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Isn't there a more constructive addiction?

Say perhaps learning how to play an instrument? I had some friends who played their guitars like 10 hours a day.

Or maybe a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game? Although I had one friend who dropped out of high school just to play more World of Warcraft.

I would love to lean how to play a flute or violin. I also want to learn Cantonese, mandarin and french. Sadly those first two language are on my list partly because I want to converse with the old chinese ladies in the casino (partly also so I can find a cute asian girlfriend). All these are things I should be doing with my time.

I played Everquest 2 for five years and have only recently pulled my charm and social skills together enough to have meaningful conversations with "irl ppl". Also, I put on 40 pounds since high school thanks to the inactive lifestyle that came with getting me into those kind of games. So scratch that...

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I've never been a gamer, so I've never understood that whole thing, but I've met people that honestly believe having succes in WoW and other such games is going to equal life success. It doesn't work that way!

I have my own little theory as to why video games are so addictive. I am a hobbyist but I do encounter a lot of addicts. Video games simulate reality and in this game, life is better than in reality. In reality, you don't save the world, get fancy looking gear, and make a lot of money, etc. When fantasy becomes better than reality and you use fantasy as a constant escape, fantasy becomes addictive.

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I would love to lean how to play a flute or violin. I also want to learn Cantonese, mandarin and french. Sadly those first two language are on my list partly because I want to converse with the old chinese ladies in the casino (partly also so I can find a cute asian girlfriend). All these are things I should be doing with my time.

I played Everquest 2 for five years and have only recently pulled my charm and social skills together enough to have meaningful conversations with "irl ppl". Also, I put on 40 pounds since high school thanks to the inactive lifestyle that came with getting me into those kind of games. So scratch that...

A word of advice: I suggest you learn Mandarin instead of Cantonese because I learned Cantonese as my first language and it isn't getting me very far in terms of communicating with a lot of Chinese people. There is more and more Chinese immigrants from outside of Hong Kong who speak mostly Mandarin. Even most Chinese people from Hong Kong speak Mandarin as a second language.

Edited by Pure Pwnage
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