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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. Guess you didn't read the full post. Thanks for the input sir...it was a hypothetical perfect world scenario. Assuming Ed waived and teams agreed to a inner division deal. I seen some people wanting Hall instead, why? Eberle is better all around and probably better sniper too. He's clutch, rarely seen at NHL level because they never play any meaningful games.
  2. First topic so....sorry. I know the Edler trade is highly unlikely and probably never gonna happen but with our current D core he appears to be the odd man out. To Van: Eberle To Edm: Edler and a 2nd. Maybe a lesser prospect if they'd prefer it. Van needs a young fast scoring winger. And we have a surplus of D-men. Ed is right in his prime and could help strengthen a disgusting defence Edmonton's pitiful D needs a veteran D man that is pretty good in all zones. He's played pretty bad this year but I feel it's due to Torts system clashing with his style. Feel free to criticize value but try refrain from "NTC end thread" comments. Think of it as perfect world Ed waives yadda yadda and both teams consider trading within division.
  3. Any idea why Santo doesn't go back to the 1st line? He played 5 minutes there and went 2 nd line. He looked real good that game too. Try something, Hansen is not 1st line material. Hell throw Higgins in there damn.
  4. 1-2 nucks. Yay Higs, someone told me he couldn't snipe. Looks like I was right.
  5. Acting with integrity helps, but some people feel the need to be butt hurt about a player who beat us 2 years ago and attack him in a bar. Everyone wonders why the league 'dislikes' us and we act like this. You don't need to like the guy. If he's crap how is acting like him suppose to change anything. The level of hypocrisy around here is amazing. Call him classless while acting classless? Seems legit.
  6. As much as I dislike Lucic people need to leave him alone outside of the arena. He isn't some public spectacle for people to engage every chance they get. Save it for the arena, he is a person and deserves to be treated with some respect. Our 'fans' continue to make us look bad every chance they get. Vancouver has a really s****y reputation and honestly it is well deserved with some of the crap that goes on here. After the 2011 riot our rep has deteriorated, I can say stuff like this makes me ashamed to be a Canucks fan and call Vancouver home. Take that however you want.
  7. Marchand keeps kissing his finger he's gonna make Julien jealous, probably why he was so made about it post game.
  8. We are missing a top 4 d-man our top line right winger and our 3rd line centre. Not exactly healthy and we played the night before. Who are they missing a couple 4th liners, gee they are messed up...
  9. As touching as that was, what's your point? They don't have respect for any other players in this league and we should forget that because they honored a veteran? Teams do that all the time.
  10. 2-1 Van. Maybe 3 if they actually manage to get booth the puck on the empty net. Lol.
  11. 3-2 probably OT/shootout. Can't really say who wins. Canucks have trouble with playoff teams, and this team plays solid D. Should be a good one.
  12. Isn't he playing 3rd/4th line there? And he did pretty well for himself on the defensively gritty Nashville team. Booth for Erat changes almost nothing for us cap wise and we get a player who at least can play some defence. I don't know if I personally would want Erat though. I am an avid trade booth for whatever guy, but Erat just plays the same role as most of our team and doesn't add anything. In my opinion.
  13. This is the way Van needs to play, hit everything that moves. That's how they drew penalties back when they ran the best PP in the league. Now learning how to score a man up would greatly help the cause .
  14. I like how everyone blames Luo for our swiss cheese defence. We got pylons for defenders and Kassian can't back check to save his life. Watch the game next time.
  15. We've tried the Sedins and they suck. Other then Kes I wouldn't say we have any "skilled guys".
  16. They don't stop it every time, and Thomas let in a similar goal to Hansen. He a bum too with his Vezina and Ring?
  17. Beauty one timer in the slot....yeah Luo's a bum.
  18. We have a championship from almost a century ago, at least we won one. Vancouver is so gewd.
  19. The perks to having a hall of fame team for years, our lone hall of famer played 6-7 season here on a pretty average team.... More of a what have you done lately thing, missing the playoffs for 7 years doesn't get you into the big boy tables like president trophies and division titles.
  20. Funny how a little realism makes you less of a fan around here. Easy hardcore people. I don't care if they lose but they better have more then one damn goal. Luo has given them every opportunity to win these last two or three games and offence has been ghostly. If they score 2 or more that's at least one point, come on.
  21. Number one reason no one likes the fruits. Really man, sexist. Anyone ever tell you your mom carried you for 9ish months before having hours of labour only to spit out a watermelon from a hole the size of your fist. Yeah, women are kind of tough. I don't see why our goalie needs to be a "tuff" guy fighting, considering he is too busy keeping us in games while Emery is busy sucking in Philly. Plum go home, you're drunk.
  22. Kesler edler and Hansen aren't rentals...Sedins are obviously worth more together but no team has the space to trade for both that are contenders.
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