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Speaking of helping people. I respect and appreciate the men and women that serve overseas in incredible amounts. I feel that I have to do something now... that something is to join the CAF. There are obstacles though, my parents are totally against it. They being Asian want me to be a doctor or lawyer and of course are really worried that I get deployed somewhere dangerous like Afghanistan. My original intention was to go to school and do something with the VPD but I feel I need to be in the army and fight for my country. What should I do? Listen to my parents and stay? or follow what my heart tells me to do and join the army, fight for my country, and continue on what the brave men and women who have sacrifice themselves for us?

A word of advice: White Noise or CDC for that matter is not the best place to be asking for advice.

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Haha, it's okay. I've asked advice from my friends. Doesn't really matter what people say... a soldier should be able to at least put up with others criticisms.

Well you should make sure you know what you are getting yourself into and whether you want to be in it for the long term.The military isn't like any other job where you can just quit at any time.

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God, it's days like today that make me want to leave CDC forever. It's said so often, but this place really can be a hellhole for ignorance and intolerance.

I agree, although, it's not just today, it's mostly everyday.

All of the respected posters are going to be gone soon, it's not taking long on how many trolls are on here. It's hard to discuss another team on here without have a member say "[insert team here] sucks, they will never be better then the Canucks" etc etc etc.

Not much good debates/discussion is happening.

EDIT: I'm surprised Wetcoaster is even wasting his time here.

Edited by Bryan McCabe.24
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haha :)

It's getting tiresome seeing all these personal attacks. I know I've only been here since June and I know this goes on all the time and has for like ever, but it's dumb. Here are grown men or women attacking other people for no reason like a bunch of grade schoolers who find amusement in bugging other people. It's ridiculous and because I've been bullied like everywhere a lot of my life, I understand that it can hurt people even if other people think it's funny or harmless.

Trying to impress their peers, happens all the time.

I've been attacked on CDC before, didn't both me, it bothers others though.

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Yeah, true dat.

That's good you don't let it get to you! I wish all of us could be has steel plated as you laugh.gif

As for myself, I try hard to not let it get to me but it always does, and when I see other people being attacked anywhere it gets to me sometimes as well. frantics.gif

I actually liked being attacked sometimes, made my day. But now, I'd rather not be attacked, as I'd rather just be a normal user here just trying to discuss hockey and have some fun along the way.

I'm finding CDC more and more hard to read... not mentioning any names or anything

HF Boards anyone?!

Already signed up bro, I've been posting there more and more everyday.

Edited by Bryan McCabe.24
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I don't know what any of those are frantics.gif

Prison Planet is where people discuss about how the governments are becoming more and more authoritarian and how we are losing our civil liberties in the west.

IGN is a gaming forum with a massive community. You thought CDC was big, IGN is several times larger.

Pure Pwnage forums is well where we discuss Pure Pwnage and other stuff mostly gaming.

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Canucks Talk is a bit of a joke but Off-Topic is still really good.

Anyone here post on PrisonPlanet, IGN, and the Pure Pwnage forums?

I have an account there, but post very rarely.

Apart from here and there, I also have an account on the EA Sports forums.

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