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Christian ministry quotes Adolf Hitler on billboard

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Agnostic spend virtually NO time thinking about whether there is a God or not. Agnostics dont care if there is one or not. Atheists care a great deal about the matter.

Most folks I know dont spend anytime at all categorizing people who believe in a God as 'ignorant' They live and let live. In fact, if they are anything like myself, they have no wish to put anyone down for the way they choose to live.

You are spiting whole groups of people. Billions who have faith in a higher power . You brush it off as 'ignorant' . Thats quite a low blow to those people. You claim wholesale that organized Religion has brought far more pain and agony than good.

So according to you, the billions are too STUPID to see it, enjoy pain and agony with a few rewards chucked in. That would entail you being far smarter than billions of others which has a virtual nil probability of being correct.

People just as smart as you choose to believe and go to Church. So the real question you should be asking is , why dont you get it ? What are they seeing that you cant see?

In the end you may discover that the beliefs you hold today will not match what you believe tomorrow as you grow and mature.

My friends and I are agnostics we spend a lot of time thinking about the existence or non existence of a god , the purpose of our existence and related subjects.

I think Billions of people are stupid for many reasons we all do stupid things at some point in our lives.

There are lot of people whose intelligence quotient is greater than mine attend church - so what ?

As stated Most religious beliefs are not based in logic , i am a logical person.

Most people want/ need something to believe in ,faith in a diety is a comforting to some.

I guarantee i know as much about the history of the 2 major religions as some theologians.

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My friends and I are agnostics we spend a lot of time thinking about the existence or non existence of a god , the purpose of our existence and related subjects.

I think Billions of people are stupid for many reasons we all do stupid things at some point in our lives.

There are lot of people whose intelligence quotient is greater than mine attend church - so what ?

As stated Most religious beliefs are not based in logic , i am a logical person.

Most people want/ need something to believe in ,faith in a diety is a comforting to some.

I guarantee i know as much about the history of the 2 major religions as some theologians.

Agnostics are people who dont care about the subject. If you actually admit there could be a God -since you dont know either way- then you would respect the people who do.

People who dig their heels in and demand that there is no God will not respect those who do and only see the negative in the entities that promote it.

If I could give you some advice it would be to stop this pursuit. Its chasing a Ghost. Billions who came before you fought this same philosophical battle and it always ends the same.

You cant define or win a battle against something you cant prove or disprove exists. Its a waste of the precious little time we have on this planet IMHO.

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Agnostics are people who dont care about the subject. If you actually admit there could be a God -since you dont know either way- then you would respect the people who do.

People who dig their heels in and demand that there is no God will not respect those who do and only see the negative in the entities that promote it.

If I could give you some advice it would be to stop this pursuit. Its chasing a Ghost. Billions who came before you fought this same philosophical battle and it always ends the same.

You cant define or win a battle against something you cant prove or disprove exists. Its a waste of the precious little time we have on this planet IMHO.

You asked me not not to lump all agnosticsinto one group, which i did not and now you are doing this. As i have stated i personally know many agnostics that are very interested in the question of the existence of a god.

What i believe is the you cannot prove the existence/non existence of a god -which i define as a being of great knowlegde and power- ergo i accept the possibility that such a being could exist.

I respect some religious people for the way they treat others , like any group of people they range from the good to the indifferent through to the bad.

You are confusing religion with a belief in a diety , religion is Men using people's belief in a diety as a control mechanism.

You started this discussion with me by replying to one of my posts and now you are telling me we are wasting are time discussing it ?

I have always been driven to aquire Knowledge, I want to "know" as much as i can about about the Physical -the planet/universe we exist on/in ,and the metaphysical - the existence of a god , why/how our species gained the ability to reason, the question of an after life.

i do not consider it a waste of time to devote a part of my life to exploring these ideas

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Discussion at hand lol? I'm the only one who has replied to your post so far, which by the way, was not really relevant to the discussion at hand.

And were you really here for discussion at hand or to troll religion as usual?

Yes, discussing the quote in the op is totally the same and bringing up the media like it has some relevance to the discussion. Derp.

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And, frankly, this theory explains how multiple non-physical dimensions exist in a 3 dimensional universe. The big bang has never explained how a linear passage of time came to be but if this theory is correct, then linear time exists because the physical time was collapsed by the 4d black hole.

Wondering if you ever plan on trying to answer the point raised here.

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Wondering if you ever plan on trying to answer the point raised here.

The point you raised was that the new theory fits in with the observed data re: uniform temperature and its claims about blackhole's effect on time. Theses claims can be neither counted or discounted because we have no observed data from inside a black hole, making it a very tenuous theory.

You failed to mention that the theory has at the very least one limitation, the model does not fit with observed data re: cosmic microwave background , so while it fits observed date in one regard -temp it fails in another area making it yet another theory that does not fit with the all the observed data that our species has collected to this point.

Researching this subject it seems most physicist's and astro-physicists believe that the big bang theory still carries the most weight , being a flower farmer I am willing to accept and trust their judgement in this matter.

Are you feeling perverse and argumentitive today Jimbob ?

The equations of physics do not tell us which events are occurring right now, the present moment does not exist in them, and therefore neither does the flow of time.

Einstein’s theories of relativity suggest not only that there is no single special present but also that all moments are equally real

Physics describes the changes of events, but the laws used in those descriptions cannot change in time, last year’s law will be the same as next year’s law. In another sense of the word “law,” the laws of science have changed, but these laws are our informed guesses of what are the laws in the first sense of “law.” The newly proposed law is then supposed to have held in the past and to hold in the future.

This will be the third time i have stated this maybe you will be able to comprehend this time , I do not claim to have the knowlegde and or the intellect of an astrophysicist.

These are just theories , I choose to believe that the big bang theory carries the most weight because most of the people who study this subject, physicists / astro-physicists believe this.

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Yes, discussing the quote in the op is totally the same and bringing up the media like it has some relevance to the discussion. Derp.

:rolleyes: The article in the op comes from the media and billboards are also an influential form of media.

Just like when you quote scientific theories on the universe's creation from the media that are far from absolute or consensus and has absolutely nothing to do with the op. Especially when your own source prefaces this theory with "For all physicists know, dragons could have come flying out of the singularity,”

And somehow referring to the world's leading astrophysicists is "appealing to authority". I lol'd.

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Are you feeling perverse and argumentitive today Jimbob ?

The equations of physics do not tell us which events are occurring right now, the present moment does not exist in them, and therefore neither does the flow of time.

Einstein’s theories of relativity suggest not only that there is no single special present but also that all moments are equally real

Physics describes the changes of events, but the laws used in those descriptions cannot change in time, last year’s law will be the same as next year’s law. In another sense of the word “law,” the laws of science have changed, but these laws are our informed guesses of what are the laws in the first sense of “law.” The newly proposed law is then supposed to have held in the past and to hold in the future.

This will be the third time i have stated this maybe you will be able to comprehend this time , I do not claim to have the knowlegde and or the intellect of an astrophysicist.

These are just theories , I choose to believe that the big bang theory carries the most weight because most of the people who study this subject, physicists / astro-physicists believe this.

I think he's trying to say that his religion is better than yours! :lol:

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