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Silky mitts

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Everything posted by Silky mitts

  1. Ummm let’s see one is in the latter half of his career with a single 55 point season under his belt . The other has two already would have hit 30 goals each year if not for unfortunate injuries and will get better . Also has a lot better hair . Plus boeser is a better passer which his ability is extremely underrated .
  2. Lmao what strain are you smoking ? Boeser is definitely a superior player .
  3. What the Canucks should do is keep Tofolli at a market value deal . Walk from tanev , sign Troy. Depending on Marky asking price would seriously consider letting him go too and let Ian Clark work his magic with Demko. This is the casualty of our terrible cap management .2/3 are most likely gone from tyler, Chris, jacob
  4. Love how everyone loves Brock and now the narrative is being turned into he is one dimensional, and overrated. Lol.
  5. Anyone who follows hockey would do this in a heart beat. He is untouchable for the jackets.
  6. Its completely a joke that we have 25.8 mill in cap to Sutter, Eriksson,Beagle, Roussel, Myers, Ferland. And we gave them NTCs. Jimbo's finest work!
  7. Yep absolutely. Can you imagine if Tyler go backs to LA. That would be .. something. I think/ hope they will keep him here. Vancouver is still a great city with a good team going forward. Losing him though would be another blemish of many from Jim.
  8. Just seems silly to me to keep toffoli over brock if that is what it comes down too. Toffoli has ONE year over 55 points. Brock already has two. Food for thought .
  9. People are flaming you here but this absolutely correct. We have cap issues with EP and Hughes still on ELC's.
  10. Some may not think stuff like this matters but trading away EP's best friend on the team would also be a terrible move. Keep your stars happy!
  11. Why do people keep saying this like they are a hot commodity? They are not very good players on pretty garbage contracts. If we have to add picks and prospects to get rid of these dumpster fire contracts is a terrible look,.
  12. Would you rather keep an aging toffoli over a young elite talent? Terrible asset management. Relying on Jake to be a consistent top six player at where he is right now is also not a good idea. Plus the issue at hand is that if they are looking to free up cap space, which we shouldn't even be in this predicament in the first place(Thanks jim) the fact that they are looking to move a player like Brock is a big big yikes.
  13. He is absolutely the $&!#s . It’s laughable that management is considering trading a cost controlled young asset who is better than toffoli .
  14. He is well liked in the dressing room. Quite popular.
  15. There is atleast 5-6 walking around my neighborhood
  16. For what’s it worth just last Saturday when I was in yaletown there was a hockey player hammered big time definitely not social distancing the player ? Barzal
  17. Not nearly as much stuff going up the nose though
  18. Nothing wrong with this at all. The club is under restrictions, this is the same as going to a cactus club. Dr.Bonnie Henry says it's ok its ok,
  19. Don't worry the usual canucks twitter female users will be rushing to her rescue and also all the simps on there. Anything you may say negatively will probably be spewed as a woman hater.
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