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Raoul Duke

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Posts posted by Raoul Duke

  1. I think its possible. He seems to be the better coach then Rampage, by far. Rampage seems like a guy who can motivate though. I think Kimbo was over-coached a little. Sure he needed to learn some grappling and clinching, but they should have told him to go all out with his strikes. He was overly cautious IMO. I mean it was Randy from the Trailer Park Boys he was fighting.

    If there is ever a rematch I say Kimbo knocks him out.

    I've said it before...

    Rampage's coaching technique = saying "Git up!..... Git git up!!!"

  2. Kimbo gets knocked out 1st round brutally. Confirmed.

    He fights in the TUF Finale like all the losers do and will most likely get his donkey wooped, again.

    The guy even said it himself, he's a fighter, not a mix martial artist. He does not belong anywhere near MMA.

    Stick to fighting fat chumps in back alleys with 80% body fat.

    I don't see a link, but if you're right, that was beyond retarded posting that without a spolier alert. Lame actually.

  3. Yep. 108 is shaping up to be epic. At first I didn't like the idea of Vitor getting the title shot so quickly, but realisticaly, Hendo and Nate HAVE to fight. Might as well have the #1 contendership the same night as the MW title. Nice move IMO by the UFC. Rashad vs Thiago could be sick too.

  4. There have been lots of Rampage sightings around Van.

    The big rumor is that Kimbo fights next episode and loses. I hope this rumor is just a rumor. I wanna see Kimbo last till the end.

    I hope so too. But really, for those who haven't heard about the rumour six billion times, ya might wanna add a spoiler alert next time you say something like that.

  5. Pretty darn good freebee.

    Quarry/Credeur is definitely a candidate for FOTY. What a comeback by Nate! Crazy fight!

    Imprssed with Jake Ellenberger until he gassed. Not impressed with Condit at all so far in the UFC.

    Bye Huerta! Decent fight, but like his KenFlo fight, he looked like he had ZERO gameplan. Maynard is a stud.

    I want someone to knockout Nate (or Nick) Diaz so bad. Not that I'm a Guillard fan or anything, I just get so sick of his Jughead frame always talkin trash and headlining Fight Nights.

  6. It was announced on MMA Junkie and was posted on the UFC Fight Club members page as well.

    Crazy! Thanks for the heads up. They never sent me a thing by email. Usually they warn you in advance.

    I'm thinking about passing on this one. Too much $$$ in Veags these last couple years. Gonna take the wife on a cruise in Feb instead.

  7. I got that UFC Fight Club membership. This will be my first time buying tickets, do you know what time Ticketmaster opens at this Thursday for UFC 106 tickets?

    106 tickets aren't on sale this Thursday. They haven't announced a presale day yet. They haven't even sold 105 tickets yet. I will be up early that morning for sure, even if I don't end up going I wanna buy tickets.

  8. New York bad donkey strikes again. For the guys who don't really have a background on him. Go to google and type in Phil Baroni infamous video. You'll love it. :)

    Oh I know Baroni! Watched him forever. He tried the WWE-heel-type approcach way back. He had some killer knockouts though..... the best being on David Menne at UFC 39.

  9. Just looking at UFC 107's card (not til December 12). Lookin pretty damn good.

    Lightweight Championship bout: B.J. Penn vs. Diego Sanchez

    Lightweight bout: Kenny Florian vs. Clay Guida

    Welterweight bout: Thiago Alves vs. Paulo Thiago

    Welterweight bout: Kevin Burns vs. TJ Grant

    Middleweight bout: Alan Belcher vs. Wilson Gouveia

    Heavyweight bout: Frank Mir vs. Cheick Kongo

    Heavyweight bout: Todd Duffee vs. TBA

    UFC 106 is looking pretty sick too. In Vegas November 21. Thinking of going....

    Heavyweight Championship bout: Brock Lesnar vs. Shane Carwin

    Light Heavyweight bout: Mark Coleman vs. Tito Ortiz

    Light Heavyweight bout: Antônio Rogério Nogueira vs. Luiz Arthur Cane

    Welterweight bout: Jon Fitch vs. Ricardo Almeida

    Welterweight bout: Karo Parisyan vs. Dustin Hazelett

    Welterweight bout: Amir Sadollah vs. Phil Baroni

    Welterweight bout: Marcus Davis vs. Ben Saunders

  10. Lesnar is for from a chump. He's the greatest mma fighter in history, which is why fedor fears him and is hanging out in lowly strikeforce.

    Are you capable of having a normal conversation like a big boy, or are you gonna spew this garbage all the time? Nobody here is gonna take you seriously, you sound like a douche, and you really have nothing to contribute to this thread so stop already.

    Lesnar is great in the minds of casual fans. That's pretty much it. He sells tickets because people want him to lose, not because he's the greatest MMA fighter of all-time (what a joke). Unfortunately the big giant bully will keep winning by lay and pray due to his size, UNTIL someone shows him what it feels like to get get hit hard in the face. Hopefully that's Shane Carwin on November 21.

  11. Well advertising for this PPV sure wasnt as strong

    If you're a true fan, it shouldn't have to be. Shouldn't you should know there's a PPV on?

    UFC 102 was lame. Can't even come close to UFC 100 and UFC 101. No brock or gsp makes for a boring ufc event.

    I understand that you're just a Lesnar-troll/RETARD, but to put things into prespective, 102 was much better and more entertaining than 100 was, and 101 was a yawnfest. And I was there LIVE at 100. IMO, 102 has been the best so far this year. I was entertained by all fights, including the prelim's, with the exception of Krzysztof's god awful performance.

    Leben vs Rosholt - Fantastic deisplay by Rosholt. Great choke for the win. Very entertaining fight.

    Marquardt vs Maia - Wish it went longer, but my boy won. And that KO was siiiiiiick!!

    Jardine vs Silva - Again, another amazing KO. Also wish it went longer, but what are ya gonna do?

    Randy vs Nog - Will be up there for FOTY. Randy at 46 is phenomenal. Too bad he got caught so many times though. That was NOT the same Nog who fight Mir. Not by a long shot.

    Even the prelim's were good..... a record time KO, some great heart by Ed Herman, Dunham/Aurellio was fun, and nice win I guess by big Gabe (aside from the ball kick and puke, but how funny was that??!!!).

  12. I'm over it. Time to start the Carwin/Lesnar hype I guess. Especially since it's gonna be in Vegas Nov 21.

    ANYBODY HERE wanna go? Honestly. If so, lemme know cause I can get presale tickets when they do eventually go onsale. Up to six. I tell yah, there's nothing like going down to Vegas for the weekend and seeing a live UFC event. I can even help ya find a cheap trip!

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