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the last outlaw

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  1. There's only one word to describe people if Harper gets re-elected again with all the lies, corruption and scandals. STUPID. B.C. already did it. STUPID #Anyonebutyou #TheyAllFallDown #Iwelcomethiswar

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    2. the last outlaw

      the last outlaw

      Of course. The same mindset in B.C. that put Clark back in despite all the lies, corruption and scandals. Right-Wingers claim to be the best handlers of money when infact their the biggest frack up's.

    3. nuckin_futz


      Outlaw, you're freaking out all over the site tonight. Need a hug or something?

    4. c00kies


      To be fair, not everybody votes for the federal party they want, but for their own MP. There is more than one way to vote and you should respect that.

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