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Everything posted by EX_Bert_Worshipper

  1. The dishwasher....it's mid-cycle. Methinks I'll put my music on. It will be INXS or NIN or Enigma or Queensryche. Or all four on random.
  2. Calgary gets snow?!?!!? OMG OMG OMG!!!!
  3. Weather in Calgary There is actually snow!!!
  4. I'm with you on that...I love the ol' horror movies / slasher films waaaayyy better (just watched 300 and American Psycho lately and they are both awesome!!!) But, some chick flicks (a precious few) are pretty good. Personally I LOVE: How to Make an American Quilt Steel Magnolias --that's about it!!! But, I admit, I'd rather watch zombies.
  5. Sadly, I am listening to Rush (Red Barchetta) because my husband is playing it on Rock Band 2. I hate Rush. Don't get me wrong...they are brilliant and I love Subdivisions, but as a whole, they give me migraines.
  6. The lovely melodious antics of David Bowie in Labyrinth (my son and his friend LOVE this movie)!! And dang-it. If I had seen Labyrinth before I had gotten married, I so would have done up my hair like Jennifer Connelly (sp?) in this scene!!!!!
  7. Hey, dude! I changed because I don't worship Bertuzzi anymore! LOL

  8. It's summer. They're not supposed to be barefoot! LOL

    Don't work too hard now! :-)

  9. Geeeez, you seem so quiet lately. It's not the same board anymore. :-( Smarten up!

  10. Repo - The Genetic Opera soundtrack...specifically "Chase the Morning"
  11. Well...next time (if there IS a next snowfall - *shudder*), stay inside and do the rest of us a favour!!
  12. You just HAD to look, didn't you. Thanks... It had totally stopped and now it's dumping again.
  13. So are you like...banned banned? Do you ever get to come back?!?! Sux, dude!

  14. I'm so excited. I have really been missing the snow. It's been so long since the last snowfall. [ducks]
  15. Now that's not fair....quit taking all the rain!
  16. Man. Do I ever miss the lovely sight of snow falling. Know what I mean? Anyone? Anyone? *crickets*
  17. okay, I just got in from shoveling not just the snow, but the ICE that has plagued the sidewalk. But, even after all that (my back hurts), I still love this snow. It's sooooo pretty.
  18. THANKS for all your ideas. We're using lots of them for our party! You rock!

  19. Now THAT would be sweet! Don't worry, the snow might just fall off the roof and VOILA! You'll have your ramp!
  20. I built a snow ramp/slide off of my retaining wall for my kid today. I think my back is going to be sore for many weeks to come, but it was worth it (except it will probably rain on it tonight and wreck it!) Anyone else worried about their roof?? I hope that the rain doesn't make things too heavy!!
  21. I HATE YOU!!!! You got me. Someone actually got me.
  22. Well, where is the snow?!?! Anyone see flakes yet?
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