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Everything posted by Mikey2Dope

  1. Seriously, it must piss them off so much that no matter how hard they try to get the Cena/Orton feud over, the fans were STILL chanting for Daniel Bryan to end the show.
  2. http://www.pwinsider.com/article/81610/espn-working-on-30-for-30-segment-on-von-erichs.html?p=1 ESPN is working on a 30 for 30 piece on the Von Erich family. The plan is for the piece to air sometime in January 2014. Kevin Von Erich will be interviewed for the piece and they will be traveling to Hawaii to film him at his home. The 30 for 30's pieces are always phenomenal so I expect this to be pretty intense. The Von Erich family is one of the greatest tragedies in wrestling history.
  3. As much as I want Cena to turn heel as well, I just read a thing today that his character generates $100 million a year in revenue for the WWE. Yes, $100 million. It's very safe to say they will never turn him heel until they are forced to.
  4. Scott Keith hit the nail on the head in his Raw review: So my pre-show rant for the day: I feel like this company has fallen into living out The Bridge on the River Kwai with this Authority deal. They’re all about “telling stories”, but they have literally ONE (1) story they’re telling, which is “HHH and Stephanie are bad people and Vince returns to get revenge at Wrestlemania.” Except Vince was never betrayed or wronged by them on TV, he just kind of disappeared. And they don’t actually know what match is being built to. And they don’t know how they’re getting to that match. And they don’t know when Vince is coming back or why. But BY GOD, the storyline that people have craved for a year is F*****G VINCE MCMAHON V. COO HHH and if fans chant for Daniel Bryan it just means we’re in “bizarroworld” or it’s a smark-heavy city or the football game was big competition or it’s a holiday show and we just don’t understand how important it is to have 5 (five) authority figures running RAW every week to build to the incredibly important, once-in-a-lifetime HHH v. Vince showdown that we already saw twice in 1999. And now that we’ve burned through all the possible World title contenders (Ziggler, Bryan, Big Show, Kane, Del Rio, Punk, Ryback, Henry) and there’s literally nothing left to fill time until YOU WILL GET HHH V. VINCE AND F*****G LIKE IT, now we get a “title v. title” ladder match between Orton and Cena after four straight months of screwjob finishes in PPV main events, because there’s no one else left to main event. And even then they can’t call it a unification match, because they’re compelled to screwjob that up as well because it doesn’t matter until we get to HHH v. Vince, which you will F*****G LIKE OR F**K YOU, which is the most importantest thing in the history of sports entertainment. For some reason. But maybe that’s just me.
  5. 10 man Survivor Series match = Great Punk/Bryan vs Wyatts = Great A champion vs champion posedown to end the show getting booed = hilarious
  6. Seeing as I don't even watch TNA, I'm not sure what your absolutely irrelevant and WWE fanboyish sounding comment has to do with what I posted.
  7. Daniel Bryan Update As of now, there are no other plans in the near future for Bryan to get back into the title picture. A few sources in the company told Mike Johnson that they believed Bryan got elevated from this program. Credit Mike Johnson, PWInsider.com Original Plans for CM Punk & Daniel Bryan Originally, the plan was for HHH to order the Shield to take care of Punk and Bryan. However, those in the company felt that the Wyatt's were being misused and that working with Punk and Bryan will get them over, as opposed to the Kane and Miz. Credit Mike Johnson, PWInsider.com This company is so f***ing clueless.
  8. Meh I'm bored of Punk at the moment. He just comes out and cuts the same damn promo over and over, although he hasn't had much to do lately either. A feud with the Wyatts won't be helping at that either. I was the guy defending the Authority/Bryan angle but it's officially dead now. It's Punk all over again with Triple H stealing Bryan's heat this time and Big Show playing the role of Kevin Nash. It's just drifted off into nothingness,
  9. Only if it's heel Jericho. The crowd pandering face Jericho we most recently had to endure was embarrasing to watch. That "blah blah blah" promo that he cut on Heyman was just cringeworthy.
  10. In the year 2008, WWE's total revenue from corporate sponsorship was $7.4 million. Since then, the company has been focused on a more PG product and promised sponsors that the days of racy TV were over. This year, WWE's total revenue from corporate sponsorship is expected to be $20 million. Credit: The Wrestling Observer via wrestlezone.com Pretty insane numbers and a huge reality check for anyone that thinks the WWE PG era will be ending anytime soon.
  11. I was very upset that Backlund didn't snap, call all the voters "plebians" and then cross face Booker T after he lost.
  12. The funny thing is that Orton hated Burn My Light, so I doubt that we will ever hear that theme song again.
  13. Not at all. I just don't see how they expect that gimmick to get over with today's fans and I expect another El Matador/Tito Santana flop. Not to mention their costumes look like a pink version of Aldo Montoya, the "Portuguese Man O' War"! Personally, I liked Primo & Epico the way they were.
  14. It was just a terrible PPV all around. - A 20 minute promo to setup Axel vs Kingston!!! Seriously. - A DQ finish in a world title match - A terrible womans match (either kill the division and give AJ something useful to do or just strictly have the title defended on Raw) - A Miz vs Fandango match that no one wanted to see, eating up valuable PPV time. - Predictable outcomes in every match (the only thing that threw me off was Ricardo not turing on Del Rio). - Instructing the announcers to not acknowledge the fast count in the Bryan/Orton match (read that this morning), which makes no sense that JBL wouldn't be going off about that. Can you imagine the rant Jesse Ventura would have done if it happened during his announcing days? It's also pretty obvious that Triple H will strip Bryan of the title tonight which WILL give him some crazy heat. The Orton/Bryan match was good but nowhere near good enough to save the show. It was pretty much your regular Monday Night Raw show and I feel bad for the people that shelled out money to watch it.
  15. Jim Ross Retires From WWE A legend is done with the company... - Jim Ross has retired from his position with WWE. The legendary commentator announced the neew on WWE.com, noting that he was leaving in order to focus on "personal business endeavors" such as his JR's Barbecue company. The article thanks Ross for his service both to WWE and all of sports entertainment. Vince McMahon tweeted the following in response to the announcement: Thank you @JRsBBQ for 20 years of service with @WWE. Triple H also commented on Twitter, saying: Can't thank you enough @JRsBBQ for all you've done for me personally and for @WWE ... Enjoy your time, you've earned it!!! #thankyouJR The company has also reposted the video from Jim Ross Appreciation Night last October, which you can see here. Meanwhile, "Jim Ross" is trending worldwide on Twitter and the hastag #ThankYouJR is being used by fans to share their favorite Ross memories.
  16. "Face" version of The Miz is 1000 times worse than Alberto Del Rio, who isn't anywhere as bad as people in this thread make him out to be.
  17. That's so funny, I was watching this exact video a couple of days ago. The Mounties facial expressions and reactions were just gold.
  18. This. Lanny Poffo stated in a shoot interview that Savage refused an induction into the Hall of Fame and stated he would only do it if the entire Poffo family was inducted. He did also say that he never had the courage to ask Randy Savage face to face why there was such heat between him & Vince McMahon, so I think this will be one of those things where we will never know the true story.
  19. The Latest WWE Win Stats: Del Rio Wins His 100th Match North American Wrestling Rankings, which tracks wrestler PPV and TV win/loss records as of November 2006 (only TV and PPV singles matches since that date), reports that Alberto Del Rio's win against Christian on the August 23 episode of Smackdown was his 100th televised win overall. He's only the tenth wrestler to do this, behind CM Punk, John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus, Kane, Jeff Hardy, Kofi Kingston, Big Show, and Mark Henry. He also hit the 100th win faster than any other superstar since his first WWE TV match. It took him three years and three days. This beats Sheamus' record of three years, one month and three days. The Miz is next in line with 98 wins and Dolph Ziggler with 96 as of today's date.
  20. They almost ruined AJ's promo with their stupid BS and then dancing like fools after the promo. They are just so awful and I have no idea what Mick Foley is smoking trying to defend them. Although the comment about him becoming the new JR is pretty spot on as he seems to defend his friends no matter how bad they are. I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. Both Del Rio and Ricardo's acting doesn't seem like they're even trying to not make it obvious.
  21. The Bellas were just so god awful during that segment that I thought it had to be on purpose to go with AJ's promo, but I think that was just coincidence.
  22. Not to mention that Del Rio was legitimately pissed at him for stopping the match over a dislocated finger. There's also rumors that there is major heat on him for stopping the match and for getting injured so easily. They should just release him and have Hunico take over the gimmick. He was much better at it anyways and never got injured nor did he botch as much as Mistico.
  23. He put up one hell of a fight against The Shield before the numbers game caught up with him. Then he still got up from that to go into the ring even though he knew he was going to get destroyed. Triple H was just awesome as the condescending and patronizing heel. It made the new corporation look strong and made Bryan look like an even stronger sympathetic babyface, but also one who can be a badass and isn't afraid to stand up for himself. Everyone involved with that last segment came out looking good.
  24. While the match was flat out awful, the Ring of Fire match has never been good to begin with. The first Taker/Kane inferno match was boring and cheesy. It's just a terrible concept for a match.
  25. I'm somewhat stoked on where things can go from here. Bryan chasing the belt is much more interesting than him having the belt. I do also think the WWE realizes just how over he is and know that they shouldn't/can't screw this up. Having the underdog Bryan verses a McMahon/HHH/Orton corporation could produce off the chart heat if done properly (If that's the direction they choose to go in).
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