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[Proposal] Van Nyr

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Edler Hansen something along those lines.

To Van

Callahan Kreider

Sedins Kesler

Kreider Santa Callahan

Burr Shred Kass

Higgins Richardson Booth

Size Speed Grit and Talent on all 4 lines.

I think its pretty fair since Callahan won't be resigned by NYR we might have to sweeten the pot a bit but I doubt too much. Kreider is the main loss for NYR and Vinny doesn't seem to keen on him anyway.

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Hi elvis. I'm just saying that I think Edler and Hansen are fair value in this trade especially since I'm suggesting trading one of my favorite players in Hansen. So I might be overvaluing a bit due to that. But I do believe what I am proposing to be a good trade for both teams. Especially to bring in 2 players who have flourished under Torts and Trade 2 that Torts is obviously having trouble using to their strengths. Callahan is no chopped liver IMO if we can re sign him he can take a ton of weight off of Kes's shoulders so Kes can finally take the reigns along side the Sedins. We don't need a player to play with Kes. We need a player to allow Kes to move up!

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Because Hansen is one of your favourite players makes it fair value? I think you missed my point.

The Rangers are looking to trade Callahan because he's asking so much in term and cap hit for his next contract. He's a good player now but never has done all that much offensively and is slowly grinding down to the point he'll be less healthy than Kesler. Why would we give up so much for a guy who's a pending UFA and won't be able to perform to the level of his next contract?

To reiterate, I'm saying we're giving up too much. I don't know how your overvaluing anything other than the worth of Callahan at this point.

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Because Hansen is one of your favourite players makes it fair value? I think you missed my point.

The Rangers are looking to trade Callahan because he's asking so much in term and cap hit for his next contract. He's a good player now but never has done all that much offensively and is slowly grinding down to the point he'll be less healthy than Kesler. Why would we give up so much for a guy who's a pending UFA and won't be able to perform to the level of his next contract?

To reiterate, I'm saying we're giving up too much. I don't know how your overvaluing anything other than the worth of Callahan at this point.

So you arguing to be argumentative. What I'm saying is that I might be over valuing Hansen. What your saying is that its not enough return. so I don't see the problem.

Callahan is a great defensive player. Look at what Malhotra did for this franchise when healthy. Kreider is a big stud offensively we have some great centers in the system lets give them some wingers!

Edler and Hansen aren't going to be effective for us while Torts is here so before we drive their value down further we should get some guys that will flourish under Torts.

What would you suggest they add to make it fair in your opinion or are you just here to criticize?

I think your albums are over valued.

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So you arguing to be argumentative. What I'm saying is that I might be over valuing Hansen. What your saying is that its not enough return. so I don't see the problem.


That makes even less sense. I'm saying we give up way to much to get back too little, you're saying you're overvaluing Hansen because he's your favourite player so that makes the value even.

The fact is Callahan's value is down because he's a pending UFA, and it certainly doesn't help him that he's rumoured to be asking for so much that the Rangers are being forced to shop him. That he's only had one season with more points than Edler's career high and is breaking down physically is further proof we wouldn't really want him.

I'm not looking to add to this proposal because I wouldn't do any deal that centers around Edler and Callahan.

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