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Raoul Duke

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Posts posted by Raoul Duke

  1. just got back from the weight in.. full crowd there.. can't wait to see how many cops gonna be down there at gm place tomorrow.. saw a couple of cops today already outside with shotgun and machine gun... :shock:

    Riiiight, cause so many VPD officers are equipped with machine guns. Sorry dude, I call bs.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Yeah, people on Craigslist are desperate to sell right now. There are lot of listings and a lot of tickets for minimum 1/4 off the retail price. Silly lambs who bought up all the tickets from TicketMaster, then overestimating the hype and demand for the event lol

    Agreed. That's why I sold mine for just over face value. I was charging far less than what these tards were trying to get after they went on sale. I guess you could say I gwas lucky too!

  3. Rashad fought an almost perfect fight. One little bump. So what if he wasn't moving forward the entire fight? What's he supposed to do, walk into Rampage's fists?? When he got the chances to take him down, he did. Not to mention he also landed more punches than Page.

    I know there's a lot of Rashad haters for whatever reason, but can't blame the guy for doing what he did. I actually enjoyed the main event AND the entire card. Well worth $60.

    And dude, John Hathaway looed great! And Jason Brilz won 29-28, again showing how terrible the judging system is.

  4. My god. Just finished watching that sad excuse of a show. A few points....

    - Wtf was up with Mousasi?? That was pathetic. Absolutely pathteic. Watch the fight and you'll know.

    - Worst commentating team in the history of sports.

    - The Diaz brothers are super tough and super cool. Especially Nate with the kicking of Miller while he was down.

    What a disgrace this show was.

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  5. Pretty stoked for Strikeforce tomorrow.

    It's always fun watching Hendo fight, and he should tool Shields. Melendez is always enteratining too.

    But..... the main reason for wacthing Strikeforce other than the anual Fedor fight is GAY-HARD!! Mousasi is a beast and should emolish King Mo. And he should aslo be in the UFC. With Fedor. We can dream.

  6. I agree with what ChelseaFC said. This is going to be a terrible card, and you are btter off paying for upper bowl seats to 114 or 116 rather than ones being sold for 115. Also, it's an awesome experience in Vegas.

    I got lucky and bought six, sold them all already for a profit, and my buddy bought four others for him and his wife and me and my wife. My profit paid for my tix. Dunno if I would've paid anything for this one, but that was my plan the second I heard UFC was coming here.

  7. Thanks to the Giants losing on Wednesday night I now have to work Saturday night. This means I either have to wake up early to watch the event live, or try and wait to download the show. It's a dilly of a pickle, that's for sure.

    Dammit. Now I want a pickle. Or dill pickle Old Dutch's.....

  8. That card is sh!t. I wouldn't even pay $10 to watch that. I'll be downloading it the day after for sure.

    It's not even close to what the final card will be. So far, the Chuck/Tito 3 and Griffin/Dunham bouts are the only ones that would actually be on the main card IMO. Still plenty of time to put together a great card! Patience my friend!!

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