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Everything posted by VegasCanuck

  1. I see what you're suggesting! Maybe he can punch out Gillis and Torts at the same time!!! That's brilliant!!!
  2. Markstrom!!! I can imagine the discussion in the dressing room Torts: Do you want to start the third period Marks??? (Assuming the coaches pet name for him) Markstrom: (Looking a little like a deer in the headlights of a Mac truck doing 60 MHP) Ummmm, no...not really, no.... Torts: Well you're going in anyway! Markstrom: Can I please be excused for a minute to use the bathroom? I think I'm going to barf!
  3. So, who else will admit it? I'm going to watch the third period out of morbid curiosity!! Probably the rest of the season as well!
  4. On another note, I've heard they are looking at bringing in an Asian coach next year to try and infuse some Eastern philosophy. At the end of the season, we'll be introduced to Wynn Whan Ho!!!
  5. Only into our own net do we do that!!! Come on guys! You've forgotten proper procedure!!!
  6. WTF???? We Scored???? We don't do that!!!!
  7. That's GMMG's plan. Break the players with the NTC's and make them beg for a trade to ANYWHERE!
  8. So, back to that higher, shiny new draft pick we're gunning for. How are we going to spend that pick? We're looking good do drop to the 5th or 6th!!!
  9. Where the hell's Pat Quinn when we need him?
  10. Haven't you been listening to his interviews? He already has been lol.
  11. Based on how they are playing tonight, it looks like there is a serious effort to draft higher and higher. The problem is, this late in the season, there's only 2 or 3 teams that can catch in what essentially amounts to a Running Backwards Race. I think there's a chance they may be able to get as high as 5, but its not likely. I really can't believe we are having this discussion about this team!
  12. My bad, the Islanders don't have their first rounder this year. They traded it to Buffalo in the Vanek deal. Buffalo currently holding (based on current standings) 1st and 4th pick this year. Could we pry 4th in exchange for 8th (assuming that's where we finish) and an extra prospect or pick?
  13. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd love to see in a few years something that looks like: Shinkaruk Reinhart Kassian (assuming of course that Kassian continues to progress towards his full potential) -------- Horvat Jensen That as 5 of our top 6
  14. Okay, first of all if this already exists somewhere, my apologies. I kept getting a database error when I tried searching Forums for "Draft" If the season ended today, we're drafting top 10! I think we're currently sitting about 8th. Islanders currently are sitting about 4th overall pick. Question is, what do you think it would take to trade up a few positions and snag Sam Reinhart? If we're in retool (or rebuild, whatever you really want to call it) mode and the Sedins are our untouchables, we really have to consider that next year or the following, they really need to slide back on ice time to where they are playing 2nd line minutes. Anymore than this and I think we're already seeing what happens, they become ineffective likely due to exhaustion. We're going to need a strong center who grow quickly into first line minutes and start taking some pressure off them. I think Horvat is going to be really good for us down the road, but I see him sliding more into Kesler's roll as a strong second line, 2 way center who also handles checking duty on a lot of the oppositions top lines. So, looking a couple of years down the road and the idea that asking a team to slide back in the first round 3 - 5 positions isn't asking as much as asking them to slide back 10 - 15 positions, what do we offer / what does it take to grab a home town boy and future #1 center for this team?
  15. Most disinterested I can ever remember seeing a Canucks team. It almost looks like their game plan is to lose every game 1 - 0 and still reign in the Vezna trophy for best defense!
  16. So, not to be an ass or anything, but Who's our Number #1????
  17. Soooooo, ummmmmm......I was RIGHT then!!!!! Sorry to see him leave, Happy to see him go where he wants to be!
  18. I think I suggested this a couple of months ago. To Van: Crosby Malkin To Pittsburgh: The WHOLE Team Then call up Utica! Before someone flames me, yes, I do know there are some issues with that trade!
  19. Lu to NY for Nabokov & Grabner? Or am I just rubbing salt and lemon juice in something???
  20. The only "Bold" thing I've seen him do in his time here is the 10 million per season offer to Sundin when we had cap space. I can't think of anything really bold that he has done other than that (maybe trying to trading Hodgson for more size) since he has gotten here. My general opinion so far would be that he doesn't like to take risks unless its handing out money on a contract gamble! He doesn't have the trading capabilities of Nonis, Burke or Pat Quinn for that matter. I would give all three of those former GM's much better grades for trading ability!
  21. If he was injured during the Olympics, Smith would have been dressing as backup an Lu would have been watching from upstairs! Other than his pride, he's not hurt!
  22. Okay, so who still thinks I'm crazy? Besides my wife that is! ....I'm pretty sure my daughter thinks I am! .......There's a couple of people who work for me that I think are still on the fence....
  23. I find it funny how many people get bent out of shape when someone "speculates" on something lol. For the record, I'd hate to see Luongo leave the team, but "if" the opportunity came up to snag a solid backup and couple of other pieces (maybe a solid 3C which we're currently missing), it would meet the teams statement that they are trying to get younger. Its been widely reported around the league that the Canucks have told other teams that the only 2 players that they wouldn't look at moving both share the same last name. Its likely that there may still be some hurt feelings buried (This is professional hockey, it shouldn't happen, but doesn't mean its not there) on both sides about how the whole situation played out last year and at the draft and the long silence after the draft. If Luongo had played more than one game in Sochi, I'd a little more easily buy they "Jet Lag" theory 5 days after they got back from Russia. I've traveled extensively around the planet. It doesn't take you that long to get over Jet Lag, especially if you are experienced with dealing with it. As for the idea that Lack is getting a second straight start just because he ran a shutout the last game, I don't think he got that last time he ran a shutout, Luo was in the the next game. We're pushing for the playoffs. Luongo has played 1 game (Austria) in 2 weeks. Luongo's game doesn't get better when he doesn't play frequently, it gets worse! See October for proof of this. Its weird he doesn't play in one of the first 2 games back unless there's another issue!
  24. I have this itching idea at the back of my head that Luongo is in play right now for trade and they are doing everything they can to keep it quiet to avoid the same circus that happened last year. Again, I have not seen anything posted about him specifically, but it would make sense if they are talking to teams about him that they don't want it public in case the talks don't result in an actual trade. Why I think this? Luongo's contract isn't the same problem at this deadline that it was last year when every GM was looking at the Cap reducing for 2013/14 and trying to figure out how to get their team under it. He's been putting up really strong numbers this year and with Lack emerging as a solid NHL goalie, would they be once again trying to move him to another team as part of the overall rework? Could he still wind up in Florida? Just a thought!
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