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Everything posted by jstewboy

  1. That's just a regurgitated story that has been run a couple times in the last week.
  2. Did Kelowna ever come out to play in the 2nd.... Wow.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jstewboy


      I cheered when Cole scored against Kelowna. In a bar full of Kelowna fans, while I was cheering for Kelowna. I'm definitely torn.

    3. Squamfan
    4. jstewboy


      Gunna be a good final! I haven't been so excited for hockey since Game 2 of the 2011 SCF.

  3. Rockets with 3 goals in the first 4:06 of 2nd period.... BEASTING
  4. I think Desiboy is just playing us all. Possibly top 5 best troll ever.

  5. I really hope he proves to mgmt that he has the disciple to play in the NHL this summer. Benning will be keeping a close eye on his progress and I think if he gives it a honest, hard and intelligent effort with training this summer he will be up getting NHL experience next season. His size, speed and hitting ability makes him so interesting as a 4th liner. Add in his offence that will come and the probability of playing with another one of our dynamic prospects... Pretty exciting stuff.
  6. Yea he was passed on in the last draft, I was blown away that someone didn't at least use a 7th on him. He has played in a winning culture his whole junior career and has always been a exciting player. He may have been labelled unfairly as undersized before, whatever team that picks him will have a gem in a few years and he should make an immediate impact in the AHL.
  7. Happy Birthday to Nick Merkley, 2 goals so far for him tonight! Rockets are playing a solid game overall.
  8. As long as it's the model that won them the cup!!! Bring em out.
  9. Tyson Baillie. 6th or 7th round. He should go 3rd to 5th round this year.
  10. Yea that is pretty much how I feel about Kassian too. He shows flashes of a true PWF, but it is not nearly consistent enough. I highly doubt Jake ever being a healthy scratch when he is Kassians age in the NHL.
  11. You're talking about 2 inches and 6-10 lbs. Plus Virtanen is still growing... Have you ever seen Jake check someone when he has the puck? The kid is going to be a beast.
  12. I'd say Virtanen will be a much more intimidating player than Kassian. He has the size, grit and intensity of Kassian, all while skating twice as fast and shooting the puck much harder. The only thing Kassian has over Virtanen in intimidation is his ugly mug.
  13. Jealousy is beotch, ain't it?
  14. Yea they have been dominating this post season. I don't know what the deal is with that OMJHL situation either... I wonder if Warhippy could shed some light on that?
  15. Draisaitl and Chartier with back to back shorties on the same PK.
  16. Yes, Merkley looked amazing last night... Same with Rourke Chartier. Both those players are going to be special players in due time. Alex Edler played a season for the Rockets, but yes I agree. It is strange that such great players have come from the Rockets in the later rounds of the draft and the Nucks have just one defenceman drafted from there.... And that was 11 years ago. I am still blown away that we didn't take a flyer on Tyson Baillie last year in the 7th round. He isn't tiny by any means and man, does he ever compete. Also averaging right around a PPG in the last 3 seasons. But clearly JB saw a LW in the monster dman he drafted in that round lol.
  17. It's because people come to forums and use other peoples posts as true facts in their lives. It is far too much work to actually follow a player and see what he has actually been doing. #CDCFTW
  18. It's too bad Jensen is not Canadian..... He seems to be missing that competitive edge.
  19. This thread is turning into the Bo Horvat thread of a year ago. I think given the success they have had with Bo on the 4th line this year, they will be far more inclined to give Virtanen the same shot. Just like Horvat, he has more pros than cons that will translate nicely to the NHL and can work on polishing parts of his game that will be exposed playing against men instead of boys. Oh and also, Change is Coming.
  20. That hit is XXX hockey pr0n.
  21. Draisatl got sent back to the WHL... He is now playing with the Kelowna Rockets and lighting it up.
  22. Our boy Jake with the #1 play in the WHL last week! http://www.whl.ca/video/50486 (sorry, don't know how to post actual video)
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