be a nice step up from where he is playing now. If that does happen, he'd be stronger and faster when he makes the transition to North American hockey.
  6. This is obviously Goldobin's initiation into the Vancouver Canucks.
  7. I'm still hoping onto the hope that Juolevi can be a 40-45 pt dman.
  8. Thought I saw reports/tweets last summer about it? Something about him working closely with trainers in Van from the Canucks organization on gaining weight or losing weight or something. Oh well. Definitely, hope he produces well this coming season in the AHL. Maybe even take on a leadership role a year after that if things progress well.
  9. What did he say/see? Been nothing but praises here for him.
  10. Exasperated from all the Jake Virtanen arguing around here. He's an incredibly disappointing prospect not playing nearly as good as what we drafted him to be, with potential to turn it around and still be an NHL player that can contribute on the third line. If he turns out to be anything more, that'd be great. Now if we could all just accept that, that would be great. 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. saucypass


      @TimberWolf Not really sure as I don't really keep up with them that much anymore, but it seems like it so far!

    3. saucypass


      @Warhippy But yeah man, flabbergasted, great word hahaha. Kind of glad we have Dahlen and Goldobin now, kind of really makes me care less and less about Virtanen now to be honest. Means that we have more prospects who has the potential to carry us to the promise land someday.

    4. Xbox


      If he only becomes a third line winger that's still fine in my books. He has the potential to be the foundation of that line for many years to come just like Hansen was. Everyone hear hopes he finds his game sooner than later.

  11. Wow his stock must've really inflated up. I must confess I have only seen streamed games of Dahlen plus highlights last year. He must've improved a lot huh? I remember being most concerned about whether his elusivity and core strength will translate. I'm guessing that has improved? Can you tell me more about it?
  12. Totally agree. He didn't last very long in the second round. Honestly, I would've taken him with a late 1st had we had one.
  13. Another season would do him good. Imports from Sweden tends to do better after getting a taste of the SHL which he hopefully will have next year. Don't want another Rodin situation on our hand.
  14. Can't believe this is our return on Burrows! I really wanted to draft this guy and now we have him! This guy has some seriously slick mitts. Great WJC tourney this year as well. Already one of my favorite prospects, great work GMJB.
  15. Thanks for the in-depth analysis Derp! I would say the eye-test would agree with your conclusion that we shouldn't get caught up in the hype just yet. Although Gaudette has been getting many cross ice passes and tap-ins, he's not just a benefactor from those plays as when you watch him play you'll notice that he does very good job working with the other members on generating that opportunity that led to the goal. Also hockey IQ is one of his biggest assets, so him being able to score by getting open might just translate give he plays with the right players.
  16. Just from watching him play, I personally believe he should get those development years. He's racking up points, but they only serve as the basis of how well a player is doing. Gaudette is strong in all three zones and has improved in every facet of his game, but I really think that he's still quite raw. I would like to see him repeat what he has done this year before expecting him to be able to jump into the AHL and dominate.
  17. He's listed as that this year as well. Regardless of how much strength/weight he could gain in the summer, it's a good idea to stay in college for another year. He's been playing great this year, but next year would be better for Gaudette as he will have the opportunity to play a bigger role.
  18. Yeah but Johnny Gaudreau isn't a gritty, two-way player who plays the type of game that requires more weight. Even then, he's around 184, he can afford to put on 10 pounds. Two very different players. That's like saying Lucic doesn't need his weight and strength in order to be an effective player.
  19. No it's better to stay for another year so you can become a better player and deman more money down the road rather than sign early and become a college burnout.
  20. I'll attend the next game and pay extra close attention and tell you what I find!
  21. Wow, now I don't have to leave the house to watch the games anymore haha.
  22. Hmm... seems odd. Because I remember seeing him play with Aston-Reese and Sikura while watching from the stands, and thought they definitely played together besides the PP and PK. Then again, it's been a while since I've been to a game. Regardless, they play a lot together and like you mentioned, he gets a lot of points on the PP. More than half his goals this season has come off the PP if I could remember correctly. I suppose you could argue Gaudette was in no way elite last year either. But I see your point and I agree, it would just suck for people to get their hopes up and go through the usual routine when the prospects don't live up to the hype.
  23. Great prospect no doubt, but again, if you guys watch the games you'll know he's playing with Aston-Reese and Sikura who will score lots of points with or without Gaudette. I personally think they all benefit from playing with each other, but his stats are no doubt inflated playing with these guys. The hockey IQ is all there, but we will have to see if he can continue his success next season as well. He's definitely working on getting the puck off faster, and taking smarter shots which is good. But I think he can afford to put on more weight before he goes pro. Waiting another couple of years or so to see what we have isn't a bad idea.
  24. He can't go to Utica dude.
  25. Speculation at this point and I don't think Olli is ready next year tbh. I say one more year of junior followed by another year in the AHL and should be ready by then.
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