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MG Gameplan

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So with all the trade rumours out there for Luongo here is what I think GMMG's gameplan for the summer is. Remember the guy doesn't act quickly he is extremely methodical in his approach and will definately hold out for a longer period of time to get the assets he wants or he won't make a move.

Step 1. Sign Corey Schneider.

Step 2. Sign Justin Schultz. Fills a big void on the backend and gets us a potential QB for the PP.

Step 3. Re-sign Sami Salo

Step 4. Get a third/fourth line player in the mould of Travis Moen/P. Gaustad.

Once these steps are done then I think Gillis puts Luongo out there. This way the team has no major needs and with the cap hit going to 70million Gillis will have the flexibility to hold him if needed. I think Gillis will not move Luongo just for the sake of moving him, if he doesn't get a decent return he will wait for the season to start and trust me teams that get a crappy start will get desperate fast and then BAM it becomes a great market for Luongo.

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