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Posts posted by Canuckfanforlife82

  1. 44 minutes ago, stawns said:

    So the op has a thread whining about management not addressing the D and now has one whining about them addressing the d?


    Am I getting that right?

    OMG. I think I explained my thinking but I guess you don't want to read the posts previous to this one. How is it smart to not build up our farm system? It's surprising that so many don't care.

  2. 2 minutes ago, stawns said:

    It does and the Miller and Boeser deals make it very difficult, which is exactly what many of us said would happen.


    Again, all the hand wringing by THG is based on them.being a bottom feeder.......they're not.  How soon we forget they were the 6th best team in the league from.Dec on last year.

    Can we stop holding onto last year. Demko was a big reason. Don't kid yourselves. Even the gm said he had to stand on his head every night for them to win. Some people just love to pretend they are way better than they are. Reality people. Our farm system is very weak. I guess that never matters in canuckland. So hard to figure out why they can't even make the playoffs. Lol.

  3. 2 minutes ago, NUCKER67 said:

    Players want to win, management wants to win, owners want to win


    What a bunch of dummies  :bigblush: jk


    Hronek is 25, not like they traded the farm for a 30-year old veteran making too much. Hughes is happy, takes some of the load off him. This is about next season. My guess is Reinbacher or Simashev will not turn out better than Hronek. 


    This is a young team, exciting times ahead

    Everyone I guess just ignores that our farm system is not strong. I guess it doesn't matter. Ask Tampa when they lose players to injury or to others teams in free agency if it matters. Everyone acts like we are so close to being a contender. Ownership only cares about making the playoffs for money. Playoffs is such a low bar.

  4. 44 minutes ago, Dr. Crossbar said:

    How about Filip Hronek?

    Okay. You do realize what they gave up and what our farm system looks like? We basically have an empty system with no impact players coming up. The longevity of this franchise is never considered. So we have nothing to replace players with. It's a bad way to run a team. Notice how everyone who is happy are all the new people brought in. They haven't experienced the last 8 years. They have no idea.

  5. The Canuck way to make a move to improve themselves to lower themselves in the draft position. They don't get how close they are to having a better chance to draft Bedard or anyone in the top 5. It's stupid, stupid,stupid. How do they think they are that much better and these moves are going to keep Pettersson or Hughes or that next year they still won't be a bad? I hear so many saying well they needed a right handed d but at that cost? There farm stinks. They again have put themselves back. dumb move after dumb move. One thing is that ownership keeps bringing in new gms with the same idea: Retool. Its all ownership wants. Lazy lazy people who own this team. Book it we will be having this conversation AGAIN next year. By the way where the heck are management. They make these moves then hide. Everything about this organization is ugly to me right now. Wreaks of greed right now. They are lazy and impatient. Where is Stan Smyl?

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Viper007 said:

    I thought you would be happy with this trade.  It improves our D after you keep complaining about not getting a D-man.

    Yes but this is a move you make when you have a system full of prospects or are close. We have the 6th worst record. We also have a system that is without prospects who can step in when injuries happen. We don't have that here. People can be so shortsighted. Isn't building our minor league the number one priority right now so when they are actually ready to contend we can have assets to trade or have assets that can come up and fill in for injuries. I finally thought that yes management was going to take the right steps but no they go for a quick fix by sending off more picks. That's what I am upset about. Make this trade but don't use quality picks. We have traded way too many picks for a team that is 6th worst in the standings. This trade only makes them a tiny bit better. They aren't close for a move like this.

  7. Just now, elvis15 said:

    I don't know. As much as he's a RHD who fits the age group, I expected we'd look to solidify the defensive side rather than try to add another offensive defenceman. More than that, I thought we'd use our surplus of wingers to do it.  Don't hate it, but was really looking forward to the extra picks in this draft, especially the two 1sts.

    The organization doesn't care what fans want. They just have to listen to ownership and ownership has always tried to cut corners and win now. Surprise, surprise it's never worked. 
    Aquilini: Let's try again!

  8. 16 minutes ago, combover said:

    So many people worried about two players.lololololololololololol


    but but ep and hughes lolololololol


    wouldnt be fair to the sedin… 


    huh sounds like a decade ago refool the refools. 



    Yes and when did a Stanley cup contender ever win with just two players? This team doesn't have enough prospects to fill holes when someone has an  injury. We get a significant injury who is going to come up and fill those holes? The great teams have those options. We just can't stand having multiple picks. We just have to get rid of them in a win now mode which has shown to be a complete failure. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, VegasCanuck said:

    You know...Canuck fans complain a LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Do Something....


    Don't do that.....do something else...


    Ohhhhh, I can't believe you did that.....


    Why the hell Didn't you do that, what the hell's wrong with you???


    Its like Superman, he runs around fixing the planet and never figures out that we actually seem to LIKE it Fricken f**ked UP!

    Ya. 8 years of trying to retool, not making the playoffs and it just not working does that. Oh and they are trying again. Hmmmm. They haven't won so what do you expect.

  10. 2 minutes ago, DSVII said:

    Well this feels like our 2015 retool moment. I'll see you all in 2028 team tank when this tops off at a 2nd round exit.




    Even if we wanted Hronek. This season is lost.  Why take the chance this tanks our draft position. Why not wait till the draft where Stevie Y is desperate to unload cap and we know exactly how much that isles 1st is.







    Yes and we will still have management trying to win when it's not ready to. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, awalk said:

    Definitely not rich enough to overpay for immediate help.


    But management thinks we are close to contention I guess and are selling ownership on a 2 year turnaround. I'm just gonna have to STFU because it is what it is even though I hate it.

    Management drinks the water in Vancouver and becomes stupid.

    • Like 2
  12. No. This move has ownership all over it. What is the definition of insanity ? Oh ya keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. Why in the world did they trade their picks in a year where there are so many goood players available? Blinders on. This feeling of desperately needing to make the playoffs. Short fixes. No patience. Our system was set up to get more prospects and yet again we are leaving the cupboard bare. One step forward, two steps back. It's stupidity and it just turns me off from wanting to watch an inept organization. Not one person steps up and says it's a dumb idea. I just can't. The ownership is just plain stupid.

    • Upvote 3
    • There it is 1
  13. Well, this does nothing to move us out of mediocrity and in fact keeps us there. Fans get what's wrong. Management doesn't have a clue. Let's keep retooling on the fly. It sure is working.


    Fans 8- Management -0


    fans 8 - years they have missed playoffs and what fans know needs to happen -  management nothing 0- they just don't and haven't gotten it. 
    Fans with the trading of Horvat and Schenn  to todays trade of picks. 

    wait what smile GIF by Bounce

    • RoughGame 2
  14. 1 minute ago, Jam126 said:

    Ok, go tell them that they should only play 10 minutes per game so we can have a slightly better chance at the top pick in the draft. Personally, I want that, but you're kidding yourself if you think the coach or the players will accept this. The roster is already garbage anyway, and Pettersson is on only around 22 minutes a game, what more do you want?

    I am saying it would have been nice to see more of the new guys. Why not? What is the worst that can happen?

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