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Ask A Gumball

Guest Gumballthechewy

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It wasn't really meant to be "pick on Ave night" Caboose just told it like it was, and then everyone else who felt that way and had been holding it in agreed with him.

Clearly everyone has been thinking it for a while and didn't say anything because they didn't want to hurt his feelings.

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It wasn't really meant to be "pick on Ave night" Caboose just told it like it was, and then everyone else who felt that way and had been holding it in agreed with him.

Clearly everyone has been thinking it for a while and didn't say anything because they didn't want to hurt his feelings.

still the gang mentally doesn't sit well with some people

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Guest Gumballthechewy

To be fair, petty squabbles are the best form of squabbles.

Well, I always say: "If you're gonna do something, do it right" If no one gets banned in the ensuing squabble somebody's doing something wrong.

Also, scrabble is the best form of squabble, unless nekkid ladies are involved, then nekkid twister becomes the best form of squabble.

Honest thoughts on tonight?

Never a dull night on CDC.

I miss my ex...

I take it you're not amused by the goings-on. I'm more lost than anything.

Not overly, but it is what it is.

gum i'm reaching 5000 posts. wut should i do?

Leap into a chasm of fire before it's too late!

All I ask is that you bust your 5000 cherry in my thread.

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still the gang mentally doesn't sit well with some people

IDK man, it's happened to Tiger, Yete, and even Vintage at some point.

But because it's Ave, it's not alright?

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IDK man, it's happened to Tiger, Yete, and even Vintage at some point.

But because it's Ave, it's not alright?

tiger and yete wanted the attention. vintage just does the smart thing and ignores it. same happened to me when i "came out" *snickers* but i liked the attention cause it's something that never bothered me. but if everyone started jumping on me for hating on something i liked, like posting pictures of my kid for example-- it's just an example of people on here taking this place too serious. pics of avs' kid never bothered me, same as when gum posted pics of his dogs a lot. i just don't care. there are other things to hate on than something someone's proud of

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tiger and yete wanted the attention. vintage just does the smart thing and ignores it. same happened to me when i "came out" *snickers* but i liked the attention cause it's something that never bothered me. but if everyone started jumping on me for hating on something i liked, like posting pictures of my kid for example-- it's just an example of people on here taking this place too serious. pics of avs' kid never bothered me, same as when gum posted pics of his dogs a lot. i just don't care. there are other things to hate on than something someone's proud of

I get what your saying. If I was in his position, I wouldn't be too impressed either.

But it was annoying seeing tons of pictures of his daughter all the time. Someone doing anything over and over is going to get annoying eventually. He just took it as a personal attack.

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It wasn't really meant to be "pick on Ave night" Caboose just told it like it was, and then everyone else who felt that way and had been holding it in agreed with him.

Clearly everyone has been thinking it for a while and didn't say anything because they didn't want to hurt his feelings.

I've been reading this page man, I just want to let you guys know that I feel your friendship guys. I never thought real friendship happens in a forum but I'm so glad you guys never want to hurt each other. Keep up the friendship! No man is an island and points for creative use of non sequitur.

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But it was annoying seeing tons of pictures of his daughter all the time. Someone doing anything over and over is going to get annoying eventually. He just took it as a personal attack.

it's not so much about telling him like it is, but the way it was handled, in the end with everyone kinda piling on. then moving on as if nothing happened, just bury aves then move on to the next thing to stimulate our lulz, cause, why should we care how the guy feels?

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tiger and yete wanted the attention. vintage just does the smart thing and ignores it. same happened to me when i "came out" *snickers* but i liked the attention cause it's something that never bothered me. but if everyone started jumping on me for hating on something i liked, like posting pictures of my kid for example-- it's just an example of people on here taking this place too serious. pics of avs' kid never bothered me, same as when gum posted pics of his dogs a lot. i just don't care. there are other things to hate on than something someone's proud of

it's not a matter of showing a lot of pictures of a child or dog, it's avelanche literally showing 5 pictures in a row of the baby moving half an inch (if that) from one photo the next. it would be annoying if i saw him do it more than once every two months, when i'm nervy enough to go into those spam-encouraging threads

the redeeming quality about avelanche is that he's easy to ignore because he's not offensive with his obnoxiousness, whereas some people (i.e. magical) are just like adult fratboys, screaming really loud to hide their insecurities, or that CB007 dude who is approaching 40, has a batman signature, and spams atheist trash like it's 2008. these people have serious psychological development issues. they peaked far too early in life, and are now riding that low, offensive peak as an actual lifestyle

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it's not a matter of showing a lot of pictures of a child or dog, it's avelanche literally showing 5 pictures in a row of the baby moving half an inch (if that) from one photo the next. it would be annoying if i saw him do it more than once every two months, when i'm nervy enough to go into those spam-encouraging threads

but of all things to bury a guy for? sure the pictures can get excessive but i just ignored most of those. it's really not hard to do. it's just a shame how i'm seeing these posts that "oh white noise is back" cause it was mostly centered around that drama but you can just say, oh it was just active again and people just having fun, but at what expense

i'm sure this place won't die a death without ave's presence, but how that thing was handled was pretty sad. i normally ignored most of avsies posts to begin with, so i can't comment on how some of you guys thought he was overly preachy and complainy lately. i just can't explain just how much i don't care, but it kinda sucks being the guy who had a helping hand on tonight's activities when he said he's done and leaving. who knows, maybe his time is up and he just doesn't fit in with the culture here anymore. thats how scott hartnells mane felt or something to that effect and he hasn't been back since. i loved that guy

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but of all things to bury a guy for? sure the pictures can get excessive but i just ignored most of those. it's really not hard to do. it's just a shame how i'm seeing these posts that "oh white noise is back" cause it was mostly centered around that drama but you can just say, oh it was just active again and people just having fun, but at what expense

i'm sure this place won't die a death without ave's presence, but how that thing was handled was pretty sad. i normally ignored most of avsies posts to begin with, so i can't comment on how some of you guys thought he was overly preachy and complainy lately. i just can't explain just how much i don't care, but it kinda sucks being the guy who had a helping hand on tonight's activities when he said he's done and leaving. who knows, maybe his time is up and he just doesn't fit in with the culture here anymore. thats how scott hartnells mane felt or something to that effect and he hasn't been back since. i loved that guy


except with scott hartnell's mane... that guy has been here about 5 different times. he will never fit in with ANY culture.

i'm sure he'll be back now that the hockey season has started. that guy is hilarious. he does nothing but lie, then pads his lies with sentimentality so if you challenge his bizarre stories, he makes it seem like you are attacking his life and experience then starts freaking out. dude is literally insane.

can't wait for him to return

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it's not a matter of showing a lot of pictures of a child or dog, it's avelanche literally showing 5 pictures in a row of the baby moving half an inch (if that) from one photo the next. it would be annoying if i saw him do it more than once every two months, when i'm nervy enough to go into those spam-encouraging threads

the redeeming quality about avelanche is that he's easy to ignore because he's not offensive with his obnoxiousness, whereas some people (i.e. magical) are just like adult fratboys, screaming really loud to hide their insecurities, or that CB007 dude who is approaching 40, has a batman signature, and spams atheist trash like it's 2008. these people have serious psychological development issues. they peaked far too early in life, and are now riding that low, offensive peak as an actual lifestyle

i noticed him in an OT thread. another noisy one. i suspect the demographic of cdc is the young student or the older blue collar. Feeling confident on their soapbox - one with a bit of education and not a lot of experience and the other, with a bit of experience but not a lot of education. and then there's the odd few with some education and some experience who come just to get attention and feel superior... but wet is gone now.

but of all things to bury a guy for? sure the pictures can get excessive but i just ignored most of those. it's really not hard to do. it's just a shame how i'm seeing these posts that "oh white noise is back" cause it was mostly centered around that drama but you can just say, oh it was just active again and people just having fun, but at what expense

i'm sure this place won't die a death without ave's presence, but how that thing was handled was pretty sad. i normally ignored most of avsies posts to begin with, so i can't comment on how some of you guys thought he was overly preachy and complainy lately. i just can't explain just how much i don't care, but it kinda sucks being the guy who had a helping hand on tonight's activities when he said he's done and leaving. who knows, maybe his time is up and he just doesn't fit in with the culture here anymore. thats how scott hartnells mane felt or something to that effect and he hasn't been back since. i loved that guy

he's leaving cdc because of that? really?

and SHM too? well. i confess, i didn't even notice he was gone. oh yeah, i guess i haven't seen any posts about marijuana lately.

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he's leaving cdc because of that? really?

well i don't blame him. the guy's been here for years and just the way people act now i guess he doesn't want any part of it anymore. when i was banned in 2008 and was away for those 3 and a half years until coming back, idk how this place was at that time if he's ever been jumped on like this before. probably didn't expect it then seeing everyone jump in on the action, thinking that he's no longer a respected poster, or even decent to some of his peers. idk, i'm not a doctor

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White Noise sure has changed over the years. I first posted on CDC years ago (04) and I stopped after they got rid of White Noise all together.

I remember people going to another site and then some just stopped posting completely

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