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Weber ?


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According to the current CBA, the recently signed RFA cannot get traded in his first year of the contract. So people who think that we should get him via trade, then you got to wait until next year unless they amend this part of the current CBA with the up coming CBA.

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I honestly don't see the Canucks winning the Cup in 2013 the way the team's defensive corps looks at the moment. And I don't believe we will until this team gets a stud/top-reated defensman.

With Weber now tied up for 14 years, there's no chance of him becoming a Canuck. (CDC dreams crushed)

Canucks still need to sign/aquire at least 1 more decent veteran defensman, that can handle playing top-4 minutes. The addition of Garrison is great, but with the loss of Salo, it is a latteral move at best, and so far this offseason the D-corps hasn't been improved.

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i would rather let him go than sign him to a 14 year $100 mill contract!!!!! screw trading for him!! i dont want to send half the team to nashville to get him, and thats assuming trading for him is an option at this point.

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