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Posts posted by wloutet

  1. When I was in third year at UVIC about 1968,  paying rugby, we had an Aussi named Peter playing for us. He got his "Bell rung" (which is what we called it in those days, because the word concussion had been invented yet) and came out of the game. In those days there were no substitutes, so you had to really feel awful if you pulled yourself from the game. The next game, he was back in, and started to feel bad, so walked over to the sidelines and collapsed. He died the next day.


    Concussions are not good things.

    • Upvote 2
  2. 23 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    Another simple way is for the BC government to stop funding kids that choose to  go to Private schools. 

    I think that the private schools, should be forced to have the same student-teacher ratio as public schools. If they let go of some of their staff to get this ratio, then they wouldn't have as big a payroll, then they might not need government handouts.

  3. Just watching Rand Paul's take on vaccinations. I was adopted, but when the polio vaccine was available, my biological grandfather would not let his children get vaccinated. One died at about 15, the other became a paraplegic living for the rest of her life in a wheel chair running everything through a puffer.

  4. About self-paced learning in schools. Picture this: Tuesday Sept 5, 1995, Grade 11's and 12's in for half a day for orientation. Wednesday Sept 6, 1995, Grade 9's and 10's in for half a day for orientation. Thursday Sept 7, 1995, all grades in, start with a 90 minute extended homeroom, then about 9:15 AM, the bell goes and 800 students are sent off to self-paced learning! It was horrendous, parents were up in arms, one even came in and pulled the fire alarm to get the kids to walk out, teachers were hounded at the first parent-teacher meeting. Chaos. It took about two years, of fiddling, but by then we had a pretty good system. Our school eventually grew to 1400 students all taking 8 courses a year, and every course was self-paced. There are ways to do it, little of this was online. I wrote a computer program where we tracked every student's progress and made it available to the parents on our website, DAILY.  When the paradigm shifts, everbody goes back to zero. This will be organized, eventually. I have great faith in the teachers in the trenches. The difficult part is to get the students to to take control over their own motivation. Not all can....   For what it's worth....

    • Cheers 1
  5. On 5/25/2020 at 9:18 AM, wloutet said:

    They were eventually found to have a parasite called "Leishmaniasis" that is ugly, very hard to get rid of, actually mates with other strains and thus mutates, and has been around since the dinosaurs!  It apparently is contacted through barn rats AND sand flies. Because of global warning these guys, barn rats and sand flies, are now into the southern states and growing in the Easterly and Northerly directions.

    This is from a post I made back in May on page 869. This Leishmaniasis parasite could also be the next new pandemic. It is a "flesh-eating" type of parasite.

  6. 21 hours ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    Miller        Pettersson   Toffoli

    Pearson   Horvat         Boeser

    Ferland    Gaudette    Virtanen

    Motte        Beagle       MacEwen

    Roussel    Sutter         Leivo

    What about Pearson??

  7. I see that one school district in BC, Abbotsford? I think, but could be wrong, is going to the quarter system of two classes at a time , one in the morning, other in the afternoon, for 10 weeks. Then you have 2 more for the next 10 weeks, etc. I have taught math under this system, with 30 to a class, and it has some good things and some bad things. Primarily, if you get behind, or are sick for a few days, it is very hard to catch up. The lessons go by like you're on an assembly line, and the time to really grasp a topic is hard. It will be interesting to see how it will work.

  8. 15 hours ago, coho8888 said:

    Fresh Sockeye salmon is available in the Stores right now. 

    One of the great movements in civilization was going from hunter gatherer to farming, domesticating grains and animals. In fishing, it seems to me that we still are in the hunter gatherer mentality. I am for changing all commercial fishing to farms, ON LAND, not in the water. The science is there to do it. Then the hunter gatherers could be the sports fishing. It would boom, and our tourism industry would increase.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, JoeyJoeJoeJr. Shabadoo said:

    I river fish because I can't afford a boat capable of getting me to suitable fishing grounds.

    Do fish suffer pain? Have you ever heard the scream of the carrot after it is ripped out of the ground? That beautiful smell of freshly mowed grass is the pheromone put out by the lawn to signal that it is under attack? I guess everything might be off limits.

    • Haha 1
  10. Periodically I turn on Fox News to see what they think about things. The Ingraham Angle was on, as she was ridiculing Dr. Fausci saying how he has been wrong on everything and their doctors really know what's going on. "Let my people be Free!". Their take on Black Lives Matter, and face masks and so on is so disturbing. Excuse me, I need a drink....

    • Cheers 2
  11. 11 hours ago, Duodenum said:

    What kind of collection of morons makes wearing a mask a political issue

    I have a friend, who says wearing a mask is a democratic thing to force you against your will...etc.. Whenever I try to convince him otherwise, he just throws back at me that he wants to see the peer reviews.  I'm busy, so I tell him that I follow the experts such as Dr. Bonnie Henry, who has done the work. He poo-poos her as being in the lap of the big pharma or something. Very frustrating, but there is no convincing. Oh, he also says that the Sandy Hook shooting was faked.

  12. Quote from above:

    "Vancouver Coastal Health is warning anyone who visited Brandi's Exotic Show Lounge on Hornby Street in downtown Vancouver on the evenings of June 21, 22, 23 and 24 that they may have been exposed to the coronavirus"


    Question: I was on the stage, do I still have to worry?

    • Haha 2
  13. I know this is off topic, but since we are on page 961, I had to tell you why 961 is one of my favourite numbers. It follows a pattern where the first and last digits are perfect squares (of 3 and 1), and the middle digit is equal to twice the product of the square roots, (2x3x1=6). Whenever that happens the original number, 961, is a perfect square and its square root is the 3 and the 1. So square root of 961 = 31. Other numbers having the same pattern are 121, 1681, 441, 144, 169, etc.

  14. Met a young man the other day (about 30), who insisted that wearing a mask is bad because it means you breath in your own breath and it doesn't get out. So if you had symptoms, I guess, that would make it worse for you, the mask wearer. So it is better to breathe mask free and let others breath in what you breathed out. Hmmm, funny logic.

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