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About -Stammer-

  • Birthday March 28

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    Hockey, Baseball, Nintendo

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Canucks Rookie

Canucks Rookie (6/14)



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  1. anyone else here dealt with debit fraud? I am nervous that I may not get my money back

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cramarossa


      No, but if you're looking to commiserate I found out today someone opened a fraudulent credit card in my name and applied for a series of others. This sucks!

    3. SabreFan1


      @CramarossaGet on top of that asap!  Make sure that you lock up your credit report with all of the major credit reporting companies.  I did that years ago when all of those banks were getting hacked.

    4. Cramarossa


      @SabreFan1 I did. I filed a police report, reported the fraud to the federal trade comission, and put a fraud alert on my account with the top three crediting bureaus. I changed my online banking info (thankfully my own accounts have been untouched) and will call the credit card companies today (couldn't get ahold of them last night).

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