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Everything posted by CANUCK-EXPRESS

  1. Runblad clears waivers... Seriously!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Quantum


      Don't get mesmorized by the fact that he's a former 1st rounder. His NHL play is lackluster at best. Not worth a roster spot, even with how depleted the Canucks d-corps are. Not all first rounders become bonafide NHLers... just ask Kyle Beach that.


    3. Patrick Kane
    4. Dazzle


      People are so enamored by the fact that he was a former first round pick, but he hasn't lived up to it.

      He has good AHL numbers, but when it comes to the NHL, he's a soft, give-away prone defenseman.

      I still can't get over how people thought Weber is worse than him. No, Chicago would've loved to trade to get someone that they COULD use.

      Rundblad is a failed project of theirs - and they paid a 2nd rounder for it, more than a year ago, which isn't long.

  2. Would've been nice to have Virtanen in this LA game.
  3. Yes I believe so, man I was a big fan of Schroeder... Too bad his game didn't translate in the NHL.
  4. What do you mean sarcasm?? Lool most of your comment here is negative so we/I expect negative posts from you. It's hard for me to notice if it's sarcasm or not when there's a pattern on your comments. You a cool dude though
  5. It's a positive spirit... you wouldn't know
  6. Atleast Jakes' no Dal Colle... top 5 pick getting cut from TC twice... lmao. It could be worse.
  7. Keep hating, wouldn't expect anything else from you anyway Did you watch the game?
  8. Soo .... is Virtanen a bust cause he can't produce even at the WJC as a loaned player?
  9. This kids positioning irritates me a lot. He's always behind a teammate instead of looking to find an open spot. Get to an open space and Strome will find you.
  10. Virtanen hasn't been bad at all but he has been underwhelming because of the expectations and pressure as a returnee. I really like his discipline. He's not taking a run at guys, although one of his strong suit is his physicality and we've seen very little of it, I'm happy with it because if he nails a guy and gets a penalty he'll get bashed for it.
  11. So you're saying you have the same skills and knowledge for the game as every other GM since they're only human?
  12. Clearly they know more than Benning..
  13. Don't use that word on this thread, this is what you will get
  14. Ok that's the managements fault, don't get mad at Jake for it.
  15. Dude trips on his feet, fell so many times, had more turnover than Virts, doesn't shoot the puck when he's open and he got one assist and all of a sudden he's GOD. I dont get it lol. So many more players were terrible. The only player who was consistently good today was Strome.
  16. Atleast were positive about our prospects!
  17. I agree he played terrible today, I commented too but if he had a good game I don't see you posting three paragraphs worth of good things about him. The negative things you say, you've said it countless of times. How many times do you have to post the same thing to get your points across? "He lacks IQ", "he has no intensity", "can't cycle"(which I disagree with his cycling game is the most improved IMO).
  18. I don't even have to reply.. Other ppl did it for me. I'm a huge Virt supporter but if you think he had a good their period then your standards of a "good game" is crazy.
  19. What??? He had a terrible third period.
  20. Posted this on GDT. Virtanen good first couple of periods and then a horrendous third period. Good cycle game, good speed then takes the dumbest shots, handful of turnovers, and tried to do too much in the third.
  21. Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year to everyone!!

  22. It's the homer in me but I'm a dumb@$$ I forgot Crouse was a returnee as well.
  23. Not surprised that Virts didn't get a letter but surprised that Crouse got it instead of him... I dont know if that made sense lol
  24. Good post. I am a Virt supporter and I agree that he hasn't been playing well in the NHL and should probably be sent back to Jr but what I think or what anybody thinks don't matter since we're not the ones running the team. If JB and management think he should be in the NHL then so be it, we can't change their minds. They know what they're doing and I will support whatever the management thinks what's best for the team.
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