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Everything posted by EX_Bert_Worshipper

  1. Is named after the most amazing, charismatic, fun-to-watch, rawest hockey player in the league.
  2. Sadly, I'm listening to "Camera Eye" by RUSH. Don't get me wrong. They are brilliant. However I HATE Rush with a passion. I only like one song by them (Subdivisions). But, my awesomely talented hubby is playing guitar on Rock Band 3, so hence I have to endure the grating sound of Ghetty (sp?) Lee's whine on my soul.
  3. is wishing the whole "draw you" concept faded away...........
  4. Just in case no one told you the spoiler -Here yah go (I assume you meant the one a few posts up from your post):

    Okay this may be a stupid question but does _____ and that guy become zombies now? like after they are bit, that's what happens right? i guess that's why they could be buried.. Wonder if they are strong enough to crawl out :o

  5. Won't someone please think of the mail man!!!! Speaking of the clearing of the walks...how does it work for people who are disabled or elderly? If they don't have family to help them, that must suck. So, people if you have a disabled or elderly neighbour...think of them and give them a hand, will yah? Won't someone please think of the disabled and elderly neighbours!
  6. Who's Username always reminds me of Wheezy from Toy Story.
  7. That's wicked! I'd ask if I could attach a wooden sled and go riding all over the neighbourhood!
  8. Whichever one had them making a contact where their eye could be scanned and hands to mimic a particular fingerprint.
  9. A couple of years ago, or was it last year?, our neighbourhood didn't get plowed, so all of us with cars were home-bound. It was right at Christmas, too, so my husband's Dad and my Dad had to pick us up with their 4x4 trucks, just to get us to their houses for dinner!
  10. I accidentally watched some of Charlie's Angels tonight on TV and actually found myself chuckling. I feel really embarrassed now.
  11. But, it's so cute...if you like really horrible, disgusting, scary things!
  12. Did she mention that she has a beard? If not, you might be in luck!
  13. We'll be cheering you on from the warmth of our houses.
  14. So what did you decide on? I'll bet it was the Twix.
  15. Dig your new avatar!

    Go Joker! LOL

  16. Has saved us all, lest we be lost at sea or on an island somewhere. When the hour seems bleak, fellow CDCers, remember this thread and Canuckletux's ... - - - ... and you will find hope! On behalf of all of us here, we thank you Canuckletux. We thank you. [play bombastic band music here]
  17. True that. *cough* 18 *cough* EDIT: My night is "on" again!!!
  18. I actually clicked 14 times. I was just hoping that I'd read a spoiler at some point. Now my night is ruined.
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