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Don't push me, cause I'm close to the...edge (more thoughts)

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....I'm trying not to lose my head

- Did Canuck fans really expect to have a winning record with Torts suspended and the injuries we're suffering? I was watching the culture of the Canucks morphing and the team coming together and sticking up for each other. The NHL saw this too and they threw a road bump in our path....of course a new team (new as in attitude) without their vocal leader will struggle. The outcome was what everyone should have expected. What I see are trolls starting a feeding frenzy on CDC and a majority of fans circling about... If not trolls, than fans who put unreasonable limits on their team without taking any consideration of circumstances.

If you've experienced running a business or organization, you would understand that there are always hurdles and obstacles - unexpected peaks and lows, in your path...nothing comes easy. To just start a firesale and change the foundations of what made your organization a success, without taking into account the actual factors for the drop in production/sales, would be considered ludicrous...unprofessional. I'm glad that the Canucks are being professional about their organization and understand that there are specific reasons for the drop-off in production. The teams record under Gillis has been above-par and he knows what he's doing...none of us are qualified to be employed by the Canucks Organization so let the professionals go about their business and we can go back to going about our own business as fans.

- Tort's first game back from suspension was a gimmie (for me)....I don't care about the outcome so much as the effort the players put into the game. I'm still proud of these guys and Nucks fans should be too.... most of us (definitely not all) expected a blowout and the team kept it close. Considering our depleted lineup.... patience for now until we see a healthy squad!

- When was the last time we had a full lineup without any key players injured or suspended?...maybe it's best we wait and see what our team can do when everyone gets a chance to play together. So far, it seems we've had at least 2 or 3 key players missing since the start of the season.

- I like Schroeders play so far and he's just gonna get better....lots of people thought he was a bust and wanted to trade him for peanuts. I think that the pessimists would now agree that those thoughts were a bit premature.

- Although it's not the big blockbuster that most wanted....Gillis bringing in Diaz was a great trade! He solidifies our D and is a puck moving Dman with a good head and was the 3rd most successful Dman in clearing his zone in Montreal. The Habs failed to utilize him properly and had him paired with Doug "and the Slugs" Murray this season.... I'm not surprised Diaz struggled. A 4th liner for a top 4/6 Dman.... pretty good in my books! Multiple minor trades and improvements can be equal to a blockbuster deal. Diaz may not be physical, but neither is Tanev...

- Everyone seems to think that Gillis is willing to sell the squad except for the Sedins... I think it's just a ploy to get the team motivated. I don't think too much has changed now and I highly doubt he's gonna make a trade for the sake of making one... A trade will happen if it betters our team and we come out on top of the deal, no different than before. If he does make trades for a major overhaul, than it shouldn't take too long to rebuild....a few players on our team are worth #1 picks and we already have a good young crop with Kass, Stanton, Schroeds, Bo, Gaunce, , Shink, Fox, Lain, etc. Gillis has drastically improved our future in 1 year and I'm looking forward to what he does in the next...But, unless we fleece another team, I doubt anything happens with our core...no different than before.

- Why do people feel that they're warranted some sort of credit for predicting the Nucks poor record at this point in the season??? At best, most of us have a pretty good idea on OUR players and their potential. But, there's so many variables that effect the outcome and this year they just seemed to have compiled.... New coach, new system, new divisions, new players, multiple injuries to key players, players underperforming (vice versa), top 6 players going through scoring slumps, major drop in PP rankings, unprecedented suspensions to players and coach.....and than we can multiply this by the other teams in the leagues and what they are going through. The only constant for every season is amateur officiating and even this year they seem to surprise us with new calls and penalties. If you calculated all these factors into your equation....than good job! great GUESS!

- I've been preaching patience for this year because the players need time to get used to the new system and coach...but I think this goes the other way too. Torts is just getting used to this team and the players, plus he needs to get used to the West coast travel that the Nucks go through. Torts may be stubborn, but he has shown that he is able to adjust and make changes when necessary....this is our TRANSITION year and next year we should see the rewards after players and coaches have acclimated with the new surroundings. Should we make the Playoffs....great! I still think we'll go further than the last couple cause this team is ready for playoff hockey. If we don't make the Playoffs...we have a chance at 1st overall and I'm excited to see what Gillis will do over the summer again. What's the point of giving ourselves anxiety attacks when our situation is nowhere near critical?

T think you got it wrong.

If you hire a manager for your business and he chases the manager of a compeitior down the street looking for a fight. You fire him on the spot.

If you hire a manger for your business and within weeks he has a finely tuned profiable operation on its knees, you fire him on the spot.

If you hire a manager for your business and he throws the employees under the bus in public interviews for implementing the managers inane decisions, you fire him on the spot,


There is fundamantal difference of opinion about Torts -- time will prove me right. He is not fit to coach the Canucks and never should have been hired. he has no upside. Period,

If we keeo Torts we have three or four years of nmisery while all the Torts supporters finally come around and he gets fired.

If we fire him now, we can hope the damage he has done can be remidied quickly.

If you have experince running a businees you recognize mistakes and rectify them quickly. Fire Torts. Get an interim manager who undersrands the skill set of the Canucks. And look for a new mamger for next season and hope the damage can be repaired.

I guaranty the New York fans were right. Supporters too will boo Torts sooner or later. If its later, you will wait many years before the Canucks are a premire team like they were under AV


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I still believe in torts and that he can right the ship but Under Torts Canucks fans didn't expect;

  • for the sedins to be given so many minutes that they get driven into the ground; resulting in henrik's injury
  • For burrows to go more than half the season without a goal; and also have a rash of injuries
  • For edler and kesler to have such terrible plus minus ratings
  • For a rash of injuries to our defense-men including injuries to Edler, Hamhuis, Bieksa, Tanev, Alberts, Weber and Stanton
  • To get shutout 3 times in a span of six games under torts and score 0.6 goals per game while scoring 2.5 goals per game during tort's suspension

None of this happened under AV. Our team can't take tort's style of play and they way he utilizes our players. He has to learn to change his coaching style fast but I still believe in him. But he's got a lot of work to do.

Here is the problem. Torts is a one trick pony. Can't teach an old dog new tricks. etc etc. Torts just needs to go before it gets so bad it will take years to fix. The guys who have put in so much work over the past 5 years to win the presidents trophy, game 7 etc, deserved far better. I was a blunder by Gillis to hire Torts. I can only assume is was a desparation hire. Just like the so called Schneider "trade"

Gillis needs to drive down to Seatlle and spend a day with John Schneider and Pete Caroll. Learn how its done. The first question. How do you relate to your players? The second question. How do you motivate your players? There are lots more but he can figure those out once he hears the answers to the first two.

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Loved your thread. Thanks for that. I agree with you, and more. Something i would add is that we are not playing that bad. If you watch, there are segments of pure dominance that are magnificent. Our young players are pretty good, and any fan should be happy about that.

Those are my thoughts exactly... We've all seen these players dominate before and now we still see spurts of domination throughout games. I don't believe that multiple players will suddenly begin a major decline simultaneously ..... especially if their still years away from their "expiration" year. It's just not reasonable to think that players like the Sedins, Burr, Kes, Badger, Bieksa, Edler and Garrison have all lost their touch and won't get it back. We've all seen these players performing at much higher levels and there's no reason to believe that they can't get back to it. The odds are ridiculous that all these players have begun their 'decline' at the same time... it's a mental issue. Personally, the above-mentioned players are players I've admired for a long time and I believe that their mindset is strong and will definitely turn things around...maybe not this year but the next. Garrison I still believe in but I didn't follow him prior to his signing so I don't have a good grasp on his character ....and Edler, I'm on the fence. I think we need to move a Dman and the return we could get for a 1st line Dman would be intriguing. It's crazy to just make trades for the sake of a "trade".....sell them when their underperforming for minimal and watch them thrive the next year on another team? Why not just go through this drought with the team and enjoy the magic afterwards. It's only a mental issue and this can be addressed with a little luck or time....if we were talking about an ability or skills issue, trade 'em now.* I've mentioned in another thread that our key players seem to go through a rotation in regards to underperforming for the year.... the Sedins and Burr are the only ones that haven't (from my recollection) so they're due. Who knows....with so many players going through slumps this year, maybe we used up our quota for slumps next year. Combine this with our prospects who might jump up and the next year could be quite interesting.... :)The young players I'm impressed with as well....but their keeping us from having better odds at the #1 pick ;)

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I still believe in torts and that he can right the ship but Under Torts Canucks fans didn't expect;

  • for the sedins to be given so many minutes that they get driven into the ground; resulting in henrik's injury
  • For burrows to go more than half the season without a goal; and also have a rash of injuries
  • For edler and kesler to have such terrible plus minus ratings
  • For a rash of injuries to our defense-men including injuries to Edler, Hamhuis, Bieksa, Tanev, Alberts, Weber and Stanton
  • To get shutout 3 times in a span of six games under torts and score 0.6 goals per game while scoring 2.5 goals per game during tort's suspension

None of this happened under AV. Our team can't take tort's style of play and they way he utilizes our players. He has to learn to change his coaching style fast but I still believe in him. But he's got a lot of work to do.

I agree somewhat with what you wrote, I do think that Torts still has lots to do but he does bring some crucial elements to the Canucks that is much needed. Things could have been a lot worse, but the team seems to respect Torts and that bodes well for the future of the organization. I definitely agree that the certain players are being overplayed, not relying enough on all 4 lines and some of the player lineups, plus we can couple this with his limited understanding of the fatigue factor due to geography. But, we would probably have the same issues with any other coach had Gillis not chosen Torts and I think he just needs a little time to realize the intricacies of coaching a West Coast team. AV didn't "right the ship" in his first year here....so I expect Torts will need the same amount of time.

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