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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. Me too, but De Niro makes Shredder seem like Kane or something. We've needed puck luck all year
  2. He has 2 fluke goals relax buddy. I am enjoying the puck luck tonight but he's hardly showing his "immense" skill shooting pucks off opponents and in.
  3. Shredder makin me eat my anti Shroeder words. Already has 2 more goals then Burr... Stir the pot? Hopefully he gets hot and gives us a much needed weapon.
  4. Schneider>Luo Fire Gillis, we need Hodgson, Booth shoots animals, Shroeder's too small, Raymond can't stay on his skates, we need Naslund. Nerd Rage!!!!!
  5. And if they are why would they bother waking up to celebrate, clearly they don't care to stay up and watch.
  6. And the PP makes it's first appearence, first real cringe worthy moment of the night coming.
  7. Goal!!!!!!! Now trade him while his value is at an all time high. Sarcasm calm your hormones.
  8. He also said he's a lock for 30 goals a season. A feat which he's only come close to hitting twice with a 28 and 29 goal seasons respectively. Love Ladd but would only consider Burr and maybe a pick or Sauve for for Ladd.
  9. I don't like the idea of moving our already shallow prospects pool or we'll end up like Calgary or Edmonton when "rebuild" time does (if it) rolls around. We have depth at D and I'd move one of them before I even consider touching the prospects.
  10. I'll be playin Pokeman minus listening to Van get crushed. Or play NHL which ever.
  11. This just in Canucks are looking to upgrade their roster. You heard it here first folks.
  12. Something tells me you are one of those people who think Edler is a top 2 PP QB...
  13. How often are people injured in super skills? What are you talking about?
  14. Lol, right over your head eh? It's a joke on his frail play not actual fear of him being injured.
  15. I hate Gillis as much as the next guy but I find it funny people want him to make a trade only to complain we got a poor return. I'd say wait until he's fired and let a real GM make a trade. We keep losing we might get a good pick this year..
  16. Booth scores 23 with 12 helpers. 3-2 Nucks Booth Kes D. Sedin Read Hartnell My predictions are never right but thought it'd be fun to take a guess. Daniel in OT.
  17. 3-2, hoping they don't overlook Flamers or it could go south.
  18. Burr hasn't been scoring all year and has injury woes. As far as I'm concerned Burr is an over payed Higgins with less sniper skills and more defensive skills.
  19. Same can be said of people who don't like other people banging on the glass. If the situation warrants it I don't care if people go bananas on the glass; After a goal, during a fight etc.
  20. I love Santo but Higs Kes Callahan is a wicked 2nd line. Hell I'd even throw Callahan on the first line to give the Sedins some much needed bite. Burr lost his bite trying too hard to be Sedin 2.0. Anyone who doesn't think Callahan is a top 6 forward is a troll or an idiot. Two way forwards put up 40-50 points and play really solid D. Sedins put up points, Callahan and Burr are there to make up for their lack of D and be modest offensive threat. I'd take Callahan for Burr and a pick to be honest. Burr could benefit being with AV again, although I'd reckon Callahan is not being shopped. He's from NY no?
  21. Yelling "shoot!" is the best part of going to a game, like yelling "hit em!". Especially if the Sedins are on the ice, no one wants to watch them pass for a minute then turn it over.
  22. I'd agree if they weren't in a desperate position of finding some D-men. They are a team who currently are on the verge of missing the playoffs for roughly the last 10 years. Is it 7 years right now? They need d-men and they need em now, Ed plays a solid two way game. Ed's got value despite how much people talk down of him. He just needs the right partner and the right system.
  23. Our D is solid and currently over priced given we are playing better team D without him. I feel this trade helps both teams greatly. They aren't contenders after this but it's a huge step in the right direction. They have high skilled players out the ears. From a cap perspective both players have very friendly contracts. I can see this trade being beneficial to both, although NTC does no one any favours.
  24. With their D any veteran D-man helps. Beggers can't be choosers. Yak wouldn't help us for a year or two.
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