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Say something about the Member above you


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1. You will be tolerant and respectful of your fellow visitors(and this includes via Private Message).

You will find every opinion imaginable here, so you may want to find another board if you are not able to keep your cool when someone's viewpoint offends you. The following actions are strictly prohibited:

  • Calling out other users.
  • Personal attacks and flaming. Attacking an idea is acceptable, attacking a user is not.
  • Trolling and posting with intent to provoke other posters
  • Retaliating to personal attacks(contact a moderator instead)
  • Harrassment, stalking, and shadowing other users with intent to provoke
  • Using abbreviations such as 'STFU' and 'GTFO'
  • Do not edit quotes of other users.

If you find you can't get along with another user, feel free to use the ignore feature.

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