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Raoul Duke

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Posts posted by Raoul Duke

  1. lol at this. :lol:

    If Mir defeats Carwin and Mir fights Lesnar..

    Lesnar's first five UFC Fights: Mir, Herring, Couture, Mir, Mir

    What makes me sick is that Mir doesn't deserve the shot if he beats Carwin IMO (still think Carwin will knock him out). How about a guy like Velasquez or Dos Santos. You know, guys that are on winning streaks more than ONE??? God damn I hate Mir.

    If it does happen, I hope Lesnar turns Mir's face into hamburger again.... on;y without the ref stoppage. Maybe ease up a bit and go a few more rounds.

  2. I think the fans were booing the fact that both fighters were acting like cocky d*cks instead of fighting.

    Ya, I could see that. The sad part is it doesn't even matter one lil bit who wins or who the number one contender is.... there is ZERO competition for BJ. None.

    It's similar to GSP and Anderson's weight classes, but waaaaaaay more far apart. The light heavyweight and heavyweight divisions are the only two with legit competition now.

  3. Great night of fights.....

    Amir is the man. Great leg kicks, not afraid to strike. Too bad he couldn't finish that one off.

    IMO, Lawlor won that fight. I guess that's why you never leave it in the hands of the judges. Non the less, great comeback by Simpson after getting tooled in round one.

    Solid comeback by Dunham too. Efrain shoulda tapped a lot earlier, that's gonna leave a mark!!

    Nice to see Gray win. What was up with that crowd booing the entire third round??? What the hell do some "fans" expect??? Thought it was a pretty good scrap. Also.... one of the judges scored it 29-28 Diaz??? I'll never get that one.

  4. I'm looking forward to Daley/Hazelett. It's a fight that probably won't pass the second round.


    Evans defeats Silva - KO Round 2

    Daley defeats Hazelett - TKO Round 1

    dos Santos defeats Yvel - KO Round 2

    Stout defeats Lauzon - Decision

    Miller defeats Ludwig - TKO Round 3


    Volkmann defeats Kampmann - Decision

    My picks...

    - Rashad by decision

    - changed my mind..... Daley will smash him

    - I think Dos Santos wins early first round

    - Stout somehow, dunno how yet.... decision?

    - Miller wins

    - Kampmann gets back on track and wins

  5. Yeah it should be a good finale

    UFC 106 also looks really good

    Deigo vs Bj Penn

    guida vs Florian

    keiko or w'e vs frank Mir


    I'm sure you meant to say 107 (next Saturday the 12th)....

    Anywho, don't forget we get to see Jon Fitch fight. One of the most entertaining guys in the game IMO. I'm a little disappointed that Belcher/Gouveia is on the undercard, but I'm sure Spike will air it.

    So far 108 and 109 look like garbage. Especially 109, where so far the main event could possibly be Couture/Coleman. Yawn City.

  6. Impressive, Schaub knocks out Big Marcus in just one round.

    Doctor Belly makes it to the final also.

    Schaub's my pick to win it. He actually has cardio..

    Wow. That was perhaps the most a$$-holic thing to do right there. Ya think that maybe a few of us are actually watching this show???? Maybe post a spoiler alert???

    Nice one, jaggoff.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Nothing was funnier than Tito trying to explain his latest "injury" to Joe, after Joe clearly put him on the spot by asking him! Then the crowd naturally booed him followed by....

    "I'd like to see you guys get in here!! I fought with a CRACKED SKULL!!"


  8. I can't stand arguing which organization is better than the other. I just enojy MMA in general. I don't need to go on four pages and pages of links of b.s., yadda yadda yadda.

    Let's try and get this topic back on track. Nobody wins this argument, people!

  9. After tonight, I'm a HUUUGE fan of Dan Hardy. Too bad his next fight is against god.... I mean Georges.

    Friggin Kang man. So disappointed. I hate Bisping so damn much too.

    Ross Pearson looks like he's actually gonna be a legit TUF star.

    Matt Brown may be one of the most entertaining fighters in all of the UFC.

    Also, weeeeeeird decision for Randy. Strange.

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