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All Nitro's posted up is a picture of a fully-clothed Asian guy and some guy that can be found on the storefront of either American Eagle, Gap, or A&F.

He's also bragging about having over 100 GB of gay porn and having sex with men

Isn't this an all ages forum???

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He's also bragging about having over 100 GB of gay porn and having sex with men

Isn't this an all ages forum???

And if someone else was talking about how many girls he banged last night at the frat party, you'd be cool with that?

Am I just old, or is even 100GB of straight porn excessive?

Assume one video is 600mb. Also assume 1024mb in a GB. 100GB = 170 videos.

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What did ya do to get yourself suspended from SSP, nitronuts?

Suspended for five days because I called a moderator a "fascist"...which works out for me as I'm studying for exams! :D Oh but there will be hell to pay once I'm unsuspended considering I was the first and only moderator for that forum until I quit after having to deal with towerguy's gazillion alternate user accounts. Simply said, in the forum's early days I posted a ton of factual topics on developments and transit to get the forum going and it worked.

Anyhow, i wouldn't mind a temporary suspension from this forum either.

loll, these days I don't really take the forums i'm in seriously at all...they're more of a punching bag right now, i.e. gotta love the porn topic.

Edited by nitronuts
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He's also the guy thats over in the porno thread posting pictures of guys he'd like to sodomize

Oh please...pics like that are everywhere, in clothing stores and on buses or wherever as ads. And there have been many, many occasions where similar content (especially straight content) has been posted in older topics.

And much, much worse in straight "content" is posted in that topic, as in a video picture...but I don't see you pointing that out.

If you ask me, it seems like this is a double standard...you've got a problem with homosexuals.

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He's also bragging about having over 100 GB of gay porn and having sex with men

Isn't this an all ages forum???

Odd how you would be derailing a transit topic to discuss things you don't approve of instead of discussing it at where it was posted...

Secondly, you need a chill pill...when a gay guy brings it up, there's hate. When a straight guy brings it up, nobody has any problems with it.

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Transit related, but not Vancouver. Banff has gone to an all hybrid bus fleet (mind you, its only 4 buses), but Manhattan is starting to follow suit:

From CTV.ca:

Manhattan follows Banff's lead in clean bus technology

Michael Vaughan, Autos.CTV.ca

Date: Wednesday Dec. 9, 2009 6:14 AM ET

Who isn't sick and tired of diesel buses that belch black smoke in your face while deafening you with their noise? They're horrible to ride in and worse to stand beside. Finally, there are new technologies coming on the market which will make the urban bus a much more civilized vehicle.

The beautiful mountain-side town of Banff, Alta. showed the way with the first 100 per cent hybrid transit fleet in North America. Mind you, Banff's fleet consists of only four buses -- but they're diesel hybrids fueled as much as possible on crop-based bio-diesel fuel.

New York City, on the other hand, has nearly 6,000 buses which carry about 2 million passengers every day, but now they're following Banff's lead. Banff bought DesignLine hybrid buses which double the fuel efficiency of the typical diesel bus of the black smoke variety. Now New York has also purchased DesignLine vehicles -- three of the latest models.

New York has been trying to clean up the fleet and they already have a good number of diesel-hybrid and compressed natural gas buses. The new ones from DesignLine, however, have an experimental turbine hybrid. That's even newer than Banff's fleet.

The turbine engine does away with clattering pistons, whether gasoline or diesel fueled, and instead spins quietly. You're familiar with turbine engines on airplanes and when they spin at low speeds they're almost inaudible. The turbine in the new bus generates electricity which is sent into a big lithium-ion battery under the floor. The only noise the bus makes is a gentle hum as it accelerates smoothly. When the bus stops the brakes spin more generators, which pump more juice in to the battery.

If buses could be quiet and comfortable, pleasant and non-polluting, then I believe they would no longer be the transit choice of last resort. Add a few bus-only lanes, run them on a rational schedule -- rather than three in a row then nothing for an hour -- and clean buses can be part of a quick fix to urban transit problems.

New York City Transit calls the new buses the most advanced vehicle they have. I'd buy them just to have a little silence on city streets. There are three of these turbine-hybrids in New York now (price tag US$ 559,000 each) but they may buy about ninety more.

Banff sells their hybrid bus service as the best deal in town -- forget your car and ride in buses that are friendly to the environment. Of course in Banff there's wonderful scenery to be viewed in comfort and silence as you gaze out the over-sized windows.

When modern technology catches up with the dirty old bus I think there will be a change in attitude towards them. All-electric buses will be an option in the near future as well. It all depends on battery technology -- the energy storage device. Right now you can only pack enough electricity in them for a 50 kilometer range. But batteries are improving every day and buses are improving every day.

You'll never get the scenery of Banff on your downtown route, but if your bus was friendly to the environment and friendly to you, wouldn't you like to ride it?

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any of you guys taken the new skytrain line from the airport to dtown? I'm planning on taking it when I get into Van but dono if it's any good or if it's cheap.

It will be two zones so it will be $3.75.

Starting in January, you will need to pay an extra $2.50 (airport fare) in addition to the $3.75.

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No...they were just showing the cities have that street cars. I don't know why they linked them all up.

Whatever style train be it streetcar, lrt, skytrain, subway, interurban, west coast express, whatever--we need more of them.

Some dream of replacing the interstates lol?

The style of train better be important if you want to be car competitive.

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