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clam linguine

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Canucks Third-Line

Canucks Third-Line (8/14)



  1. Oh sorry....I wasn't upset. I'm happy to eat my words on this. I forgot this about Forsberg (always mix him up with Sundin). Ok then Datsyuk and Forsberg. Maybe I should have stuck to the AHL.
  2. Oh yeah, lol, Datsyuk...good for breaking all the norms. I figured there'd be one....that's why I said two.
  3. I thought we were hoping for Sakic or Forsberg. You give me Schwartz. There probably are some, so just name two you want EP to aspire to be as good as. I haven't researched it, so shove it down my throat. If he's going to be great, he'll be on the team next year.
  4. Sweden this year ...Utica next year....close enough....two years anywhere after being drafted.
  5. I wonder if the scenario you describe has ever happened in history. Who are the best two drafted forwards that needed two years in the minors
  6. No sarcasm. Can you name a couple forwards who spent two years in the minors after their draft year and are as good as you hope EP turns out? Maybe there are some. Who do you suggest.
  7. If he's not on the team next year, he's not the player we're hoping for.
  8. Brooke Henderson returns a favour to Lydia Ko by winning Lydia's home tournament down in New Zealand. Brookes 5th career win and 2nd of the year. She's now in 4th place in the race to the CME Globe Championship. Yay!! Nice cape!
  9. Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry: ‘Anyone blaming Harvey on global warming doesn’t have a leg to stand on’ Read the Full Article Curry: 'Anyone blaming Harvey on global warming doesn’t have a leg to stand on.' 'The huge amounts of rain are associated with Harvey’s stalled movement.' Phil Klotzbach has prepared this list off Cat 4-5 U.S. landfalling hurricanes:
  10. Lol...yeah...no prob. I do remember a few of your posts on the subject regarding land melting and releasing methane. Interesting and concerning stuff. (unlike anthro CO2)
  11. Yeah....too bad that's not what I said...what a dreamer. Did Fat Al mention how CO2 is a trace element in the atmosphere? No, I don't believe he did. Here's how your Climate change guru in Skeptical Science advises to handle this arguement: CO2 makes up 390 ppm (0.039%)* of the atmosphere, how can such a small amount be important? Saying that CO2 is "only a trace gas" is like saying that arsenic is "only" a trace water contaminant. Small amounts of very active substances can cause large effects. Great answer, except CO2 isn't arsenic, it's a very weak greenhouse gas. Methane for instance is 30 times stronger. There's been times when CO2 levels were 10X higher than present and glaciation still occurred. Really, CO2 fanatics need to give it up. It wouldn't hurt you to read this either Mr @Nuxfanabroad.
  12. More like people bought a theory in a flawed documentary.... and have been trying to justify it and manipulate it ever since.
  13. Their funding is their career. No one doubts humans have had some effect on climate. The significance of CO2 is the issue. It's early. I hear Hawking believes in god. Interesting.
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