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Everything posted by VegasCanuck

  1. Agree completely! No reason whatsoever to rush this kid! 9 Games with Vancouver, plus the time in Utica, will give him a really good taste of what to expect at the next level. That said, if he can consistently win draws in the bottom 6, I think the Canucks will do everything they can to make room for him and keep him up here. I get the feeling though, that the ability to send him to Utica for a couple of weeks, thus postponing his 9 games here, has worked out well for Vancouver. They may very well be able to stretch this out to where they could just loan him to the National team and then make a decision in January on keeping him in Vancouver vs sending him back to the OHL. January is usually when we get hammered with injuries, so that might really work out!
  2. Markstrom has generally been projected as a franchise goalie. For whatever reason, he's never been able to put it together at the NHL level. I don't know if Florida ever really spent enough time working with him, while he was playing in the AHL. Canucks currently have 2 goalie coaches (Cloutier and Rollie) alternating on spending time with him in Utica. If they can put his development back on track (its looking like they have), we might have a solid franchise goalie on our hands for the next 10 years. If that turns out to be the case, let's really hope that the fans don't run this one into the ground for ever single mistake or bad game he has. Every goalie in the Hall of Fame was blown out on occasion. Fans in Vancouver, unfortunately, often forget that!
  3. Yet! I think the wording you were looking for is, We're not going to trade Miller, Yet!
  4. I had to search to find his thread. He really deserves recognition for how he is playing right now. I'm glad we didn't lose him on waivers! If he keeps playing this way, he's going to force Benning to make a move. Either Markstrom or Lack.
  5. So, this guy has for his first 3 games in Utica this year, 0.33 GAA .988 Save Percentage and 2 shutouts! If he can ever put this together at the NHL level (and yes, that's possible, he's still relatively young) we could really have a good solid future starter! 29 Saves tonight for the shutout! Awesome!
  6. That was a good clean hit. Nothing dirty at all about it, good hockey play.
  7. Really like this kid as a prospect. Think he will have a really long, successful career with the Canucks, and hopefully, the fans accept him as the type of player that he is. He's never going to put up Bure type of numbers, but I think he's the type of player that you really need for a deep playoff run. The more I see of him, the more he reminds me of Linden. Really strong leadership skills, will do what is necessary to win.
  8. I have always thought that he'd make a good NHL'er, but that he would likely need a little time in the AHL to work on his speed. He's a pretty complete player, just needs that extra step out of the gate for NHL level. I think over the course of this season, he'll get about 10 or so games in Vancouver, depending on injuries.
  9. If he is as defensively sound as he was in camp and continues to be good on the draw, I think they will do whatever is necessary to keep him. In this sport, you can pretty much count on one good injury per month on average. Will always be roster openings.
  10. I think they could have pushed for him to be playing at the start of the season, but glad they didn't. No reason to rush him, just to keep the fans happy. We will be enjoying watching him for years to come!
  11. I don't really see us as having an actual 2nd line this year. I see it more as having 3, 3rd lines! Whoever is rolling best will get a little more ice time!
  12. He really bounced back up after the hit. Hoping that doesn't mean that he felt fine and then something in his back started to tighten up. Don't need another Hodgson issue.
  13. I thought he looks a little faster on take off. His cruising speed is pretty good, but he's never going to be a "wow" type of player. If he can be a good 3rd line center / winger and maybe a second power play (stand in front of the net and look big) type of player, will be pretty happy overall! He definitely has good hands, its all about how well he adapts to the next level. He seems to read the game well, if he can anticipate at the next level, that goes a long way. There are guys playing in the NHL and being effective who are slower than him!
  14. Has there been any updates on Virtanen shoulder? I know he was ahead of schedule. Wondering if we might see him in some non-contact practices at least. Answered my own question with this link if anyone is interested: http://www.fantasysp.com/player/nhl/Jake_Virtanen/3643667/jake-virtanen-shoulder-isnt-participating-in-contract-drills
  15. There are question marks around every pick in the first round including Reinhart and Bennet and Ekblad. Virtanen was one of the youngest guys in the first round I think. He will do great and should have a good chance of making the team after another year of junior!
  16. How badly does your "Welcome to the team" call have to go to be flipped that fast and for that little return?
  17. Really weird to acquire Gagner and then flip him 90 min later for a 6th!
  18. Other than Anaheim, the teams that would be considered contenders for next year are all really tight on cap space. I could see Iggy signing with someone on the understanding that he gets moved at the deadline to a contender if the team he's on doesn't look like they are able to compete!
  19. Really wouldn't mind him here, but can't see him leaving the east coast at this stage of his career.
  20. They need money. The few fans that own jerseys have to buy new ones now
  21. Why do I picture 2 guys sitting in the Jobbings arena watching this with crickets going in the background?
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