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Exactly what I was expecting, a comment saying how I/we're "insert insult" and need to grow up. You'd think that after living 60 years of life you'd realize that when you disrespect someone, and can't admit that a: You're wrong, or b: you're the one with the problem people aren't going to be fans of what you do.

Waiting for the next comment that will entail "You're a [insult], grow up...".

Isn't it a shame that none of you can carry on a conversation without having to resort to the personal insult or attempting to put words in my mouth. I have acknowledged when I've been wrong on this board...but unfortunately, in the feeding frenzy that invariably takes place when a certain segment of the CDC population start throwing their imagined weight around, that goes unnoticed.

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Isn't it a shame that none of you can carry on a conversation without having to resort to the personal insult or attempting to put words in my mouth. I have acknowledged when I've been wrong on this board...but unfortunately, in the feeding frenzy that invariably takes place when a certain segment of the CDC population start throwing their imagined weight around, that goes unnoticed.

Woah-oh hello there! The pot just called the kettles black!

You obviously don't know what that phrase means. Perhaps one day you will. grasshopper.

I guess you haven't heard of a play on words, probably because your hearing is going too.

Edited by BananaMash
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Woah-oh hello there! The pot just called the kettles black!

Seriously, you need to stand up as my comment has gone over your head. Again, perhaps you and your little bully buddies should take a good long look in the mirror. The hypocrisy you all display in posting the stuff you do on this board is quite laughable.

Edited by Bertuzzi Babe
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Dream on. You haven't a clue how old I am. :lol:

You're an old women, who lives in an old apartment or someone's basement, with no family that cares about you. Because of this you feel that it's alright to look arrogantly upon others which in turn makes them dislike you even more. You can't even escape your real life on an internet forum that most mature people wouldn't take seriously.

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Seriously, you need to stand up as my comment has gone over your head. Again, perhaps you and your little bully buddies should take a good long look in the mirror. The hypocrisy you all display in posting the stuff you do on this board is quite laughable.

Gone over HIS head??! My God, it's like when you were created God poured your brain in with a teaspoon and someone jiggled his arm.

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You're an old women, who lives in an old apartment or someone's basement, with no family that cares about you. Because of this you feel that it's alright to look arrogantly upon others which in turn makes them dislike you even more. You can't even escape your real life on an internet forum that most mature people wouldn't take seriously.


The people here who know me outside of CDC would beg to differ but thanks for the laugh! :lol:

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