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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. Torts, for the love of God, pull Lack. We don't need him to hate the organization too...
  2. I really feel for our goalies. Get put through the ringer fans are bipolar. Team in front of them suck, really truly suck. Our team started to suck when our 500k second liner went down. Gonna be a brutal year or two.
  3. Feel bad for Lack. Torts is butchering his confidence keeping him in. Come on Torts, I vouched for you...
  4. He better hope Pitt doesn't fold. How awkward would that be "oh, we just wanted Pittsburgh to overpay. We weren't serious..."
  5. He's one tall SoB. Him and Lack are really tall and have really good athleticism. I will really miss Luo but I guess we are good at yanking Florida's Goalies. Lets hope Markstrom is half the goalie for us Luongo was. Best of luck Luo, you were the goalie we needed but not the one we deserved.
  6. Glad he ended up where he wanted. Got another really good goalie prospect and another 3rd liner
  7. Normally I think Cherry is bat S*** crazy but I agree with this.
  8. Trade him for a bucket of pucks, he's a bust. Should've kept Hodgson, Ballard anyone, we need Raymond!!!!
  9. I wouldn't blame him for that Bieksa own goal but that Karlsson goal was weak.
  10. We are really good at scoring on ourselves this year. Feel bad for our goalies.
  11. Lovin' Lack. These jerseys look sexy too. And the akways coveted PP.
  12. I doubt Kesler goes anywhere. I hope he doesn't either. I'd rather Gillis shop the Sedins and even that kind of makes me suck thinking. Our D needs a retool with our young guns proving they deserve top 4 minutes. Move one or 2 for a top 6 forward. I truly believe we can make a LA kings run if we bring in a Top 6 forward.
  13. From "Goalie Graveyard" to "Goalie Controversies" everytime our back up suits up. Kesler sits out a game due to injury that could only mean one thing; he wants out. Come on people not everything has an underlying meaning...
  14. Nooooo. With Letangs health issues give em Ed for Sutter Pouliot and any pick higher then 4.
  15. Funny thing about those guys is they actually put up points when playing sketchy defence. Edler plays bad D and is invisible most nights offensively. He needs a change of scenery really badly. He's no plug but he's definitely under achieving. Nice comparisons by the way....
  16. Didn't Gillis recently say he was looking at options to help Kesler? Doubt he moves Kes and Ed is probably stuck here too.
  17. Rooting for Sami Salo, although Kes is like family so hoping he has a great showing and possibly wins that bronze. Honestly I just hope it's a great game all around.
  18. Edler, I obviously have huge bias against him but Gillis did try move him before his NTC kicked in. Although the safest bet is Tanev Can hold onto his "won't ask players to waive NTC's" ideal and make an unexpected move. But Torts has been talking him up a lot all season can't see Gillis making that move. Maybe Burr gets his walking papers. Or even Hansen but that seems like a pretty small move at best. No prospect moves in my opinion unless he is desperate for playoff hockey to hold onto his job. That includes Kassian in my books.
  19. He plays Right Wing? Yes please. Home town kids have paid off for us for the most part lately.
  20. We'd get less value from Garrison and Hamhuis and they are the least likely to waive their NTC's given they took a home town discount to be here, you know close to home.
  21. Is it possible for more people to want his head? Pretty sure the only people are on his side because they are delusional, still holding onto that 2011 run or are trolls. Consensus is Vancouver wants him gone.
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