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Homo Sapiens' Sapience

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Posts posted by Homo Sapiens' Sapience

  1. Whats up sex

    Come on Tiburon

    Let's get it on

    Like Donkey Kong

    I will try

    To make you happy

    So you call me pappy

    I'll be your daddy

    Cuddly like a teddy

    This song is wrong

    On so many levels

    Just as many levels

    As there're pebbles

    This is meant to be enjoyed in with a tune like similar to Aqua.

    Yeah, I just downloaded all of Aqua. Try Roses are Red and substitute my short lyrics. Fits like a glove man, like a GLOVE!

  2. People are going to post lol to this and its not even remotely funny. And its just because its a girl.

    This is why girls suck (for the most part.)

    bang em then get rid of them. Thats what I say.

    Awe, did someone just go through puberty? Finally started to notice girls did we? Your parents must be so proud. After all, they never expected you to hit puberty once you hit 17 before it happened.

  3. I like kids and have always been around them (being the oldest and having lots of younger cousins). Just don't know about having my own. :lol: But my aunt told me she felt the same way until she turned 30.

    I'm not ruling anything out because you never know what life throws at ya.

    30 eh, I hear that's the biological clock kicks in :lol:

    Be careful, don't end up being one of those desperate women at the sperm bank :P I'm kidding of course.

  4. I've been told that I'll change my mind later on. But who knows.

    I didn't think you were.

    I'm sure you will. I remember I was seeing this girl about a year ago, and she had an 8 month old baby. It was the first time in my life I've ever been close to one, but it was the most amazing experience of my life. That's when it all changed for me, before that I couldn't stand the thought of babies, kids... none of that.

    Now my cousin in Russia, who was like a sister to me just had a baby on Christmas, and she's 22. Granted, it's more common for people to have kids at a younger age there. They generally mature faster than people do here, but still.

    Well, it's never too late, but it may be too early.

  5. I don't see myself getting married or having kids. Never been one to imagine my wedding day and all that. :lol:

    It's all these kids' fault: making us feel old. :P


    Well that's a shame. I'm sure it'll just take someone real special to change your mind.

    I just can't imagine living life without children. It feels... pointless. Although I don't care for the wedding day and all that much either.

    No, I'm not talking about myself this time

  6. No. Actually don't want to get married, have kids and all that.

    Yah... A lot of my friends are engaged/married. It's kinda weird because it seems like only yesterday when we graduated.

    I don't mean now, I'm talking in a few years. I don't know, for me I guess, I want to have a kid by 30... it would feel wrong to have it any later. Then again, being young and unattached has its benefits. Hell, a friend of mine had a kid at 17, never got his life together until recently.

    Damn all this talk of oldness, I don't know how I got into talking about family and sh!t. I'm 24, screw that.

  7. I'll close the door on the way out

    Leave you two alone

    The blue pills are in the top drawer Red, don't forget

    Haha, nice my friend. Don't worry, before you know it, you'll be our age telling youngsters about it.

    Darn kids <_<

  8. Yup.

    It's like time goes super fast once 20 hits. Next thing you know you'll have a self-imposed 7pm bedtime. :(

    You ever think about starting a family? I've been thinking about it for a while, I have so many friends engaged and married already, it's depressing. Granted, majority of my friends are older, but still.. it sucks.

  9. i am.

    any problems :huh:

    Just surprised is all. First I find out Tib's still a teen, now you... I'm feeling older and older.

    Watch Wetcoaster catch a whiff of this post and tell me how it was when he was my age, in 1893.

  10. To be young again. *sigh*


    OMG! Stop it! We are sounding too old now.

    Haha, you're what, 25 right?

    I know how you feel though, sometimes it's scary how fast years fly by after 20. :(

    And Tib, I was just bugging man, I know you're a guy.

  11. Why did you have to go and ruin it for him?

    Because he's a man now, he needs to know the truth. It's like telling him about Santa not being real, he can't forever live in ignorance. Think of his development, put your motherly instincts on hold for a moment.

    Sorry, just practicing my speech for when my kid's that old.

  12. haha

    yah... Just old enough to go to Vegas and party. :lol:

    Nah, I think 24-25 is the best. Young enough to party, old enough to know better. You can fit in with pretty much any age group, be the cool older friend, or the mature-for-his-age youngster in the group. It's the best man.

    Still, I wish I was turning 19 :(

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