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Raoul Duke

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Posts posted by Raoul Duke

  1. Velasquez not Vasquez will get his donkey handed to him by Carwin.

    I 100% disagree with ya on that one. As long as he can avoid Carwin's punches like he didn't with Kongo's.

    BTW anyone hear of wandy against bisping for ufc 105?

    Sure did. And smething tells me Bisping will win a decision over Wandy. I honestly think that Wandy has ZERO game plan going into fights anymore and just fights with his heart and for the fans..... not smart. But of course I hope Wandy "Hendo" punches him.

  2. Lightning still going behind the North Shore mountains. The view from my apartment was amazing tonight. I live on the 14th floor of a highrise near Hastings/Boundary and my view is pretty much southwest to north. Absolutely insane around 9:00 tonight.

  3. Cant wait for Hendo Vs Franklin II :D

    I am completely in the opposite on this one.

    Such a pointless match. It's already been done, and Henderson won. Controversial, maybe. I just feel that this a fight that doesn't need to happen again between two guys both going in opposite directions in terms of weight class. Why have them meet again?? It's not like this was a solid headliner anyways the first time around. I feel bad for the people who bought tickets to this show.


    When you steal these PPV events you steal from the fighters. You especially steal from the lower card fighters and the guys trying their bums off to make a name for themselves. The lower level fighters dont make enough money and you are stealing from them. As a true fan I will continue to pay for the events. Watching online is theft and I understand it is tempting and not all of you can afford the 50$ but you need to look at it from a fighters point of view to. The lower card guys get the shaft when you steal the events online. They need to make money to. TRUE FANS PAY TO WATCH.

    and hey Chelsea FC, bars pay the UFC money, next time think before you post chum.

    Please die.

  5. not sure if you like womans MMA but the week after that is Carano vs Cybog in Strikeforce

    Not a huge fan, especially since I don't like seeing Gina get hurt. Sexy b!tch that one. Overeem/Werdum and Diaz/Riggs should be okay though.

    And does anyone else think of this when they hear or read "Strikeforce"......


  6. I would pay to see Kimbo vs Brock and so would you true fans. You guys that steal PPV events make me sick.

    You're a friggin jaggoff if you want to see that one. Again, I don't take anything you write seriosuly since you're completely trolling this thread. And the bold typing is almost as annoying as your avatar.

    Oh, and this guy here paid $200 US for a seat to see the show live. I guess I am entitled to some freebees, no?

    Anyways, back on topic.... August 1, Affliction 3. August 8, UFC 101. I'm really liking those two weeks there!!

  7. GSP fpught to not lose, not to win. Alves is as dangerous as they come, and he fought a smart fight. I'm fine with it, as I'm sure we'll see him at his best finsihing people once he's recovered from the inury.

    And once again.... ANYONE interested in going to UFC 102 in Portland?

  8. Also factor in that the heavyweight division is weak.

    and to Johnny, did you signed up for UFC Newsletter or UFC Fight Club? I definitely want to get access to the presale code for upcoming UFC fights in Vegas.

    Yah, I did ten months ago. I really wanted to get those tix for 91. It's only $75 for one year. Very cool deal. I'm definitely renewing in September.

    On a side note.....

    So apparently my trip to Portland in at the end of August may be cancelled. Something has come up family-wise. And I have TWO TICKETS FOR UFC 102: COUTURE VS NOGUEIRA. Anyone interested in buying off me, PM me. Good price too.

  9. i'd give you the middle finger too for being a female dog

    Yeah... word, dawg. :rolleyes:

    Brock obviously was fired up after the win and the emotions got the better of him. It must suck getting booed no matter what you do in the octogan as well. But regardless of emotion, you CAN'T finger the crowd like that. He needs to lose the WWE heel mentality, or he'll be hated forever.

    And honestly, Cain is the only guy in the UFC that I think has a chance of beating Brock. Well, then there's Fedor....

  10. You went to mandalay bay to watch this fight? How much for the tix?

    Yah, I ended getting two tickets for $200/each face value during the Fight Club presale. This was the second lowest price range and we were the third row from the top in the corner!! Didn't matter though, the arena is a smaller venue (smaller than MGM at least). We had a killer view.

    Honestly though, the highlight of my TRIP was Hendo's KO of Bisping. WOW!!! Finally got to see the replay tonight when I got home! VICIOUS!!

  11. I do,

    Sanchez inflicted way more damage in Round 3 and almost turned Guida's ground attack into a Kimura. Even in Round 2 where Guida won the round because of takedowns, Sanchez landed more shots and did more damage, especially with those elbows from his back.

    Guida was able to take Sanchez down 3 times, but wasn't able to do enough on the ground. But that's all he could do since Sanchez's striking game was too quick for Guida.

    Exactly. That's why he won. Not because "Dana wanted him to win".

    Diego is a beast at 155. Love to see him beat the crap outta BJ. I say BJ because unfortunately, I think he's gonna beat KenFlo.

  12. So.....

    Managed to get UFC 102 tickets this morning. Only problem was, when I went back to get a few more (you were allowed up to eight apparently), it said my code was invalid or has already been used. So basically I had to buy all my tickets in one check out. LAME AS F***!! I was actually gonna buy some extras for people here that wanted to go.

    Regardless, I got the $50 seats (cheapest available), probably way high up. Anyone been in the Rose Graden or know what the seating's like there?

    101 isn't too shabby either. Penn vs Florian, Silva vs Griffin. Extra stoked about the next 2 ppv's

    Yesssir. The next three cards are some of the best in a long time!

    UFC 100 July 11 Vegas

    Lesnar vs Mir

    GSP vs Alves

    Hederson vs Bisping

    Fitch vs Thiago

    Akiyama (UFC debut) vs Belcher

    UFC 101 Aug 8 Philly

    Penn vs Florian

    A. Silva vs Griffin

    Sadollah vs Hendricks

    Grove vs Almeida

    Neer vs Pellegrino

    UFC 102 Aug 29 Portland

    Couture vs Nogueira

    Marquardt vs Maia

    Jardine vs T. Silva

    Leben vs Rosholt

    Vera vs Hamill

    Lovin it. Gonna be at two of em too!

  13. lol, fair enough:) I'll try and chat with my buddy tonight and let you know if I need tickets:) And btw..hella nice of you to offer.

    No worries. I figure this is a great way for some of the UFC fans on here to see a show live, one that is affordable too. Portland is an easy drive and the hotel options are great. Not to mention you won't need much money for gambling!

  14. What are they asking for tickets Johnny, is presale cheaper? I got a buddy who lives in Portland who is planning on going but I don't think he has access to presale.

    I don't actually know what the prices are yet. I'll probably know by tonight. Usually, they go anywhere from $75-$1,000. But a 5 1/2 hr drive to see Couture/Nogeira and Marquardt/Maia.... hell yah!!

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