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Everything posted by CANUCK-EXPRESS

  1. Ehlers got a hat trick.. This should be good..
  2. I'm with you lol. Horvat is my favourite player.
  3. What a move! I literally had to replay at least five times, it was too fast.
  4. While y'all are arguing, how was his play today?? Missed the game
  5. Id say no because of what other teams would offer for Drouin. We'd have to add more.
  6. What a low IQ ehh??? Can't even figure skate
  7. Very true.. Well we can't do anything about it now.
  8. Dreger said 1st round pick (7th OA), 2nd rd pick and a top prospect. He could be right or wrong.
  9. Lol it doesn't hurt my feelings, as long as you give them credit when they deserve it, it's all good
  10. I'm going by Dregers comments or an article I've read a while back. It could be totally wrong but it's all in the past anyways
  11. I wanted to us to draft Nichuskin but wasn't mad we picked Horvat, I was more pissed that we only got 9th OA considering, as you said, Oilers offer was huge but on the other hand I get that we traded Schneids to NJ because EDM is a divisional rival.
  12. Why don't you go and post more negative comments on prospects threads
  13. Bringing this back. Watermelon got it right.
  14. so what happened to the Vrbata for Tinordi deal?? :lol:

    1. The Weasel

      The Weasel

      They got a better offer. 



      Damn that all star John Scott. His value sky-rocketed ehh.

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      other teams see our vets different than we do....vrbata could still be moved there but for a different package...who knows what benning is working on?

  15. Gaunce should be in the NHL over Cracknell imo.
  16. Wow so quiet... No comments for 22 hours omg
  17. Lool EDM fans suddenly love Kassian when majority of them hated the living Sh*t out of him, calling him names, wishing he was injured.. Hypocrites mangg

    1. Mike Vanderhoek

      Mike Vanderhoek

      much the same how any team fan base would react, no denying that.

      Now watch Lucic join Vancouver and see the love affair.

  18. At least you're actually giving credit +1
  19. Crickets on this thread all of a sudden again.. I wonder why..
  20. I've had enough of the Hockey IQ conversation as well. Everyone knows from juniors and when he got drafted that Jake's IQ is not great. Let's focus on what he can do and critique him there.
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